Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
One set of:
Kettlebell Ankle Pulse x 30 seconds per side
Psoas Pulse x 30-45 seconds per side
Two sets of:
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps per side
Y’s, T’s and W’s x 6-8 reps per position (set up face down on a bench, box or chair)
Banded Squats
x 10 reps
and finish with …
Banded Sotts Press x 8-10 reps
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 2 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 80%
Rest one minute, and then…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Front Squat x 1 rep
*Set 6 – 85%
*Set 7 – 85-90%
*Set 8 – 90+%
*Set 9 – 90+%
*Set 10 – 90+%
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Snatch
x 1 rep
(build over the course of the four set)
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch + Snatch
(pause for 2 seconds above the knee on halting, then stand it up, then back down to the same position and hold for 1 full second before performing the hang snatch, drop the barbell, then immediately reset and snatch from the floor)
For time:
75 Snatches (75/55 lbs)
Time cap = 4 minutes
Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes
20/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
15 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
Athlete Notes:
Today’s interval conditioning will be as effective as the effort you put forth. You have 5 minutes per interval, which is more than enough time to finish and recover. Treat these as four extended sprints that allow you to work on fast transitions and nonstop movement. We want you to push hard and calm your heart rate between efforts.
Perform the assault bike as a 90-95% sprint because failing to push here will cost you too much time. Start your burpees immediately upon jumping off the bike, and pace them such that you can immediately transition to the barbell and go unbroken on the Shoulder to Overhead. Your burpees are the station that will regulate your effort, so if you’re strong with the barbell force yourself to push through the burpees knowing that you’ll still be able to go unbroken overhead. If, on the other hand, you’re not confident with the barbell, you may need to stay calm and move smoothly through the burpees to ensure that you go unbroken overhead. And of course, if you know that you will need to break the barbell into multiple sets on the first round, then please reduce the load to a weight that you can complete in 1-2 sets when fresh.
Try to keep your sets within 10 seconds of each other from fastest to slowest. I want you starting to think about where you can push, and where you need to back off in order to hold yourself as close to redline as possible without crossing that barrier from which you cannot recover.
MOB/Warm up done
A. 120–> 205#
B. Muscle SN 65-85#; SN complex 95-100# (form lacking today)
C. 71 reps RX @ CAP
D. 3:01-3:28-3:54-3:50 (sc S20 to 75#, all unbroken)
Got snowed in a for few days
Mobility and Warmup done
A: 185-195, miscounted what was on bar and thought it was 10 lbs heavier sigh, this is what happens when you miss days!
B: 115 should have been 125
C: hit cap
D: so hard rounds around 3:50
A1. 225 245 265 285 305
A2. 315 335 345 355 365 (Fail)
B1. 75 95 115 125
B2. 145 155 165
C. Randy 66 reps @ cap
D. 3:20, 3:00, 3:02, 3:22.
A. 165/175/195/205/225
B. Up to 125 lbs
185 lbs
C. Rx 4:20
D. Did 20 mins Bike erg
A) Built up to 330# (95%)
B) M.Sn up to 155#
Complex 175# ( missed the last Snatch)
D) Sub to Row. First 2 sets @ 135#, last 2 sets @ 115#
Went out too hot in the first set, paid for it for the rest of the workout.
Mobility and warmup done
A. Front squat
240/255/265/275/290 fail ( would of been post Covid pr )
B. Muscle snatch 75/95/125/135/140
Halt + hang + snatch 140/155/170
C. Randy 4:05 “Just a bit outside! ( Bob Uecker voice ) ”
So close!! Hang onto that bar!!
290 and more coming soon!
Sooo I finally decided today I need to get out of my head more lately (I’m general) and just go for it with training- I haven’t lately. Trust my old body a bit more. This was a win for me! And things felt really good A) up to 220 (pr) B) muscle snatch – 85 85/105/125 for the complex. I’m proud of this bc I don’t usually jump right from 105-125. It felt great and I just need to trust myself and my training ???? C) 3:47 Rx- I started too conservatively with 15s. Caught up a little later on… Read more »
Hell yeah!! That “old body” still has a few miles left in it yet! what an awesome start to the week! Congrats on the PR!
Thanks Tino!!
A. 215-360
B. Built to 195 for the complex. Stayed pretty conservative.
C. Randy @3:06
D. 2:00/2:01/2:07/2:03. Coming off the bike made the burpees really slow, couldn’t push the pace.
Ha! Bike got you but still a damn solid start to the week!
A) Up to 345. Felt great. B) MS up to 155 Snatch Complex up to 205 C) 3:46.44/17/14 D) 2:36, 2:57, 3:15, and 3:26. broke on every S2O, 2 breaks in round 2. Need to hang on and fight through the end better…. Just signed up. Used to follow off and on back in the day but never posted since I didn’t do it too consistently. I’m all over the place with my training. Jump in to class, train with other people, travel, workout on odd days/times, etc. Always thought this was the best programming out there and has the… Read more »
Welcome back Anton! Thanks for your kind words, excited to see you back training consistently and reaping the benefits of your hard work!!
