Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Monster Walks x 20 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Banded Squats x 10 reps
Finish with …
3 Minutes on the Assault Bike with nasal breathing only
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Snatch x 1.1 reps @ 80-90% of 1-RM Snatch
(pause 5-10 seconds between singles)
Four sets of:
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 32X1
Rest 60 seconds
Valslide Leg Curls x 8-10 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
“Heavy Regionals Workout 16.3”
For time:
104 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
52 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Athlete Notes:
We are back to snatching! Take 10-15 minutes to build up to the weight you’ll be using for the strength piece. The focus should be on consistency of the lifts. If you fail more than twice then take off some weight and focus on technique.
Who completed 16.3 at Regionals? This was a really fun workout and took a little strategy. The wall ball weight is heavier so athletes need to figure out their personal rep scheme. A good rule of thumb is to knock out a fairly big opening set (that number will be different based on each athlete). Take a composed breath when you drop the ball, then pick it right back up and knock out smaller sets. Keep the breaks to a minimum on the wall ball shots and focus on keeping your chest up and resting the arms between throws. View the chest-to-bar pull-ups as a new workout. Quickly chalk up (if needed) and then knock out your first set, staying a few reps away from a max effort. Stay on the bar if you are in rhythm, but if you get out of sync don’t panic, just drop down for a quick reset. Don’t be married to a specific rep scheme here as the chest-to-bars will best be accomplished going by feel. Top times in 2016 were sub 5 minutes; how close can you get to a sub 5 time?
A. Sets 1-3 @ 155, 4-7 @ 165, 8-10@175
B. 225, 255, 275, 295
C.12:44 RX (the CTB were dense for me)
A. 145
B. 225 and done with towel
Whats the weight for the back squats?
When there is no weight prescribed build based on feel and mechanics holding the tempo prescribed. I would recommend starting around 60% and going from there.
I totally forgot to post on Tuesday- and then I got sick on Wed. I tried to make up wed yesterday but my body wasn’t having it. I’m going to rest today and see what tomorrow brings ????
Hope you had a great week, Tino!
Open blues? Need to get you healthy to hit the quarters!!
Haha yes!!! Some awful combo of my stomach/reflux and allergies. Training is killing my stomach so getting that controlled. I’ll be good to go by then! ????
Mobility done
A: 115-120
B: 155-175
C: 12 min! Scaled to 14 and pull-ups. #2021Goals
On top of those goals! ????????
A) 205 for 5 sets, 215 for 3 and 225 for 2
B) 205, 225, 235, 245
C) 7:59 rx
Wall balls 35, 46, 60, 70, 84, 95, 104
C2B 14, 26, 36, 42, 47, 52
A. 195
B. 205 and 20 banded leg curls.
C. 10:13 Rx
Warm up: donde
A. 155 lb
B. 185 Back squat
C. 11:58 ball 20 lbs
A. 205×5/225×5
B. 225#
C. 10:18 rx
Warmup done
A. 70Kg for all
B. 130Kg and 10 reps for all
C. 6:15 Rx
WB – 44/30/15/15
C2B – 16/10/10/8/8
This felt great. WB were strong and HR/breathing were in control. Overall I could perhaps be more aggressive and do higher reps and fewer sets; was too comfortable.
Over that sugar comma! ????????
Lol ????
Warm up done.
A) Skipped – body is not ready
B) Up to 95lb
C) 12:41 with Kipping PU
Really happy that I am slowly coming back and in a healthy way ????!
Have a great day! ????
Excited to see you get back to your best and then surpass it!
Part C was about as awful as I remember from regionals that year but heavier this time. 8:57 ☹️
A little spicier than 20lb. wall ball and pull-ups 🙂
Nice work!
MOB & Bike ✅
A. SN 115/115/115/117.5/117.5/117.5/117.5/120/120/122.5# (Belted for the back 5 sets)
B. BS 135#; subbed medball hamstring curls (no sliders)
C. 9:28 (scaled to 14# WB) *shoulder endurance is the limiting factor here for me! Started with a larger set of WB than I thought was “smart” ???? C2B were feeling good tho!
Great to see your gymnastics coming along well!
Warm up done
A. 195×3/205×3/215×3/225×1
B. 244 across
C. RX 6:42… grips broke and cost me a lot of time getting new ones out etc. confident without that mishap would have been low to sub 6 .. but sub 5 ????
Wall balls did 67 then I don’t know finished at 4:02
C2b did 26 and ripped grips don’t remember sets after
Thats solid buddy! Definitely sub 6 if you didn’t have the equipment malfunction, sub 6 if you can hit those wall balls unbroken! 🙂
Thanks Tino! Lol went out with every intention of attempting to go unbroken and said nah… next time ????
Warm done with skierg
A done with 95#
B 145 bs / yoga ball hs. Curl x 10
C 20 lb ball and plate 16 on functional ( 70% be)
Happy Easter ????
Happy Easter Darren!!
Welp… Ontario goes into lockdown tomorrow. See ya in four weeks. Glad I have a barbell and weights at home.
A) All sets at 175 no misses
B) 245×2, 255, 265
C) Class Wod
13 min AMRAP:
12 pull ups
12 wall balls shots (30lbs)
400m run
5 rounds
D) Three rounds for quality:
15 cal ski
50’ handstand walk
Dang, so its for sure full 4 weeks?
Yeah, for sure four weeks. I really have nothing to train for after Quarterfinals so I may just focus on strength for a few months since I have the equipment at home to do it, and overall it’s my biggest weakness.
Sorry to hear that buddy! Let us know what we can do to help!
We are locked down in Regina. Pools are closed and gyms only one on one. Lucky I invested in gear. We are shuttered until April 12 for sure and maybe longer. Arggggg
Mobility warmup done
A. 150×3 / 155×2 / 160×3 / 165×2
C. 8:34 with 20mb and pullups
B. Worked up to 245 and seated cable leg curls didn’t have the slider things to use.
Good work today Chris!
Wu done
A. All sets @80kg
B. All sets @120kg +10reps
C. 20lb wb, strict pullups. 8.57. How the hell can anyone get sub 5min on this? I dare you Bobby! ????????????????
got to go real BIG!
Hello . % of tempo back squat??? Thanks
When there is no weight prescribed build based on feel and mechanics holding the tempo prescribed. I would recommend starting around 60% and going from there.