Monday (Session One)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: With a light KB + 10 Goblet Squats + 10 Lunges + 10 KB Swings
With empty bar:
8 Back Squat, 8 Deadlift, 8 Press
4 Muscle Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Snatch Balances
4 Squat Snatch
4 Slow Pull Snatch
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving Position x 5 reps
Build over the course of the three sets.
Followed by….
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance
x 2 reps
Build over the course of the three sets.
These are meant to be warmup / positional exercises, not meant to go “heavy” on them.
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Slow Pull Snatch
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 65% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Snatch
*Set 7-8 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Snatch
(Perform a regular snatch, but, the pull from the ground to mid thigh should be at half speed. Once you get just above the knee you can explode full speed)
Every 75 seconds, for 7:30 (6 sets):
Low Hang Power Clean + Power Jerk x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 = @ 70% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Sets 3-4 = @ 75% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Sets 5-6 = @ 80% of 1-RM Power Clean
Six sets of:
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 70-75%
Pull-Ups with a 1 second pause at top x 6 reps
Rest 90 seconds between sets
*Start your sets at 70% and work up to 75% across the sets if 70% feels easy.
Wednesday (Session Two)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds: 8 Jumping Air Squats + 8 Pushups + 8 Jumping Lunges
With empty bar:
5 Front Squat, 5 Deadlift, 5 Press In Split
5 Muscle Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Split Jerks
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every 2:30, for 10 minutes (4 sets):
3 Cleans + 1 Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
(Perform 3 cleans, dropping the bar each rep, and after the last clean perform a jerk)
Every 75 seconds, for 7:30 (6 sets)
Back Squat x 2 reps @ 85%
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Deadlift x 10 reps
Start at 70% of 1-RM Snatch & build as you go. Focus on maintaining perfect snatch positions throughout.
Three Sets of:
Front Rack Lunges x 6 reps each leg
Dips x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Aim for 2 heavy working sets.
Two sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 10 reps
V-Ups x 30 seconds
Rest as needed
(Goal weight should be 65-75% of 1-RM Clean)
Friday (Session Three)
Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
4 Rounds: 4 Burpees + 8 Air Squats + 4 Pushups + 8 Lunges
With empty bar:
5 Deadlift, 5 Press In Split, 3 Front Squats
5 Muscle Cleans, 3 Front Squat
5 Power Cleans, 3 Front Squats
3 Slow Pull Cleans, 3 Press In Split
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press In Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Press in Split Jerk Position
x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 3 sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Slow Pull Clean + Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 65% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Power Snatch with a 2 second pause at knee
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80% of 1-RM Power Snatch
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 5 reps @ 72-77%
Rest 60 seconds
Push Press x 5 reps @ 72-77%
Rest 60-90 seconds
Hey Jared, I’m in Facebook jail for posted and commenting too much ????♀️ It says until Dec 4th, so I’m not sure how to submit videos for review.
good to be back coach!
Welcome back!!