Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Squat Rocks x 60 seconds
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 30 seconds
followed by …
CrossOver Symmetry Rows
CrossOver Symmetry Reverse Flys
CrossOver Symmetry Pull Downs
CrossOver Symmetry Victory
CrossOver Symmetry 90/90 Drill
and finish with …
Banded Sotts Press x 30 seconds (hold a band, pull the band tight and perform presses behind the neck)
“Rowed to 1-RM Back Squat”
Every 2:30, for 20 minutes (8 sets) for max load:
300/250 Meter Row
*Back Squat x 1 rep
*The goal is to find today’s 1-RM Back Squat. Start at approximately 80% of your 1-RM and add roughly 2-4% each set. Once you’ve found today’s 1-RM, this portion of the workout is done…do not continue to row and squat after you have failed to successfully complete your back squat. You have plenty of time to complete your row and your single back squat, and there is no benefit to being fast on the row…use that time as active recovery and to visualize and mentally prepare for your lift.
Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Sets 4-8 – 1 rep @ 90+%
Rest as needed
Hold receiving position in all sets for 1 full second to assess proper footwork and positioning – make adjustments and prioritize mechanics over load.
For time:
42/30 Calories of Assault Bike
42 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
18/15 Calories of Assault Bike
18 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Rest 5 minutes then. . .
For time:
1600 Meter Run (Assault Runner if possible)
25 Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
25 Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
Athlete Notes:
You are going to love your rest day tomorrow! If you have never done the “Rowed to 1-RM Back Squat,” you’re going to love it. CrossFit athletes defy all scientific conventions in workouts like this and we tend to see lots of unexpected PRs. Whether you PR or not, it’ll be good for you to feel heavy loading with an aerobic element to it.
For the jerks, focus on perfect mechanics during the build to 90%. Once you get to 90%, let your body just work the mechanics you primed it for…turn off your brain a little bit and allow your training to help you move the weight well without overthinking each piece of the puzzle.
Today’s conditioning session is a serious leg burner. The test is truly of whether you can handle some discomfort in your legs and keep moving anyway. Your goal on the Assault Bike is to maintain a high average speed. You can mix in some short sprints to get the calories moving and maintain some intensity, but after each little sprint, don’t get too complacent…you still have to move at a consistent pace throughout. Try to keep your wall ball shots either unbroken or in two sets. The second portion is going to require pure grit. These movements are easy to slow down on so staying checked in and keeping yourself moving is the challenge. Do not be afraid to go big and see how long you can hold on for. Training is a great time to learn your limits.
Mobility done
A. I started with 305 and up to 360
B. 95/115/135
C. 160/185/215/225/225/230/240
D. 11:01/16:34 with rower
Warm-up done
A. built from 305#, barely hit a very slow 335 so I called it there (PR 385)
B. did tall push jerks (I don’t split) at 95# to work speed under the bar
C. 3×175, 2×205, 2×225, 1×245, 1×255, 1×255, 1×255, 1×255
D. Did part 2 w/out the run, 10:00 time cap (time constraint) – got 29 snatches in the second set
A) Built from 305#, made 365# (PR 375), last set went for 377# and missed
C) Felt quite good on the jerk today, did all push jerks. Built up to 255#, which is a push jerk PR I think, and 10lb off my split jerk
D) short in time so only did second half
17+ min with row
Awesome days work even with limited time! Congrats on the PR!!!
Warm up Done
A: 4 sets up to 355 not my pr
B: Done empty barbell
C: 145, 175, 195, 225
D: 43:27
So tired at the end but i like it
Tough session! Be sure to dial in your recovery today!
Mobility done
A: got 215 not my strongest day
B: 65, 75, 85
C: after 125 could not do it leg IT band not having it
D: done, 2nd part took 20 min didn’t time 1st
Not my best day but box checked
Some rest and back at it
Sounds like a plan! Enjoy some rest tomorrow
A) Built up to 315. Still easing into squatting heavy.
