Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Band Distracted Hamstring Floss x 60 seconds per side
and then …
Banded Scarecrow x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
followed by …
Spend 1-2 minutes working on this drill from one of our favorites, Eric Cressey:
Reach, Round & Rotate
Warm-Up Flow
At 70-75% effort:
800 meter Run
25 Push ups
50 Air squats
25 Strict Pull-Ups
50 Air squats
25 Push ups
800 meter Run
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose. Please prioritize movement quality and focus on breathing.
Twelve sets of:
Banded Conventional Deadlift
x 1 reps 45% Bar Weight of current 1-RM Deadlift + 25% Band tension when measured at lockout
rest 30-40 seconds
Hold for 2 seconds at the top with glutes contracted as much as possible
*If you do not have access to bands perform deficit deadlifts from a 4″ platform
Three sets of:
Band-Resisted Quadruped Hip Extension x 15 reps each @ 1011
Rest 45 second
Supine Leg Lowering x 12 reps @ 4111
Rest 45 seconds
For time:
2000 meter Row
50 Pull-Ups
100 Barbell Thrusters (45/35lb.)
500 meter Row
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
50 Thrusters (95/65lb.)
*Use one barbell switching out your own plates.
Athlete Note
Today’s conditioning incorporates higher volume pull-ups paired with, your favorite, light weight thrusters. There is a high volume of thrusters and pull-ups for this workout so we are looking for you to consistency throughout the entire piece so start out in ‘4th gear.’
Starting in 4th gear means that you are taking the row at a medium pace. For example, if you normally row a 1:50 pace for a workout like Jackie (short and sweet) then try rowing a 2:00-2:03 pace for this workout. This will allow you to get off the row and go right into your pull-ups. For todays pull-ups, no need to have designated breaks, just stay on the bar as long as you can with your pull-ups. Only come down when you get out of rhythm. Try to keep your heart and mind calm during your pull-ups to keep your heart rate from skyrocketing. Deep inhales and exhales (even while on the pull-up bar) will help with this. That same principle goes for your thrusters. Calm breathes during your thrusters and a positive mindset when doing them! If you need to channel a positive mindset about thrusters then please read this article.
We’d suggest changing out your plates now. This gives you a built in rest before you move onto your 500 meter row. Take your 500 meter row at a slight faster pace than your opening row (using the example above try and hold a 1:56-1:58 pace). Same principles are applied to your chest-to-bar pull-ups (come off as soon as you lose rhythm). But your last set of thrusters need to hurt. This is the last movement of the workout and so you are going for broke here! Can you knock these out in 3 sets or less?
Two sets of:
Hollow Body Bounce x 60/80/100 reps
Straight Body Ceiling-reaching Crunches x 10/20/30 reps
Tuck Rock to Tuck Sit x 10/20/30 reps
Hollow Body Side-to-side Rocks x 10/20/30 reps
Hand Plank Arch/Hollow x 10/20/30 reps
Limbo Twist x 10/20/30 reps
Rest as needed
Warmup 10 mile MTB
A. 225 + blue bands
C. 31:48
A. 275 bar weight + about 75 band
B. Done
2000 meter Row (7:40)
50 Pull-Ups (20-20-10)
100 Barbell Thrusters (30-30-20-20)
500 meter Row (1:50)
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups (10-8-7)
50 Thrusters (12-8-12-9-9)
First time doing kipping pull-ups in about 3 months due to a Lat injury while doing chest to bar pull-ups. Very nervous to push it but felt good.
D. Done.
Primer Done
A. 195 lbs on the bar+ Green Band
B. Done
C. Rx 30:31
Row= 9:00
PU= 15/10/10/8/7
TH= 20/10/10/20/15/15/10
D. Done
Warmup ✅
A. Done @175 with deficit
B. Done
C. 31:38 ? (did 120 and 30 calories o.n the Airbike instead of the rowing)
D. Done
Fun finish to the week ??
It was indeed!
Done nose breathing
A. Done 185# with black and red band
B. Done
C. 29:48
Pull-ups 25/15/10
Thrusters 25/20/15/15/15/10
C2B 15/10 (C2B felt pretty smooth today)
Thrusters 12/10/8/10/10
D. Done
Nice work Johan!
Feeling a TON better today! ?All the things- done. This felt so good and the nose breathing flow did too
A) 155
B) done
C) 21:23 Rx I think I paced too much in the beginning, but I flew through the last set of thrusters ?
