Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch
x 30 seconds per leg
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per leg
Banded Hip Rotations x 30 seconds per leg
Warm-Up Flow
Four rounds at increasing intensity of:
20 Overhead Squats (20/15 kg)
8-10 Strict Supinated Grip Pull-Ups
5 Wall Walks
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 2 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 80%
Rest one minute, and then…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat
*Set 6 – 85% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 85-90% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 90+% x 1 rep
*Set 9 – 90+% x 1 rep
*Set 10 – 90+% x 1 rep
Every 90 seconds until you miss the same weight twice build to a 1-RM in the following complex:
Deadlift + Clean + Hang Clean
Start 100 lbs below your 1-RM Clean and build to todays heaviest complex
Males increase load by 10 lbs every set.
Females increase load by 5 lbs every set.
Three rounds for time of:
25 Toes-to-Bar
5 Ground to Overhead (225/155 lbs)
75-Foot Handstand Walk (or double obstacle – ramp and stairs)
Compare results to April 13, 2021.
Athlete Notes:
Today’s session has you working on toes-to-bar volume paired with heavier ground to overhead and followed by a higher skill movement. If you feel strong with your handstand walks then add in an obstacle course or ramp! Just make sure that you are testing the same version of the workout that you did on April 13, 2021.
Your forearm strength will be what most likely fatigues first, so you may want to think about breaking up the toes-to-bar earlier then normal. Stay as relaxed as you can with your grip on the ground to overhead, and try a fast double followed by quick singles if you’re up for it. Turn your hands out to the side for your handstand walks and try to stay relaxed as you walk. If you are doing wall climbs then work on efficiency of your descent (master the flop). If you start feeling forearm fatigue then quickly come down for a short break. Keep it loose today!
C. 17:03 with 165 and 75 plank shoulder taps
Hmm. There’s too much going on, Tino. I didn’t get to train yesterday but I made that up today! ???? I’ll make up today’s work tomorrow.
A) up to 105
B) up to 130
C) 240
D) done
Thanks Tino!! I hope you’re having a great week so far!
I hope you can find balance and things settle down! Don’t bite off more than you can chew! ????
Warm up 6:31
A. Up to 355. Missed 365 (100%)
B. 205-275. Missed 285
C. 10:47 Rx. 11:12 on April 13
Awesome days work!!
Activation and warmup done
A: got to 205 for part 1, didn’t get past 215 in part 2
B: 165, failed second clean at 175 (frowns)
C: 28 minutes at 150 and 10 wall walks
Bobby W is going to be my inspiration. 8 minutes!
Hahaha he’s quite an inspiring guy for sure!
Warm up done
A. Up to 325 for the last two sets (~97%)
B. Up to 255, failed 265 twice
C. 25:00; scaled to 205 after I started missing reps in the first round. This whole thing felt hard af.
It was a tough one today!
Did yesterday’s session today
A) snatch balance + 2 ohs combo up to 100kg, felt solid
B) pause sn + sn combo in emom style with 60kg, because i need definitely some extra technique training
C) 136kg for triple back sq (89%)
D) 5 rounds RX, but 20m hs walk instead of bar mu (the no chalk rule till tomorrow hahah)
Conditioning was really fun, quite a nice sweaty one
Did someone just mop so no chalk?
It’s reopening at our gym today, so have to keep it clean haha
A. 205-315#
B. 265#
C. Done nft since clock got reset
Hate when that happens!
Warmup done
A. Up to 140Kg(90%); felt heavy today
B. Up to 102Kg; just couldn’t keep the grip going from front rack to hang for HC.
C. 23:32
April – 20:25
This killed me today. 225 felt soooo heavy. HSW were a mixed bag. The only bright spot was T2B were all UB again; always happy to see T2B.
Everything felt heavy today. Nothing felt crisp or quick. Just a bit sluggish out of bed this morning. Definitely an old man day. On to tomorrow.
Still feeling the aftermath of being unwell? ????
No I’ve been healthy, definitely not sick. I think the body is just feeling the volume a little bit. I’m not too worried, just one of those days.
That was Bobby! Tomatoe tomato ????
Lol ????; thought so.
Warm up done
A. EMOM- 105/115/125/130/140, E2M-150/155/160/160/160
B. Built to 115
C. 16:30, used 85lb bar, split HS walls into 5ft sections????(still working on distance)
Progress is progress Amy!
WU. Done
A. 165/175/190/205/215 then 230/245/255/265/ Failed 275 (tried twice)
B. 150/160/170/180/190/200/210/ missed 220 twice on HC
C. 13:32 stopped after 2 rnds. Lower back is really tight from the HS walks. Used 190 for the Gr2OvH. Happy to get the 190 up so may times, felt really good.
Was your back not sore yesterday too?
No. I was good yesterday. I mentioned how last week on Fri/Sat my CNS felt broken down and I didn’t perform well at all.
Today my lower back got pretty tight between the Gr2OvH and the HS walks so I stopped after 2 ends before I ended up hurting myself. Guess I could’ve done some wallwalks on the last rnd ????????♂️
Warm up done
8:41 – 10 strict sup pull ups
A. Up to 380 felt pretty good honestly
B. Up to 295 didn’t attempt 305
C. 8:02 RX
T2b: ub/20-5/17-8
G2oh: singles
Hsw: ub 25 foot increments
Last time: 8:53
Overall good session considering I was sick all weekend and still am fighting it!
Glad to hear you are feeling better then!
Warm up – 15:16
A. 185, 205, 225, 235, 255
265, 285, failed 295.
B. 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, failed 235.
C. 27:30 did the first round at 225 (80% of clean max) after that I dropped down to 185.
Would the 295 be a PR?
I’m coming back from taking some time off. My old PR was 315.
A. 210/215/230/250/265/280/300/305/310/315
B. 210/220/230/240/250/260/270 missx2
C. 19:41Rx I didn’t hit this last time because I was destroyed from quarterfinals haha.
Glad you got to it today