Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Assisted Lat Stretch x 60 seconds per side
200 Meter Run
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 60 seconds per side
200 Meter Run
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per leg
200 Meter Run
and finish with …
Kettlebell Complex (use a light to medium kettlebell)
10 Around the Worlds (5 each direction)
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Swing (right)
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Clean (right)
5 Single Arm Push Press (right)
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Swing (left)
5 Single Arm Kettlebell Hang Clean (l
5 Single Arm Push Press (left)
10 Goblet Hold Kettlebell Thrusters
Build to today’s 2-RM…
Pause Front Squat @ 33X1
Please adhere to the tempo – 3 second descent, and a 3 second pause in the bottom position.
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
2 Clean Lift-Offs + 1 Power Clean
For the clean lift-offs, lift the barbell to your mid-patella and pause for 2 seconds, then return the barbell to the ground. Build over the course of the 8 sets to something heavy for today.
Every 2:30 minutes, for 15 minutes (6 sets) for max load:
20/15 Calorie Echo Bike or Assault Bike
5 Hang Cleans
Start at 60% of your 1-RM Clean and build to a challenging set of 5 hang cleans. You may elect to power or squat the cleans.
Six rounds for time of:
60 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 80 Double-Unders
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Athlete Notes:
Depending on how you approached “Murph” yesterday, today may be one to approach “by feel.” If your legs are blasted, just push the front squat to the load at which you start to have any mechanical deviation, then shut it down. If your elbow flexors are shot, be careful with the hang cleans – particularly the descent into the next reps – or switch them to power cleans from the floor. Make smart adjustments to the program if your body is calling for. You should be able to hit the sprint conditioning hard. Double-unders and burpee box jump-overs are designed to spike your heart rate quickly, but your goal should be to move efficiently and steadily through the first few rounds and kick it in hard to maintain your paces through the final rounds.
B. 195
C. 135 to 185 hang squat cleans and echo bike
A. Built to 150
B. Built to 125
C. 85/95/100/105/110/115(all reps unbroken until last set of 115, 3/2
D. 17:13
Warm up Done
A: up to 245
B: 235 last round
C: only did 4 rds
D: only 3 rds
Feel my legs tired
Good thing it’s a rest day tomorrow! Fuel up!
Definitely feeling more sore than usual today.
A) 205
B) 175
And I’ll make up this fun conditioning tomorrow or Thursday. I’ll be traveling this weekend (I’m super anxious abt that too), so unsure what training will look like.
Hope you had a great day Tino! Thanks for everything
That “Murph”! ????????
A. 315
B. 290
C. 185/195/205/215/225/236
D. W. 80dus 14:04
A. Up to 325
B. Built to 255
C. Done w/ power cleans from blocks set at mid patella. Built to 225
D. 9:20 w/80 DUs
Felt foggy all day and calves cramped up during the wod. Really underestimated the toll of murph and the need for more fuel.
Make sure you’re feeling and recovering as hard as your training!
A. Pause FS @ 33X1: 205#x2
B. 2 Cl LOs + PC: 115, 125, 135, 145, 150, 155, 160#, 165(f)
C. 5 sets complete using 15 cal AB.
D. Skipped
Steadily getting my strength and endurance back. Thanks!
Back on it!
Warmup done
A: 185
B: 155
C: 125
D: 20 cal row for DU (20 min)
More tired from yesterday than I would have guessed. Very impressed by the efforts of others those hang cleans were rough, no desire to add from me.
Yesterday’s “Murph” was no joke! Definitely some extra rest and good food tonight!
A. Up to 130Kg
B. Up to 102Kg; missed at 105Kg
C. Rx with Echo and HPC for all
70Kg – 1:39
75Kg – 1:37
80Kg – 1:57
85Kg – 2:07
90Kg – 2:20
93Kg – 2:26
D. 10:56 Rx with 80 DU
You were moving on that part D! Solid days work!
Thanks Tino. The BBJO are quick these days. DU were killing me today, too many trips. Was trying to go too fast.
Warm up done
A. Up to 315
B. Up to 295
C. RX with 20 cal assault bike
215: 1:23
225: 1:31
235: 1:43
255: 2:04
D. 10:50 Rx with Zeus rope
That was rough today
I dont think zeus is ever easy haha
Facts and add Murph soreness on top of it ????♀️
Warm up done
A) 105kg, 110kg for a single
B) 110kg
C) 20 cal ass bike and 80kg all the way, 3 rounds squat clean, 3 rounds power
D) 10:05 with 80 du
Kept kinda the weights and intensity everywhere down (except in the last workout, but i was too tired already there haha), played it safe and sound
Well im not surprised you were tired today!
Haha, definitely felt that juicy workout from yesterday, especially the palms. It went well today, all things considered
A. 110kg
B. 105kg
C. 85kg, ripped my hands at 90kg
D. 12:49 min
Bummer about the hands! Hope they heal up quick
A. 300. Missed the second rep at 305.
B. Built to 255.
C. 185/195/205/215/225/235×2 reps Rx. The clock caught me on the last round.
D. 12:25 Rx (80 DU, all unbroken ????????)
Did you stop at two because of the clock?
Yeah, I ran out of time on the last round.
Yesterdays skill work & primer done.
Yesterdays A. Lowbar psquat 3rm up to 130kg
A. Up to 140kg
B. Up to 120kg
C. Scaled to 15cals aab, uo to 90kg.
D. Worked on du’s.
Kept the weights a bit lower today, happy overall ????????????
Sounds like a successful day!