D) done
Thanks!!! Hope your day was awesome!
Damn good way to finish out the week!
Thanks Tino! Everything felt great today!
A y B. Done
C. 29:37 RX
D, done
Primer done
A: 155 (should this have felt light?)
B: done
C: done 45 min shoulders gave out big time on C2B
D: done liked
Yes, light is fine. It is all about speed
M&A and warmup done
A. Done Rx with bands using 125Kg on bar
B. Done
C. 16:40Rx; absolutely loved this; kept trying to push and go faster.
Row – 7:31
Pull-ups – 25/25
BB Thrusters – 50/50
Row – 1:40
C2B – UB
95# Thrusters – 15/10/15/10
D. Done
That C part is…just wow ?
Thank you. Definitely a wheelhouse workout for me. Body also felt really good today too.
That feeling, when body works just fine and everything goes as it should ??
Enjoy the well deserved rest day!
Warm up: 16:35
A. 185 with black band underneath feet
B. Done
C. RX 30:31
D. Done – always love core work!
Primer- 15:36
A. 195+dbl red
C. Picked a 30 min cap and had to pull an audible halfway thru. Ended up with…
2000m row
50 pullups
50 thrusters @45
500m row
25 c2b
36 thrusters @75
Warmup done
A. 235 on 4”plate
B. Complete rx
C. Slowest I’ve ever towed even in a longer wod but I think it paid off.
Row @2:00
PU 25/25
Thruster 50/21/15/14
Row @1:53
C2B 15/10
Thruster 95# 21/15/14
D. Complete medium
Looks like you executed well! Solid way to finish the week!
Well thanks for that but What is a crushing time? Sub 20? Sub 18!!??
Sub 20!
Primer done
A.done 80kg
C. Rx 29:30
Pull up 20-20-10
Thruster 17-13-10-10-10-10-10-10-10
C2b 10-10-5
Thruster 5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5
Yesterday not put nothing but i training, in the emon i failed and when finish the mu and burpee set i thinking next emon are 1.min mu ,min2 burpee , in minute 38 not possible this emon its to easy ,i read other time and understand the emon????
The good part,, my tecnique in mu and burpee , now its very better , burpee with rebound and mu my hands grips its so good
That was a tough lesson to learn! At least you know now for next week!
Yeap ,my english not are very good and no are good idea read the workout after 50 g2oh???
Yep… just realized i did the same 🙁
Good workout to practice mu ??
Warmup/Mobility done C. 29:10 rx pullups felt good today but that empty bb thruster took a bit longer than I thought. I started out in sets of 10 but after 50 it was 6-8 reps a set, I thought by resting the bar on the back rack would help save time by not setting the bar down but it didn’t really help. The 95# was in quick sets of 4 but after 25 I switched to 5’s. A. No bands here at this gym, 4inch deficit at 215. D. Picked the first 3 and did them. Have a great weekend… Read more »
? ?
Every 3 min, for 36 min (12 sets) for max meters:
1 min on/2 min off (SkiErg)
Total meters: 3569m
C: thanks for that wonderful WOD! I nearly died on the last Thrusters 23:30. Could only relax on the couch the rest of the day ???
You’re welcome 🙂
Disaster day! When I woke up, as soon as I looked at the final workout I knew it was going to be a disaster. Warm up took me ages (around 18 minutes) but it was a good excuse to go run in the park with a band (I did banded pull ups with a 25 kg band). Also did elevated push ups. A. 55 kg and a 35 kg band. Not having a rack in the garage, had to use solution 2 of the video. I guess I did something wrong because I felt like I was warming up. C.… Read more »
Mindset is everything. You already set yourself up for failure before you even started. NEVER let a workout beat you before its even started. You’re goal each day should be to give your full effort form that day and walk away proud of your performance. Thats the no.1 goal! Let’s sort that mindset and keep moving forward!
Mobility & Activation Done
Warm-Up Flow – Nose Breathing – Done
A. Deficit paused DL x 1 rep 70% (63 kg)
B. Done
C. Will do this tomorrow ??
D. Done ?
Lovely way to spend a Sunday 🙂
Mobility and warmup done.
A. Completed at 145lbs + thin red band
B. Done
C. 34:49…. difficult from beginning to end but tried to just breathe through it. Thanks for the reading, it helped. I think I am still just a little nervous to find a higher gear after so much time off. ?
D. Done
It’ll be back soon! Keep up the great work!
That metcon was difficult. That is all.
You’re welcome