Primary Session
Mobility & Activation
Mind Muscle Hip Internal Rotation for Squatting
(Nasal Breathing Only)
30 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
10-15 Ring Rows
20 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
Static Hang from Bar x 30-60 seconds
10 Seconds Assault Bike
Deep Squat Progressions x 3 reps
Strict Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets) for times:
200 Meter Sprint (Assault Runner if possible)
20 Single Dumbbell Thrusters (35-50/25-35 lbs; 10 each arm)
10 Lateral Burpee Over the Dumbbell
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 6 reps @ 65%
*Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90%
*Set 5 – 3-5 reps @ 85%
Three rounds for time of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
10 Muscle-Ups
Rest until the running clock reaches 15:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run or 20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
40 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Athlete Notes:
Two classic CrossFit style triplets are on the menu today. The first is a triplet with a heavy dose of gymnastics, and the second is a simple grinder that will challenge your ability to mentally grind through reps!
Triplet #1: Athletes will need to be smart with how they approach their strict handstand push-ups and ring muscle-ups because both movements, if done to failure, can have a disastrous effect on the workout. Avoid grinding out reps for either of these movements, in fact, be on the more conservative side in your first set, especially if one or both of these movements are not strengths. Unless these movements are all in your wheel house, use the transition between stations to have a quick shake out of the arms and 1-2 calming breaths before starting the movement. We’d rather see you take an extra 5 seconds of rest before kicking up or jumping to the rings if you are worried about failing the rep. Please scale the reps if you are going to take longer than 13 minutes to complete the three rounds.
Triplet #2: Now this is where you can push without fear of failure. This is a low skill couplet so you need to dig deep and be okay with making this uncomfortable. Keep your breaks minimal and short on the wall ball. Be aggressive to pick the wall ball back up if you need to break and immediately go right into your run or onto the assault bike. Athletes who can mentally grind and push for 1 more rep will be rewarded in this workout.
Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 10-12 Dumbbell Bench Press
Minute 2 – 15 Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions @ 1010
Minute 3 – 20 Stiff-Legged Kettlebell Deadlifts @ 20X0
Minute 4 – 75-Foot Farmer’s Carry with Heavy Kettlebells
A. Done with 200m row / 35# / 10 lat burpees over db
B. 225 265 300 315 300 for 3
C1. 18:45 with 40# db strict press
C2. 14:32 with 25 cal row and 30# wb
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. Done
B. 245/275/305/315/4@305
C1. 13:02 (did 14 cals on the Airbike)
C2. 12:33
D. Done
A. 1:57/1:48/1:48/1:52/1:50
B. 275×6, 315×4, 350×2, 375×2, 350×5
C1. 7:04. Rest until 12:00 then,
C2. 7:08
D. ✅
Atta boy! Way to round out a solid week!
Mobility done A. With c2 bike… 1:31 – 1:28 – 1:25 – 1:24 – 1:26 B. 150-175-195-210-195×5 C. Missing this today D. Done with 30lbs & 20-24kg Yesterday, I got through half of the session but rolled my ankle on the double unders, my second freak accident this week. Until I get through a big presentation on Tuesday for school I think I need to chill a little bc I’m bringing a distracted nervous energy to my training, and it’s making me accident prone. I’m happy I was able to get through A, B & D with no incident today,… Read more »
???? be careful Caitlin and good luck with your presentation! You’re going to crush it!!
A. Rx with run outside and 50#DB
B. 120/140/150/160/150Kg x3; scaled % to 65/75/80/85/80%. Felt very heavy today.
C1. 12:31Rx
Row – :45/:47/:49
SHSPU – 5.5.5/5.5.5/
MU – 5.5/5.5/5.5
C2. 6:47 Rx w/ 20 cal Echo
Echo – :50/1:01/1:03
Fast transitions throughout all; also focused on trying to control breathing.
D. Done w/ 30Kg DB BP and 40Kg DB(32Kg is heaviest KB)
Legs were feeling the week but you finished up strong!!
They definitely were. Love the cycle so far. Feeling strong and fast right now.
Mobility done
A: had to do 4 min rounds to keep up
B: knee not having it after thrusters so I did power clean & jerk at same percentage and rep scheme
C: box HSPU and pull-ups didn’t do 2nd part with wall balls
D: 35 lb DB 95# RDL
Hope your knee feels better come Monday!
