Mobility & Activation
Banded Scarecrow
x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
Hamstring Pulse x 30-60 seconds per leg
Two sets of:
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side; 2:41 in video)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)
Rest as needed
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%
Rest as needed
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 Toes-to-Bar
30 Thrusters (65/45 lbs)
60 Double-Unders
Three rounds of:
24 Kettlebell Stiff-Legged Sumo Deadlifts
12 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (35-50/25-35lbs.)
(Renegade Rows = Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right)
Three sets of:
10 Side Plank Reach-Throughs each side
20 Superman Punches
30 second Hollow Hold
Rest 30 seconds
Athlete Notes:
Hopefully you are in the mood to make something burn today because this conditioning piece is going to be a little different. Rarely do we do perform thrusters with lighter weights like these, so get your mind ready for consistently large sets.
This workout does not require speedy transitions. As you move from station to station, stay calm and breathe. If you can continuously keep each station unbroken for the majority of the workout, you are going to be sitting pretty. Do not underestimate these reps or weights. It may be light but your shoulders will start to burn so mentally prepare to push through the feeling of wanting to drop the bar or rest on double unders in those later rounds. Start off at 80% RPE and make a note of how long round one takes you to complete. Use that as a gauge to be consistent each round by staying within 6-10 seconds. Your rate of perceived exertion will increase as the minutes tick up, but you should be able to maintain consistency fairly well if you start off at a calm, relaxed pace and build each round.
A. 205/245/285/335/375
B. 5+27 Rx
C. Complete (70s and 35s)
A. Up to 405
B. Tried so hard for ub thrusters (all but 1 round)
5rounds plus 12 ttb rx
C. Done
D. Done
Great push on those thrusters! Now to tighten up those transitions!
Warmup done
A. Deadlift 185/225/275/315/335
B. 15 min amrap
4 rds + 23 reps Rx
D. Done
Legs were burning after all the pistols and cleans this week but it was fun one today.
Legs have earned a good rest day!
Man, Tino! Finally feeling a bit more like myself today ???? power is still a little low feeling but I made up Monday.
A) up to 205 and then 3 here
B) 90/95/105/105/120/120/130/130
C) 120
D) 8 Rx
Tomorrow I’ll make up tues or wed worn. Glad I rested my body but I’m Excited to feel pretty good again!
Hope your day was awesome!
She’s alive!! What happened this time??
Nothing!! Just have felt run down and have that swollen lymph node so took it easy Monday and tues. my energy is back so all good!
completa el día tres????
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%. 145
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%. 170
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%. 200
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 80%. 225
*Set 5 – 2 reps @ 90%. 255
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:( 3 + 15 +5)
15 K2C
30 Thrusters (45lbs)
60 heavy rope singles
Three rounds of:
24 Kettlebell Stiff-Legged Sumo Deadlifts (53)
12 Dumbbell Renegade Rows (25’s)
A) Top set at 405
B) 5 rounds + 15 T2B
Kept a smooth pace throughout the 15 mins. Happy my quad was able to do all the thrusters. Would like to push the pace more as I gain more confidence w it.
C) Done
D) Done
Your legs still work!! ????????
Mobility and activation done
A: 205, 225, 255, 285, 315
B: 3 R had to go inside/outside a lot and many DU fails. Sigh. Just not on it today. Did a 4th round much smoother.
C: done
D: done
Day 3 of training is always tough! Rest up and get ready to hit Friday hard!
A) Up to 455
B) 4+32 rx – 17 thrusters in 5th round. all ttb and dubs unbroken, thrusters 1st round ub then 23/7, 20/10, and 15/10/5. Wanted to get 5 rounds but lost focus in round 3. Started too slow and got disappointed when I fell off pace. Should have pushed harder through that middle section.
C) Done
D) Done
Is there a different movement to do for the overhead medball throws? We don’t have room in our gym. I just did tall box jumps to open up the hips.
High Box jumps are a good sub or medball tosses against a wall
Stay checked in when that pain starts to come! Good job finishing strong!
