Primary Session
Mobility & Activation
Banded Scarecrow x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
Hamstring Pulse x 30-60 seconds per leg
Two sets of:
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side)
Rotational Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (right side; 2:41 in video)
Rotational Kneeling Med Ball Throws x 10 reps (left side)
Max Overhead Med Ball Throws with heavy Med Ball x 5 reps (work to get as extended as possible)
Rest as needed
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Sets 4-6 – 2 reps @ 75-80%
Rest as needed
“CrossFit Games Open Event 18.4”
21 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
21 Handstand Push-Ups
15 Deadlifts
15 Handstand Push-Ups
9 Deadlifts
9 Handstand Push-Ups
21 Deadlifts (315/205 lbs)
50-Foot Handstand Walk
15 Deadlifts
50-Foot Handstand Walk
9 Deadlifts
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Time cap: 9 minutes
Handstand Walk alternatives:
For every 50-Foot of Handstand Walk: 30 nose to wall or back to wall or freestanding shoulder taps or 5 Wall Walks
Athlete Notes:
Today you will be testing CrossFit Open Event 18.4! If you participated in the Open or have previously done 18.4, please take a moment to look back at your scores before tackling this workout and set a realistic goal for your performance based on what you know of your training consistency and preparation going into today.
Keep your transitions tight, especially for the first 21-15-9 set of deadlifts. Please have a second barbell set-up that is loaded with the appropriate with for the deadlifts and handstand walk/push-press.
Your strategy and pacing consideration will be highly dependent on two things: (1) your ability to pull high volume, moderate to heavy deadlifts, and (2) your ability to handstand walk. If you’re an athlete who is more concerned with the deadlifts than the gymnastics elements, you may need to consider a more moderate, controlled aggression in the initial 21-15-9 portion of the event. You may consider breaking reps up in this initial portion and be as aggressive as possible through the gymnastics elements. Once you reach the heavier barbell, treat it as if it is a max effort lift.
If you are an athlete who feels confident moving the load of the deadlift, but you’re concerned about the gymnastics elements, you need to be aggressive with the barbell. Trust your strength and give yourself time to take strategic breaks on the gymnastics elements.
Be efficient with your kipping handstand push-ups and make every rep count. Please review this article to make sure you are being efficient from the start.
If you struggle with handstand walks then bite off smaller chunks, but minimize your rest. Be aggressive to kick up almost immediately, knowing that you don’t have to go very far before you break. If you are fortunate to have a training partner, please have them record your checkpoint times.
One set of:
40 Banded Good Mornings
80 Banded Hamstring Curls
40 Banded Good Mornings
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
Three sets of:
15 Straight Leg Sit Ups
2 Minute Knee Plank
30 Second Side Plank (right side)
30 Second Side Plank (left side)
Rest 2 minutes
A. 255 315 365 405 405 405
B. with 40# db strict press and 50 plank shoulder taps
6:45 on the 225# part, then finished the whole thing in 20:30
A. 225/255/305/345
B. Did Diane 5:30
C and D. Done
A. Done TNG
B. Diane in 5:44 – 12 reps in to 21 at 315(102 reps.) 99 reps for 20.3, 67 for 18.4. Nice little improvement for doing it in a much different atmosphere and prolonging some rest.
DL’s- 11+10/10+5/9/Singles x12
HSPU- 11+10/15/9
C. Done with green/red/green.
A) Done
B) Looked up at clock after final handstand walk & saw 9:03. Don’t think I quite finished in the time cap. 225 Deadlifts: UB/9-6/9 HSPU: All unbroken. 315 deadlifts: 7-7-4-3/3-3-3-3-3/3-3-3 Handstand walks: 25 ft increments unbroken. Surprised at how well my quad held up with this.
C) Done
Great to see yo back moving well and feeling good!
Well I was a little sore today. Lats and legs. But, moved way better than I thought I would so calling it a win! Haha I made up yesterday’s work:
A) 170- this felt great. I didn’t have high hopes since I was sore so I’ll take this!
B) 4:40/4:38/4:42/4:40 the thrusters were really mental for me.
C) done
I’m excited for that workout tomorrow- (the one ok today’s work) I was thinking abt it the other day!
Thanks Tino!! Hope your day was awesome!
Big warm-up today and get after it!!
A. Took 90% of my 1RM conventional deadlift and based percentages off that! Up to 240lbs. Felt awkward but I know it’s week 1 and will get better!????
B. Scaled to 125/175lbs. Got as far as I did RX in 2019 (127 reps) so I think as long as I can get more comfortable with heavier weights again I will be more or less back in business.
C-D. Done
Plenty more coming your way!
Mobility done warmup did some cardio
A: 185, 225, 255, 285
B: got through hspu
C: done
D: done
Yes. DL were both easier than I thought they would be, but still hard to go unbroken. I paused once in 21 and 15.
