Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch
x 60 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
and finish with …
Three sets of:
200 Meter Run
Front Rack Kettlebell Squat + Single Arm Press x 5 reps (right arm)*
Front Rack Kettlebell Squat + Single Arm Press x 5 reps (left arm)
*Weight is athletes choice but keep it light. Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose. Please prioritize movement quality and focus on breathing.
Five sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Suggested loading:
Set 1 – 70%
Set 2 – 75%
Set 3-4 – 80%
Three sets of:
Upper Cut Drill x 10 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch + Overhead Squat
*Sets 1 – 55-65%
*Sets 2-3 – 65-75%
*Sets 4-5 – 75-85%
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Touch-n-Go Squat Snatch x 5 reps
Increase load each set, working to a heavy 5 rep touch and go snatches.
May receive in the power position and then ride down
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs Farmers Carry)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs Farmers Carry)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30-Foot Handstand Walk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 Walking Lunges (50/35 lbs Farmers Carry)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10-Foot Handstand Walk
If you don’t have handstand walks then please perform 1 Wall Climb or 15 Plank Shoulder Taps for every 10′ of Handstand Walking
Please substitute jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups, band assisted chest-to-bar pull-ups or chin-over the bar pull-ups if needed
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 Walking Lunges (35/20 lbs Farmers Carry)
10 Chin-Over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Handstand Push-Ups
If you don’t have handstand push-ups then please perform 10 hand release push-ups
Please substitute jumping pull-ups, band assisted pull-ups or 5 strict pull-ups if needed
Athlete Notes:
Here come the snatches again! This week you get to move a bit heavier loads since we are not prescribing a specific weight, but make sure you make the priority of moving the weight efficiently and safely. Touch and go means that the 5 reps need to be unbroken.
Today’s conditioning is going to challenge your flexibility and body control as much or more than your breathing. The best way to move through this workout is to be good at what you are good at. What does that mean? It means do not overpace your ‘strong’ movements to save energy for the movement you might struggle with. The goal is just to keep getting to the next station, so limit resting/over pacing when you are at the station that favors your strengths. For training purposes today, push yourself in a way that might be borderline reckless.
You might be surprised that the more fatigued you become, the more focus you have on your handstand walks/handstand push-ups. Make sure you are breathing during your handstand walks/handstand push-ups (the tendency for people is to hold their breath) so that you mitigate a spike in your heart rate. Work on turning your hands out in your handstand walks so you aren’t walking with the e-brake on.
Optional Additional Engine Accessory Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 28 minutes (7 Sets):
Station 1 – 45 Seconds Calorie Row
Station 2 – 45 Seconds Calorie Assault Bike
Station 3 – Max Rep Anchored Sit-Ups
Station 4 – Rest
A. 170, 185, 2×195
B1. Complete
B2. 80, 95, 100, 105
C. 75, 90, 100
D. 5+38 (although I used to be really good at Kipling HSPU, I haven’t been able to rebuild this skill since blowing out my elbow and the subsequent recovery. I did this WOD doing strict HSPU to a 3.5” riser and I’m trying to get to kipping by the open).
Engine: complete
A. 215 x3
B Done
C. 95, 115, 125 Playing it safe. Don’t like riding the barbell down with shoulder/bicep.
D. did 45-49: 5 rounds + 20 lunge + 10 C2B
A. FS X 3 = 255/275/295/295/295
SN+OHS= 115/125/135/145/155/165
C. 95 TNG :16, 115 TNG :20, 135 TNG :31
Good switch up!! Get some anti inflammatory salve on the wrists and knees tonight
A. 215/225/240/240/240
B. Upper cuts done
B1. 135/145/150/160/170
C. 135/145/155. 15sec, 17 sec, 17 sec
D. 4 rds did 45#, 10 C2B and 50′ HSW
A. 200/125/230/230
B. Upper cuts done
B1. 105/115/125/135/145
C. 75/95/115
D. 4 rds