A. 215/255/305/345/395
B. 4+1 Rx
C. Done 105# KB and 35# DBs
D. Done
A. 245-445#
B. 4+15
C. 3×10 supine grip bb rows 65#
A) dead’s up to 455. Feeling stronger on these
B) 5+16 (1 thruster) all ttb unbroken. Started breaking the thrusters after round 3. Couldn’t make the gym today so I hit all of this in the garage. Just wasn’t mentally in the pain cave.
C) done
D) no time
Good job still getting this in!
Walked through the garage this morning and glanced at my barbell…loaded to 75 not 65 ????????♂️ Oh well ????????♂️
Warm up done
A) 95 – 115 – 135 – 155 – 165lb
B) Scaled to half of the reps per round.
8 T2B
15 Thrusters (45)
30 DU
6 + 8 T2B + 15 Thrusters (with a face mask ????)
C) Done
D) Done
Going to do Friday’s session tomorrow after my night shift because I won’t be able to workout anymore until Monday.
Have a great day ????!
Be smart tomorrow and remember more isn’t better! Quality over quantity!!!
A: 170×8, 200×6, 235×4, 270×2, 300×2. All belt-less.
B: 3+49. Should have pushed harder for 4 rounds. TTB (UB), Thrusters first round unbroken. Second round 18/12, third round 15/7/6. Smooth DUbs with only one trip or so each round
C: ✔️ 40#
Stay checked in on those thrusters!!
Mobility & Activation Done
A. 47/ 56/ 65/ 74/ 84 kg
B. Rx, 4 rounds + 23 reps
TTB: 8/7 reps
Thrusters: 15/15 reps
DU: unbroken (a few trips)
C. Done
D. Done
Looks like you did a good job on hitting consistent reps!
MOB & Warm up ✅ A. DL 145-170-200-230-255# (used belt on last 2 sets) B. 5 RDs + 14 reps *Scaled rep scheme to 10 T2B, 20 Thrusters, 50 DU. Notes mentioned wanting to stay unbroken, so I scaled to a rep scheme I thought would be a push to do unbroken after the first few rounds. Stoked to hold 10 T2B unbroken! Rope broke on the last set of DU so I did the last five reps just double-tapping my thighs. Averaged about 2:30-2:45ish (forgot to check clock after 1st round). C. 44# KB, 25# DB *definitely can go… Read more »
Heck yeah to a good toes to bar day!
A. 110/130/150/170/185Kg
B. 6+3 T2B
T2B and thrusters all UB
DU had 1-4 trips each rnd; need to focus better on these.
C. Done
D. Done
Keeping double unders smooth and unbroken is huge for a workout like this.
Totally agree. Was a bit frustrated with myself on them today. They should’ve been UB. I see 7+ rnds as totally achievable. I really liked this one.
Gonna dead lift tomorrow
B. 5+15+13 thrusters
T2b unbroken
DU tripped once or twice
Thrusters 30/30/30/21-9/21-9
C. Done
D. Done
I like seeing the big sets of thrusters.
Thanks hunter my thrusters are just slow. As the workout went on they did get faster I just have to be better about that at the beginning
Warm up done
A) Up to 370
B) RX 4+10. This was really rough for me. Just beat up from this week, hip sore and ripped hand hurting on the toes to bar. Been running on Thursday’s but may take a full rest day tomorrow.
C) Done for quality not time
D) Done
Definitely make the most of tomorrow then! Hope you feel refreshed for Friday
B. Scaled to
11 T2B
22 thrusters @20 kg
44 DU
Struggling a bit with T2Bs as I feel I’m lacking shoulder mobility (I’ve been working on it. Since 1952) so I’m relying more on lat strength than kip. Managed 3R unbroken then split into 6+5 last 2Rs.
Then did things that are supposed to be performed on other days. And I don’t understand how it happened ???? will post when they’ll come up.
What do you mean? You did the other days program?
Get on that thoracic mobility!
Use the search engine in the blog. We have some great articles on exercises that will help!
Yes, I did the 6′ max effort box step over instead of the 3R of sumo and renegade ???? don’t know how it happened: I prepare the week on Sunday while watching the videos you post here, so I must have mixed the days up.
A. Top set of 425×2
B. 6+66 Rx. Unbroken T2B and thrusters
C. Done. Didn’t time. Took it steady
D. ✅
Enjoy a nice rest day tomorrow!
????????Looking forward to it