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Two of the 3 Golden Tickets remain! Buy now for your chance to win!
Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Lat Stretch
x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Monster Walks x 20 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Banded Squats x 10 reps
Finish with …
3 Minutes on the Assault Bike with nasal breathing only
“The Eagle”
Eight rounds for max load of:
8 Kettlebell Front Squats
20-Meter Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry
This is a test from the legendary Dan John, and is something that we will come back to. Your goal is to pick the heaviest kettlebells you think you can handle without putting down for the duration of the 8 rounds. You will perform 8 front squats, then immediately drop the kettlebells to your sides and walk 20 meters. You’ll repeat this 8 times – 64 total squats and 160-meters of farmer’s carry.
Three sets of:
Inverted Barbell Row x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Supinated-Grip Band Pull-Aparts x 15-20 reps @ 2020
Rest 30 seconds
Front-Foot Elevated Split Squats x 8-10 reps each leg @ 31X1
(place front foot on a platform approximately 2-4″ higher than back foot)
Rest 30 seconds after each leg
Four rounds for time of:
20 Barbell Biceps Curls (20/15 kg)
30 Jumping Barbell Squats (20/15 kg)
Athlete Notes:
Some of you may opt to repeat 21.3 & 21.4. If that is the case then please make that your focus for the day.
Otherwise, this week starts your transition week. The new cycle begins on April 5th so this week is an opportunity for you to assess your body, prioritize recovery and shore up any nagging injuries you may have accumulated over the Open. Please use this week as a reset for your mind and body.
Today starts off with The Eagle. This is a test from the legendary Dan John (if you don’t know who Dan John is then look him up)! Your goal is to pick the heaviest kettlebells you think you can handle without putting down for the duration of the 8 rounds. You will perform 8 front squats, then immediately drop the kettlebells to your sides and walk 20 meters. You’ll repeat this 8 times – 64 total squats and 160-meters of farmer’s carry.
Then you’ll back off and do some accessory work so focus on quality of movement throughout the circuits. Get that pump on with those biceps curls!
Warmup done
A. Broke twice with 53’s shoulders were feeling it. Probably should of went lighter since first time trying it.
B. Done
C. 8:00 mins
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. Only have 50lb KB ???? partitioned at 4 and 6
B. Done
C. 8:53
A) I stayed really light. My grip is still sortof shot. 25# DB here
B) done 50 # split squat
C) done. I didn’t time anything today ???? just moved
Thanks Tino!! Hope your day was awesome
Take the first half of the week easy then start ramping up again on Friday. Good time to have a little reset before quarter finals!
Warmup done
A. Attempted with 55#dbs. Dropped after round 6. Finished at 5:56
B. Done with 115# and lunges
C. 11:16
WU: ✔️
A: a little of 4 minutes. Only have one KB so I did it with 25# DB
B: ✔️
C: ✔️
Warm. Done
A monsters and assault. Done
B 25’s and. and. And. No mas burpees ????
C 3 sets. Invert Row 10 / red band pull apart/35 plate x 8 lunge per
D 45 empty bar. Back squat no jump but almost unbroken …. 7:23
Ready for the double bicep photo op ????????
Warmup done
A: eagle flew with blue KB is that 12 KG? Yes. And I thought very seriously about 8 KG…
B: done
C: no time had to judge 21.4
Haha! So you had fun??
A. 24kg KBs. 4:23. What anterior shoulder burn! Traps started burning rnd 7.
B. Done.
C. 9:19 Wow… sore!
Thanks guys!
Starting the week off right!
12:48 rx
231 lbs
It is what it is, won’t even start to say the problems and excuses.
Will definitely do the Eagle tomorrow, looks super fun.
Hey getting it done and getting better with each workout
Considering that couldn’t do an air squats a month ago, definitely not too shabby
A. 35’s can do more!
B. Incline bench 12@2111 40/50/60
Sup band pull apart
Fnt elevate Sqt 45/95/115
C. 6:40rx
Good stuff Dylan!
MOB & warm up ✅
A. 35# KBs (Got dicey in my front rack there at the end!)
B. Done
C. Done 11:50RX (those jump squats on sore quads! I know we’re working it out, but ouch! ????)
Loosened your legs off right?!
A. Done 16Kg KB; definitely can go up to 24Kg. Opted to go a bit lighter to give my body a bit of a break.
B. Done 24 Kg KB for split squats
C. 9:36
Our baby girl turns 1 today(30 March) ????????????. Hard to believe how fast the year has gone by. She brings us such happiness and joy.
WTF! Where has the last year went?!
Agreed, take it relatively easy for the first half of this week and give yourself a little reset.
The year with her. She’s grown so fast. Seems like just yesterday she was born. that said, there has been other stuff going on too but Ange and I are blessed to have our baby girl to focus on. ❤️????????
Warm up done
A. With 53# KBs
5:24 – didn’t try to rush the carries maybe could have done 70 but would have been rough upper back was on fire by the end of this
B. Done 53# for the split squats
C. Done ????????????????
Fun day! Take it relatively easy for the first half of this week and give yourself a little reset.
Fun day indeed, love days like this! I will thanks Tino!
Did 20.3/4 redo today instead
20.3: 11:40 (43 sec PR)
20.4: 225lbs (20lb PR)
Glad I made it worth it
and by 20 I mean 21 lol
Yeah dude!! Awesome work not those improvements!
A)20 kgs Dumbells. 6.01
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up Done
A. 5:43 – unbroken (12 kg KBs)
B. Done
C. Done
Good job today Cathrine!
Wu done
A. 14kg kb’s, 3.56, no drops. Got a nice burn but should’ve gone a bit heavier.
B. Done
C. Done
Now you know for next time and can continue to bump it up
Soooooooo… I read this as 200m farmers carry ????♂️
My forearms are not doing well
Oh wow! You must have been feeling it!
Used 35s.. Did two rounds that way.. had to set it down.. scaled to the 8 squats followed by 100m each round after, set it down another 3x in the 6final rounds.. took 22m.. looked at others’ times and wondered WTF did I do wrong til i re-read everything.
Needless to say, please don’t ever program 800+ meters of farmers carry. ????????♂️
A. 35# I wasn’t sure how this would go. Next time I’ll try 53#. I think I can manage it.
B. Done.
C. Done.
Getting it done!
B. 4:23 @16kgs (the heaviest I have at home)
C. Done
D. Done
Good work today