Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds per side
PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 20 reps
Two sets of:
Floor Slides
x 8-10 reps
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
Kettlebell Windmill x 5 reps per side
Barbell Warm-Up
With an empty barbell, complete:
Two sets of:
3 Front Squats
3 Strict Presses
3 Push Presses
3 Push Jerks
3 Split Jerks
Focus on hitting each position with purpose and sound technique.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Clean & Jerk
Loads per minute by %: 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80-85, 85, 85-90, 90, 90+
Every 30 seconds, for 5 minutes (10 sets):
5 Ground to Overhead (75-95/45-65 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 10:00, and then REPEAT.
Select a load you can maintain for touch and go reps. Focus on your breathing and keeping your heart rate as low as possible throughout these barbell cycling sets.
Every minute, on the minute, until you cannot complete the prescribed reps within the assigned minute:
Assault Bike x 30% of max calories performed in 60 seconds on January 22nd
Toes-to-Bar x 30% of max reps performed in 60 seconds on January 15th
*Once you fail to complete the specified reps within the minute the workout is over.
Athlete Notes:
Fun day of training coming back from your active recovery day! Today you get to build to a HEAVY clean and jerk. If you’re feeling great, don’t be afraid to extend the number of sets and put up a number that makes you proud. If you’re not feeling great, don’t feel wedded to the exact percentages, take things by feel and make sure you lock in good mechanics if it’s a low power day for you.
After the build we’re working on our continued barbell cycling technique and volume accumulation. You’re tackling a total of 100 reps of ground to overhead, so if you know that volume or the loading isn’t going to be appropriate, knock it down from the very beginning. Instead of 5 reps, you may choose 3-4 if that’s more appropriate for your current training state. You’ll have more than enough time to accomplish each set, and this isn’t a scored effort. Instead, we’d rather see you keep the load unbroken with your heart rate as low as possible. The goal is consistent and efficient movement, not blazing speed for each interval. We want you to practice establishing a movement and pacing strategy that will allow you to continue grinding out reps in a long, enduring Open workout with light loads and high volume.
The format of the primary conditioning piece should look familiar as we’ve been utilizing these individualized volume accumulation blocks for the past several weeks. Today’s session pulls from movements you tested on January 15 and 22 and pairs them together within the same minute. Set a consistent pace on the RPM and stay diligent to it. You should get off the bike at the same time every set. Break up the toes to bar earlier than you think you need to do so. You should have adequate time in the early sets to break the toes to bar without running close on the clock. Take those early breaks so that you can sustain longer into the workout and know that you’ll need to reduce your rest periods once the accumulating volume requires you to break the toes to bar into smaller sets. Most athletes should be aiming for between 6 and 8 minutes on these volume accumulation pieces if they truly tested their 60 second max efforts; if you held back on the max effort portions, don’t be surprised if you’re hitting 10 sets.
If you are looking to improve in your toes-to-bar technique then please check out this article
Three sets of:
Tempo Dumbbell Bench Press x 5 reps @ 3030
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Bench Press x Max Reps @ 10X0
Rest 3 minutes
MOB & warm up done
A. Up to 170 (with belt) approx 92%
B. 5 reps, 1st RD @ 55# & 2nd RD @ 60# (moving well with 55#, so I decided to increase a bit)
C. 5 cal bike, 7 T2B —> 5 Sets + 1 T2B (grip failed – tore)
D. 25# DB *focused on shoulder mechanics, I tend to get winging on my left side doing DB BP
Mob + Act ✅
A: Built up to 255 (96%) failed jerk @ 265
I was not feeling explosive today, decided to do the Invictus Endurance workout instead today.
E10:00 x 4….300 M AAR + 100 DU + 40 Vups + 25 DB PP + 300 M AAR
8:22, 8:35, 8:15, 8:18
Mobility & warmup done
A: hit 195 a 10# PR full disclosure I miss counted the bar and thought it was 185
B: 55 then 60 probably could have done 65
C: 8 cal & 7 toes to rings
D: 30s 6 then 7 reps, 35s 5 reps
Mobility : done
Warm up: done
A. Skip
B. With 95 lbs
First 5 min : Snatches
Last 5 minutes: clean and jerk
C. 6 cal Echo Bike + 8 T2B
9 minutes + 6 cals and 4 TTB
D. Done
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. Got up to 225, tried 255 but couldn’t do it (255 is my PR)
B. All snatches and UB @75
C. EMOM was 10 cals + 5 T2B, got to 14 rounds + 4 T2B ????????????
D. Done
A. Up to 225, failed 2 times in 235
B. Did first with 75 and second with 95
C. Did 4 minutes(10 Cal AB and 10 T2B)
D Done
Wellll my body felt shot today so I’m happy with what I got! I haven’t slept well and it was a pretty stressful week but I’ve been prioritizing nutrition and recovery and doing what I can. Happy with how today turned out A) up to 180 (97%) missed the jerk on 190 3 times and called it. I have that, I know it! Clean was easy and solid tho. B) done w 65# and did some sets with power snatch and some with power clean and push jerk. All were between 12-16 sec. c) 11/11 and finished 6 rounds. I… Read more »
Good to see you dialing in those outside factors and controlling what you can control. Hope you have a stress free weekend and can relax a little!
