Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
and finish with …
Three sets of:
200 Meter Run
Front Rack Kettlebell Squat + Single Arm Press x 5 reps (right arm)*
Front Rack Kettlebell Squat + Single Arm Press x 5 reps (left arm)
*Weight is athletes choice but keep it light. Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose. Please prioritize movement quality and focus on breathing.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 80-85%
Against a 3:30 minute clock:
30/22 Calories of Assault Bike
5-7 Ring Muscle-Ups
Max Reps of Ground to Overhead in remaining time
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of FIVE sets.
*Set 1: 225/155 lbs
*Set 2: 185/125 lbs
*Set 3: 135/95 lbs
*Set 4: 115/75 lbs
*Set 5: 95/65 lbs
Three rounds of:
Dumbbell Death March x 20 steps @ 30X1
Renegade Rows x 10 reps*
*Renegade Row = Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right
Athlete Notes:
After these past few weeks you should be very familiar with how well you cycle these weights. Apply that knowledge to how you want to go after the new movements before the barbell. Much of this will come down to how hard you push on the bike. Of course you do not want to go too hard before lifting a heavy barbell, but overpacing can put you too far behind to have a chance to do enough reps.
Assault Bike: The goal is to perform this in 2 minutes or less. If you know that is not possible then scale down the calories. Many athletes will be looking at the 60-90 second range if you are trying to really test yourself.
Muscle-Ups: Choose a rep range that is challenging for you and once you choose, keep it the same for all five sets. Ideally you will have a barbell set up with each weight but if that is not possible then use the 90 seconds to change out your weights.
A. 135×6 145×6 no fails
B. Rx- hahaha 185/155/135/115/95 (still 30 cals and 5 RMUs)
C. Complete (50s and 25s)
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. @165
B. 2/ 4/ 5/ 8/ 11 RX, 5 RMU all rounds UB
C. Done
Nice work Eduardo!
A. 185×6, 195×3, 205×2, 215×1
B. 6/11/14/14/17 Rx
C. Done
Body pretty fatigued fr this week’s trainings ????
A. Built from 135# up to 175# (80%)
B. Sub to row, 5 RMU, RX loads
95/4, was failing my RMU here ????
C. Done
Take some extra rest or adjust accordingly tomorrow! ????????
Mobility and warmup done
A: 120
B: 4, 6, 6, 7, 4
C: done with 25s
Barely slept last night struggle was real today, but glad I got it in.
Sometimes it may be better to sleep than train 🙂
Look after yourself this weekend! ????
A)185×2, 195×4, 205×4, 215×2
B) 7, 6, 5, 6, 7 RX
Struggled through this, assault bike 1:20, 1:30, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50. Muscle ups, 5 each round, broke into 2 sets on rounds 3 and 5. Felt pretty out of shape doing this one.
C) Done
Just engine or accumulation of a tough week?
I’m sure its a combination of some sort. I was red on the whoop and definitely felt that way. Some red days I’m fine and train great, but today it was pretty accurate. May be from the week of training. But I felt my engine being pretty weak on Tuesday’s workout as well. So I’m not sure what that is. Me and Maddy have the little one, who is 2 years old now and her sleep schedule has never been great, so that doesn’t help. I think I got 5 hours last night. But those are all just excuses. I… Read more »
It’s been a tough week of training for sure. Just make sure you’re controlling the things you can control. Sleep, nutrition, sleep and recovery. Also listen to your body and make sure you’re adjusting accordingly. ????????
Maddy Curley. We went to Europe with you guys some years back. Stayed at Kristen’s cabin in Norway.
Good call, will focus on the things I can. Nutrition and sleep have definitely been off.
Ye! I just know a few Maddy’s and wasn’t sure who you were referring to! Tell her hey and I hope she’s well and enjoying that mom life!!
Will do!
She’s loving it. Got another one on the way in 16 weeks!
Doing what I can with the quad injury
A) All sets at 135 hang power snatch x 2
B) 7RMU Did 205 cleans for round 1: 17 reps
185 cleans: 15 reps
135 cleans: 17 reps
115 cleans: 21 reps
95 snatches: 24 reps
C) Done with 50’s
You did a lot! ????????
Nice work. You crushed it
A) 8 sets at 215, tried 225 for the last 4. Sloppy misses.
B) 7 ring mu for first 3 sets, dropped to 6 then 5 for last
225: 6
185: 10
135: 9 (struggle bus here)
115: 12
94: 14
Felt slow today.
C) done with 35s
Feeling Wednesdays work?
Some, yes. Also had some treatment on this sticky shoulder and it felt a bit off for the snatches. Just feelin a little off today in general
A. 72.5Kg across all
B. Rx with 5 MU and Echo
Total – 57 reps
225 – 3
185 – 6
135 – 12
115 – 16
95 – 20
Echo – 1:11/1:17/1:22/1:32/1:26
MU – 3.2 for all sets
C. Done w/ 22.5Kg DB
Solid work Wilson!
Thanks Hunter.
Mobility & Activation Done
Nose Breathing Done
A. 35 kg, 84%
B. Against a 3:30 minute clock:
22 Calories of Assault Bike
2 Ring Muscle-Ups
Max Reps of Ground to Overhead
Set 1: 41 kg, 75% – 5 reps
Set 2: 38 kg, 70% – 6 reps
Set 3: 35 kg, 65% – 9 reps
Set 4: 30 kg, 55% – 10 reps
Set 5: 25 kg, 50% – 12 reps
C. Done
Great adjustments on the muscle ups!
Warm up done
A. 185×2/195×2/205×4/215×2/225×2
Felt pretty good here today
B. RX with 7 MU
225: 7
185: 10
135: 11
115: 13
95: 15
56 total
Muscle ups felt much better today than they have in past couple weeks
Assault bike around 1:20-1:30
C. Done 50#
Solid days work! Refreshed and recovered after your rest day
Thanks Tino! Shoulders and elbows definitely felt pretty good today overall. Makes a big difference
Warm up done
A) Done at 175 (81%). Failed the snatch in set 3 so just did one snatch every minute after that. Weight felt heavy, hamstrings and low back still a bit sore from that open workout Wednesday.
B) 5 RMUs per round
4 @ 205
4 @ 185
7 @ 135
7 @ 115
9 @ 95
C) Done with 35s/50s
Good work listening to your body and changing things up to make it successful on snatches
Did yesterday:
10 km easy(ish) runnning, first one in this year (4:36 pace)
Then a quick wod
In 20 Min., Max Box step ups with 2x10kg db in farmer carry
Every 4 Min., inc.: 0:00
20 cal bike erg, 10 shspu
No training today, prob. won´t be around till monday.
Have a great one guys!
Nice work! Legs will feel that today! Looks like a solid session!
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Weather is really nice, enjoyed doing outdoor training. Knee is a little rusty now, so won´t mind 1-2 days off, then we´ll see, maybe i can sneak in some activity tomorrow.
Thanks, same for you as well!
Get outdoors and enjoy some vitamin D!