Today was a day of wins!!!
Some days you look at the workout and think, “Awe man, I can’t move that fast!” But I give it my best on the first round to test it out.
Today was a day of wins in that everything was accomplished!!
Warmup- done
A. 1:55/ 1:54/ 2:05/ 2:10, this was one that I didn’t think I could do in 3 minutes.
B. 125/145/165/175/ 5x 165
C. 12:31
D. 13:14
Yeah!!! Awesome work Amy! A little fitter than you think!!
Mobility: done
A. 1:34/1:33/1:34/1:32/1:27
200 m bike erg and DB 35 lb
B. 285/325/360/360/360
C1: 13:20
But with 15 ring row and 15 strict ring dips
C2: 11:12
C. Done
A. Done with a #35 DB
This one was ????????
B. 165/185/215/225/215
C1. Not gonna lie I didnt do the best with scaling on the first part, but one good thing that came out of it was something clicked with my MU. Realized I wasn’t putting enough tension on the rings and that made a huge difference
C2. done w/ 400m run. 14:27Rx
D. Done!
Definitely looking forward to a rest day tomorrow. Have a great weekend!????
Great job on those muscleups! Big break through!
A) RX with air runner 2:06/2:09/2:07/2:06/1:59
B) Kept these super light. Happy to back squat. Built up to 225.
C) 7:01 RX
SHSPU: Unbroken/Unbroken/10-5
RMU: UB/UB/7-3
8:05 RX WBs: 30-10/30-10/UB
D) Complete
A. Done with 35 and sucked way worse than expected
B. Done with 3 @85%
C. Class partner wod
18 min amrap, split evenly
24 thrusters @75 (12s)
36 ttb (6s)
48 OH lunge @75 (12s)
1 min rest
100 syncro burpees
(50 bar facing 40 reg 10 bar facing)
Fun finish to the week!
60 Minutes bike erg as a cardio today, because…what a surprise, lower back ????????♂️
Today’s workout looked so much fun tho, too bad…
Have you tried releasing your psoas?
Yeah, that was the first thing which i tried last week, after you suggested. It must be something with the spondyl, because unfortunately it didn’t help at all.
A) done with 50s. Fastest 1:50 slowest 2:08
B) worked up to a single at 90%. Something is funky in my hip/IT band. Squatting heavy isn’t feeling great
C) first part was under 15, but had to wait for rings each set throwing off time. Rest allowed me to do all 10 Mu unbroken. Strict hspu felt like crap. Something isn’t happy in my left shoulder, everything else overhead feels fine except strict hspu
Second part 8:41. Felt solid on this
D) done with 75# for bench, 2×70# for KB
Best get it checked out and find what the issues is before it gets any worse!
Warm up done
A) With 300m standing bike erg, 35,35,35,50,50lb DB
2:05, 2:02, 2:01, 2:05, 2:03
B) Had to go a bit lighter, these felt heavy. The 100 thrusters beforehand may have had something to do with it lol
C) At home variation:
Three rounds:
400m run
15 strict HSPU
10 single DB devils press
10:45, all unbroken
At 15 mins:
Three rounds:
20 cal bike erg
40 goblet squats (70)
D) Done
But you were warm! 🙂
Home gym so some modifications
Variation of warm up done
Every 3 Minutes for 15 (5 sets)
400 meter bike erg
20 Single arm DB Squat (55# 10 each)
10 burpees
B. No squat today
3 Rounds
20 Cal Row
30 Push Ups
15 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts (55#)
@ 15:00
3 Rounds
30 Cal Bike Erg
30/40/50 Med Ball Squat Cleans
12:24 (27:24)
Those Med ball squat cleans are brutal! ????♀️
D. Variation done
They seem so simple and easy (and pointless) on paper the. You do them ????????
Every time lol
Nasal Breathing – Done
A. Skill mill and 25 lbs DB
39/ 40/ 44/ 48/ 54 seconds of rest
This was ????
B. 50/ 58/ 65/ 69/ 65 kg (3 reps)
C1. Three rounds for time of:
15 Calorie Row
15 Deficit SHSPU (knees on 24’’ box)
2 Muscle-Ups
C2. Rx, with run
D. Done
Have a great weekend! ????????
Solid adjustments to round out another good week!