B) 115/135/135
C) 195/215/235/255/265/275/275/275
D) 9:03/14:45
WB’s: UB/20-12/UB
DB snatch: 30-20/UB
Took 2 days off after the team quarterfinals weekend. Right hip still hurting when I squat heavy, but the rest days felt nice.
Warm up Done
A) Started at 275, worked up to 395. Didn’t want to go heavier. Hip is hurting.
C) 185 to 295, failed 305.
D) 9:47 RX – wall balls broke at 30 first set, broke at 18 2nd set, unbroken last set.
18:01 rx 2nd part – First mile run in about 8 months, that was pretty bad. About 8:30 mile. Broke once on each set of snatches.
Definitely smart to get some rest in after a weekend like that! Hope the hip feels 100% soon.
A. Built to 185. I love this workout!! I believe the last time I did this I hit 175, so this was a PR for this workout. All time squat is 192, so no overall PR but things felt good today!
B. 65/75/75
C. 85/100/110/115/115/120
D. 2nd half only(had to pick one based on time)- 18:23, goal was under 20.
Great workout today!!! Looking forward to rest day tomorrow!????
3 great days of training!! Awesome work Amy!!
A. Up to 172Kg(92.5%)
B and C. Skipped today. Shoulders need to rest after yesterday. Did some more Crossover Symmetry work instead.
D. Rx – 8:14/14:36
Was mentally flat today. Had to channel my inner David Goggins.
Mental victory if anything! Nice work!
For sure. Overall I felt good about my performance today. Body felt pretty good. I could’ve pushed a little harder on all parts though.
A) 152kg PR! (1kg PR)
Legs felt strong and i really wanted it, hopefully lower back won’t punish me for it
B) 60kg
C) up to 110kg, failed 115kg
Shoulders felt super tired, so i didn’t mind this one
D) 9kg wb
That 30 cal ab round was hell
4000m bike erg in the 2nd instead of running
Actually i was planning to do just the first 25-50 reps at the second part, but then finished it
Body is absolutely destroyed, great 3 days ????
Tired and still a PR! Pretty damn impressive you can PR after 3 hard days of training! Rest up and look after yourself!
Thanks! After all the injury and suffering, happy to finally hit a heavy number (for me).
Let’s hope i can keep it up ????
A. Worked up to #275 in workout, wanted to try one more afterwards and hit #285 (5lb PR!!)
B. Stayed @85 for these
C. worked up to #175
D. 11:16 RX for first part, 22:19 RX for second part (absolutely fried on that last part)
Great job on the PR!
Warm ups done
A. Changed this to limit squatting
Every 2:30 for 20 (8 Sets)
300 Meter Row
25 Foot Yoke Carry
B. Done
C. Stayed lighter and less sets up to 285
D. RX 8:32/14:50 – 28:22 total time with rest
Yoke carry sounds like a fun workout!
They were very fun! Gonna start implementing them some more
Warm up ✅
A. 335/355/370/385/395/405 (98%). Unracked 415 but didn’t attempt.
Short on time today.
Solid percentage to work up to!
Wu done
A. Rx 152,5/160/167,5/175/180/185/190kg(old pr), failed 192,5kg on set 8. Got out of the hole and above parallel but couldn’t push it.. Still pretty happy about this because I haven’t been able to train fully for that long(still not actually) and my legs were already a bit smoked from mon&tue. ????????????
B. 60kg
C. 80/92,5/105/117,5/117,5/120/120/120kg
D. Womens wb & with aab, 11.08.
then 11.55, did half of all reps (800m aar, 15 bjo, 25 db snatch, 15bjo, 25db snatch)
Rough Day. Part D was nightmare fuel ????????????
Good job today. If your legs were tired coming into today then im sure they are feeling it now.
Correct on that one ????????
A. 335 I missed 340 on the last set.
B. 95/115/135
C. 195/225/255/290 for all 5 sets.
D. 12:44 Rx in the first part. I had to leave for work so didn’t get to the last part. Curse that damn echo bike. Convinced our owner to get me a GHD haha next on the list is an assault bike ????????
You must be persuasive! That will be awesome to have the GHD in.