Mobility & warmup ✅
A. 185/ 195/ 215/ 225/ 245/ 255/ 275/ 295×3 (295 is my 95%)
B1. 95/ 115/ 135×2
B2. 135/ 165×2
C. 3:58 ????
D. 2:37/ 2:44/ 2:52/ 2:36 ????????
Cut it close on “Randy”! Solid start to the week!
Thanks Tino, I know there’s still room for improvement, I’ll get there
Warmup done
A. 115-155lbs; then, 165-172-178-185-192lbs.
B. Muscle snatch 65-72-80-90lbs; then,
95-107-117lbs for complex. Happy with both my squats and my snatches today.
C. CAP — 71 reps. So close! I had a game plan that ALMOST paid off, just started to go out the window towards the end!!
D. Will I ever get through an Invictus E5M without a mental breakdown? TBD… I adjusted the reps after the first set to all 10s just to stay above water. ???? X/2:10/2:12/2:09.
Yes you will as soon as you understand that you’re training to get better and have fun!
A) Sets at 205-315
B) MS: 135/145/160/170
C) 2:44 unbroken. 2015 Regionals: 3:03
My father’s name is Randall. Goes by “Randy” in most settings. We celebrated his 59th birthday yesterday. Did this one for him. Did it for Daddy.
D) 1:41/1:42/1:52/1:58
Quick on AB. Caught breath on burpees. STO: Unbroken first two sets. 10/5 & 9/6 on last two sets.
Perfect timing! Happy Birthday to your dad and solid work!
A. 205-315#
B. 185-225#
C. 3:35/3:15/3:22/3/29 rx
Not fancy Randy today??
No, low back was a little tight so skipped it. Playing it safe since I’m doing a competition on Saturday.
Snatch WU: Empty/65/75
A: 150×2, 160×2, 170×1, 185×1, 195×1
A1: 210×1, 215×1, 220×1, 225×1, 230×1.
B: 75, 85, 95, 105 (new PR!)
B1: 105, 115, 145
C: Got time capped at 48 reps. First time I’ve tried this. Going to lower the weight next time
That’s all I had time for today.
Congrats on the new PR!
A. Up to 140kg ✅
B. MS: 40/50/60/70/75kg (PR)
Complex Snatch 70/75/80kg
C. RX 60 reps 20/12/8/5/5/5/5
D. Done with 50kg
Congrats on the muscle snatch PR!
Mobility & Activation Done
Snatch Technique Warm-Up Done
A1. Done based on 67 kg
A2. 57/ 59/ 61/ 62/ 63 kg
B1. 25/ 27/ 28/ 29 kg
B2. 35/ 35/ 35 kg
C. Rx, 40 reps ????
D. Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes:
400 Meter Run
15 Burpees Over the Barbell
10 Shoulder to Overhead (75 lbs)
3:23/ 3:18/ 3:15/ 3:14
Good job with consistent times on part D. How did you break up Randy?
I did sets of 5 reps. 55 lbs are 67% of my 1RM Power Snatch and I’m not very comfortable with barbell cycling ????????♀️
That is great o hit 40 reps then at that high of a percentage.
A. Up to 138Kg
B. Up to 55Kg
C. 3:33
I was too comfortable on this.
D. 2:30/2:31/2:37/2:41
These were a real grind. I was wicked tired on these and didn’t feel a lot of pep in my step.
Don’t be scared to make it a little uncomfortable! You’re sub 3 on this for sure!
You’re absolutely right. Really enjoy this one. Will look to do in 2 sets next time. Perhaps 50/25.
Or just unbroken 🙂
A. Up to 350, felt awesome
B. MS 95/135/155
Complex @ 165/185/195
C. Randy Rx:
2015 Regionals 2:56, 3:13 today however I was on track for 2:45 and was interrupted -_-
D. Rx:
2:07/2:08/2:05/2:13 (I make noise when I’m grinding it out and my 3yo asked if I was trying to poop and laughing slowed me down)
Full of excuses today and had an incredible session!
Hahahahaha kids are the best!
A- up to 140kgx3
B- up to 65kg
Put to 85kg
C- capped at 54 reps… ooof
D- started off a little too hot. 1:45/ 2:17/2:17/2:15
Spicy start to the week! ????????
No Front Squats for me today, still resting my back. Did 3×10 pause goblet squats and 3×10 single leg RDL
B. Ended @95 for muscle snatch and ended @125 for complex
C. 3:54 RX, definitely felt it in my forearms
D. 2:55/3:36/3:44/3:43 RX, realized too late that i went too hard in the first set ???? i know for next time!
Open to see you back to full health soon!