A) Built up to 245#
B) Barbell 95#
First sets: did mostly snatches, barely finished the last round
Second set: did mostly CnJ, missed 2 rounds
C) No machine so did Burpee to targets for 6 reps, TTB for 8 reps
Finished 5 rounds, didn’t notice the clock in the 6th round, 1 rep shy of finishing ????
Should have snuck in that final rep 🙂
Solid day Johan!
A. Up to 295. Cleaned 305, missed the Jerk. Happy with it with the limited rest.
B. C&Js @95lbs for all sets
C. Lat feeling achy so did legs only bike and V-ups
13 cal bike, 12 v-ups for 6 rounds
D. ✅
Love a good lifting day to finish off the week
A) Up to 295. Hit 305 clean, failed the jerk.
B) Done @95 snatch both sets
C) Had to test these first. Got 40 cals on the bike and 27 ttb. Got only 3 rounds of 12 and 9 after that.
D) Off to get the little one from daycare. Will hit it tomorrow
Good work today! Always hard to do right after testing.
Playing catch up this week! Made up Wednesday’s. Will be back tomorrow!
Sounds like a plan!
WU: ✔️
A: 115, 125, 135, 145, 160, 170, 185, 195, 200, 205, 215, 225, 232.5. Sharing a BB with a buddy and we both felt good so we pushed ourselves. I hit a 7.5# PR so I’m super proud of that!
B: Finished the first 10 sets in the 13-15s range with 95#. Second set a little slower but got it done
C: 6rds + 10 cal AB and 4 TTB. Numbers were 10/8
D: ✔️
Great job on the PR!!
A. 155/165/175/185/205/215/235/245/265/275/285/300. Proud I hit 300 today. My legs were not feeling it haha.
B. Done 75#. That was great practice, I like it!
C. 8/7 Finished 7 rounds and failed to hit the last few T2B in the 8th round.
D. Done 70#
Strong day of lifting!
Warm up done A) 115kg, then failed the jerk at 120kg, which is the current PR B) 95lbs first with power snatches, second with clean and jerks Time around 10”, in the second around 15” Lower back was bothering really through the whole day, thought it was just sore from yesterday’s swing. Took an extra few minutes after the first 5’, because it was quite painful to bend and raise the bar, but eventually got through, wasn’t so bad during that five minutes…then shit happened, probably the same thing that happened at the summer, when i had to skip a… Read more »
Try releasing your psoas and stretching your hamstrings and see if that helps.
Try releasing your psoas and stretching your hamstrings and see if that helps.
www. youtube. com/ watch?v=W_hr7X5oXzM
A) Skipped. Quad injury.
B) Done at 95 lbs. Muscle snatch.
C) 10 calories + 12 T2B
8 T2B into 14th minute.
D) Finish tonight
Hope your quad s healing well!
A. 60/70/80/90/100/105/110/115/120/125kg (96%)????
B. Done with 40kg t&g every sets except two last
C. Max cal bike: 20 / Max T2B: 30 (20/10)
5 rounds completed with 7 cal/ 10 T2B
D. Tomorrow
Solid days work!
M&A and warmup done A. Up to 111Kg(92.5%) B. Done Rx at 95Kg; alternated every :30 between PC/J and PS in each of the 2 rnds. Rnd 1 PC/J – :13-:15 PS – :12-:14 Rnd 2 PC/J – :10-:12 PS – :09-:11 Faster the second time b/c I focused on pulling the BB down from OH to the ground. C. Done Rx (Echo 11/T2B 12) Did 14 rnds then stopped; my baby girl has swimming lessons this morning. The Echo was smooth and felt good, :~:23 every rnd. All sets of T2B UB. D. Done with 30Kg DB Max reps… Read more »
95# in B, not 95Kg.
Thats awesome! The little one is keeping you young!
Warm up done
A. Up to 315 failed 345 which I know was an aggressive jump but was pressed for time and figured why not!
B. Done with 95
First set all clean and jerks: :12-13 seconds
Second set all snatches: :9-:11 seconds
15 Calorie Assault Bike + 11 Toes to Bar
6 Rounds
Finished sixth round at the last second could have started 7th but wouldn’t have finished/was cutting it close to coaching!
D. Tomorrow
Good job hitting that 345! Limited time but solid session!
Failing 345 ????
A)Up to 255 (93%). Happy with this given the limited barbell work I’ve been able to do over the past month.
B) First 5 mins: 5 power snatches @75lbs
Second 5 mins: 5 power clean and jerks @95lbs
All unbroken
C) Weather is not permitting toes to bar at the park today. Did Bike Erg intervals instead.
5 rounds:
1000m moderate
Rest 1 min
500m hard
Rest 30 sec
250m sprint
Rest 2 min
D) Done
I would imagine that the weather is going to keep doing that for you over the next few months
I can deal with -3 Celsius and even a little snow. -20? Not so much
???? ????
A. 140 to 235 ???? no misses ???? last split jerk was sketchy, also nearly fell off the minute due to all the loading.
B. 75/75/85/85/85/85/85(1+1+1+2)/X/85/85. Unspecified sets were 5 UB, odd sets c&k even sets snatch, ended up finding a half clean/half snatch grip that worked but was afraid to stick with it, slightly awkward. Didnt get to repeat.
C. 8cal+6TTB UB – 5 Mins. Wanted to really push the bike, got done around 12seconds on avg. Just couldn’t make myself get back on for 6.
D. 35s x6 x20, 45s x6 x7, 45s x6 x10
Definitely looks like you pushed the bike then!