A. 225-275-315-365-385-385
B. 157 Rx. Had to do the walk in 10ft increments due to space. Not sure if it helped or hurt.
146 in 2018.
Played the deadlifts safe, remembering how heavy 315 felt after going unbroken at 225 in 2018. This time did 225 11/10, 8/7, 5,4. I was able to keep the 315 sets larger and faster.
C. ✅
D. ✅
Great to see your training paying off!
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. 205/ 235/ 285/ 315×3
B. 6/21 DL @315
C & D. Done
I’ve always struggled with deadlifts, I’ll start to take advantage of wednesdays
Plenty coming your way!!
A. (Limited weights so I was very controlled and dead stopped all reps) 250/295/315/345/345/345
B. No safe place for HSPU or 315 deads. Decided on scaled version of workout but with handstand walk not bear crawl.
21-15-9 dead 135/hand release push-up
21-15-9 dead 185/ 50’ hsw between
C. Complete
A) 255, 305, 355, 405, 405, 405
B) 145 rx. 144 in 2018, but at some point last year I think I got back to the last set of deads. Need to push more on the heavy bar.
C) Done
D) Done
Trust your fitness!
Took a few extra days off to rest up and started back up today but may have been a couple days too many haha! I should of been a little more active than just recess time at school with the students. Lower back to upper glute on my left felt a little tight during the deadlifts so I did a walk through of 18.4 at 185lbs and strict hspu’s. I did short quick sets on the DL to get a burn but nothing to strenuous and tried to push through the hspu’s at a gaming pace. It got me sweaty… Read more »
Good to see you taking some time off but not the best workout to come back to! Get on some extra mobility tonight and tomorrow!
A. 90/110/130/3x150kg
B. I have a pain in right wrist so I replaced HSPU with push press 50kg
Score: 105
Last time 94
I’m very happy because I know that the problem was the deadlift and now I move the weight in deadlift much easier and also I am faster and better in HSPU than in push press so good new, good improvement ????
C. Done
D. Saturday morning
Awesome to see your hard work paying off!
Other workout, this one would kill my back even id it were healthy
10 rounds
20-15-10 cal bike erg
Damper at 10, standing fast-sitting easy-standing fast
15 reps bench presses with 60kg
50 du
15 ring rows
Then between 50-60’ mark, easy bike for max cals
Some stretching for the upper body, but that’s all. Very frustrating times…
Best be smart and ready to hit the remainder of the weeks work! Onward!
Mobility: done
A. 265/315/360/360/360 lb
(I only have 360 in my home)
B. 121 (-15 reps . But i’m Training in my apartament and I can go fast in the DL. my neighbors don’t want my training noises anymore ????)
C & D. Done
Haha! You’re still making it work and putting the time in! Great job!
I’m sure your neighbors love you 🙂
A. 110/130/150/170Kg
B. 100 reps Rx with SHSPU. Can’t remember score from 2018 but I know I didn’t get to 315 DL. The SHSPU took time but happy to get through them all and start the DL at 315. DL felt great and all were UB including the 10@315. Just need to get faster with HSPU.
C. Done
D. Done
Solid three days of work! Nice job dude!
Thanks Tino. I’m happy with all the results this week and that I’m better than I was several years ago.
A. 8@155, 6@185 4@215 then i stayed @215 for last three sets. Still letting my back recover
B. I wouldve loved to do this one but my body isn’t ready for the high volume DL’s yet???? Hoping to redo it in a week or so! Instead i did 19.1
15min AMRAP
19 WB
19 cal row
2019: 260 reps
Today: 266 reps
C. Done
D. Done
Best be smart and make sure you feel good going into the rest of the weeks training. ????????
A. 215/255/300/320
B. Did Cindy with the class (21+6). The last two times I did this workout it wrecked my lower back when I got to 315. If it comes back this Open I’ll hit it hard. Just want to be able to workout Friday haha.
C. Done
D. Done
Mobility & Activation Done
A. 45/ 55/ 63/ 68/ 72/ 72 kg
B. “CrossFit Games Open Event 18.4”
Today: 92 reps
2019: 91 reps
Finished the last set of HSPU around 07:30. 205 lbs is my 1RM so I am happy with this!
C. Done ????
D. Done
Great job Catherine!
Warm up done
A. 245/295/355/405x2x3
B. 155 RX with strict hspu (50 feet short)
Really was frustrated here thought I was gonna finish this for sure (was 10 feet short last time I did this)
But the deadlifts felt much harder today/had a nose bleed during it but still was not pleased with this performance
C. Done
D. Done with Copenhagen planks
Did you forget what you’ve done the last 2 days?!?!
???? no no I’m aware of it!! I know it likely took a toll but I was amped to crush this!