Invictus Competition Blog Template – November 30 – January 3
The upcoming cycle from November 30 to January 3 will be the second phase of building toward the 2021 Open. This will be a short 5 week cycle over the Holiday Season. There will be an opportunity for athletes to continue to develop their strength foundation and aerobic base. In the new cycle we will be continuing to focus on barbell cycling efficiency at varying loads particularly lighter more high rep work while still having to perform higher skilled movements like muscle-ups and handstand walking under fatigue.
Activation Upper and Lower
Front Squat (heavy for 10 reps or fewer)
Snatch Technique Work Back Squat (75-85% for 15-25 reps)
High Intensity Conditioning Intervals (30 seconds to 2 minutes) – cyclical work like rowing or assault bike
Possibly add in simple gymnastics work immediately following the conditioning piece.
Nose Breathing Work
Jerk Progression
Upper-Body Pressing Strength
Aerobic Endurance
Core Stability & Strengthening (5-10 minutes)
Warm-Up and Activation Clean Technique Work
Back Squat (Heavy + Back Off Reps)
Speed Deadlift Progressions
Aerobic Endurance with Full Body Strength Endurance
Nose Breathing Work
Front Squat (heavy for 10 reps or fewer)
Barbell Complex (alternate between snatch and clean)
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Posterior Chain Accessory Work + Upper Body Pressing
Nose Breathing Gymnastics Skill Work
30-Minute EMOM
*Pull-Ups or Vertical Pulling
*Single-Leg Variations
*Upper Pressing (strict variants, push press)
Also use 21 minutes EMOM, followed by 3 rounds for time of…
Aerobic Endurance/Cool Down/Finisher
Mobility and Maintenance
Todays Work:
Movement Primer
Two sets of:
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike or Bike Erg
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
Rest 60 seconds
300 Meter Ski Erg or Row
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike or Bike Erg
Rest 3 minutes
Challenge…breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Handstand Play Time:
Spend 10 Minutes working on handstands. If you feel confident with handstands then explore new ways to challenge yourself. Stairs/ramp, weave through cones, walk sideways, or walk backwards.
Three sets of:
Max Reps Strict Muscle Ups or 10-12 Banded Muscle-Up Transitions
Rest 60 seconds
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2/0″ Deficit
Immediately followed by. . .
2 Legless Rope Climbs or 15/12 Strict Pull-Ups
Immediately followed by. . .
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Rest 2 Minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 24 minutes (6 sets) for max calories of:
Minute 1 – 10 Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges + 10 Push Press (115-135/75-95 lbs)
Minute 2 – 15-18 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 3 – Max Calories Assault Bike or Bike Erg
Minute 4 – Rest
Score is total assault bike/bike erg calories across the 6 sets. A good goal would be 20+/15+ calories each set!!
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – 45 Second Heavy Farmer’s Hold
Minute 2 – 45 second Dead Hang ISO Hold
Minute 3 – 45 second Pinch-Grip Plate Carry (45/35 lbs)
Primer done 15:41 with 2 min rest in the middle
C. With 115 and 15 ttb and row cals:
24 22 22 21 21 22 21 z 21 22 21
Ctb and hspu practice tomorrow
A. Done
B. SRMU=5/4/3
D-SHSPU= 4/3/3
SHSPU= 4/4/3
C. Scaled to 10 T2B
90 cal Bike
D. Done
B. HSPU not deficit for both, 10 Pull-ups across
MU – 3/3/3/
HSPU – 10/10/10
HSPU – 8/7/4
C. Barbell 115# for the first 3 round, then scale back to 95#, 15 TTB
Sub to Row
D. Done. Forearms on fire
Solid finish to the week Johan!
Felt better today!! I slept so much last night haha
A) front squats from yesterday- 135/155/175/195/210
B) snatch work from yesterday- up to 120 then 105 for complex. These felt really good
C) from today- 102 cal Rx
D) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your weekend is awesome ?
Hope it wasn’t another late night and you’ve managed to get some down time to relax over the weekend!
I sure have! I’ve been avoiding work. until today Hope you’ve had a great and relaxing weekend too!
Primer done with Echo and row
A. Done
B. Done with 15 strict pull-ups (no rope) and no deficit HSPU.
C. Total – 143 cals
Rx with 115/18 T2B/Echo
D. Done
You’re kinda workout! Have you got your birthday workout yet?
It was. I was smoked afterwards. Didn’t do the Bday one yet. Was going to do it on my off day but lower back is a bit fired up. Going to chiro tomorrow and will hit this week.
Stretch out those hamstring and release that posas!!
Hello! Primer done A) Done B) Done with banded transitions, 12 SPU. Hspu with Abmat 5/5 – 6/5 – 5/5 – 5/4 C) Scaled to 55lb , 12 T2B. Cals Erg Bike: 15 – 13 – 14 – 14 – 13 – 15. Total 84 cals. No more time. I’m trying to get some fitness in on my days off work . I’ve been working as a nurse in NY 12 hours a day from 6am – 6:30pm at least 3 times a week. Hopefully, in the future, when everything gets better I will be able to go back to… Read more »
Controlling what you can control! ??
Awesome to see you still getting some work in just make sure you’re not burning the candle at both ends and you’re looking after yourself ??
Assault / Row 16:50
A. Done
B. Aprox
3-4 s. muscle ups
5-6 d. Hspu
15 s. Pull ups
8-10 s. hsps
C. All rounds 10/10@115 – t2b 15
Assalt: 21/18/14/13/13/14
That assault bike drop off?! ??
A. Complete
B. Smu = 5/4/4
Shspu 2” deficit = 8/9/7
Shspu = 8/9/8
C. Rx. 18ttb, 115 barbell, 22/22/23/22/22/24 bike erg
D. Complete, painful but awesome
Fun finish to the week! Nice work dude!
Movement Primer-Done
A. Hs play, trying to turn around and comeback. Able to do a couple turns and comeback about 10ft.
C. 10+10 lunges/press // 15 t2b // 117 cals total. Able to do 20cals first-3 rds after that fell off a few cals.
B. Practice ring mu’s from the floor. No bands here and did a few kipping.
Happy Saturday ya’ll!!
Awesome you were able to make some good time to work on muscle up technique!
1st set
Bike erg+row
A) done
B) all 3 rounds
10 ring mu transition practice
8 reps on 10kg’s dumbell
3 reps short rope legless from L-sit
10 stric hspu
C 50 Kg barbell, 18 t2b (all ub)
21.7 (ass bike)
24 (bike erg)
22.1 (ass bike)
22 (bike erg)
21.3 (ass bike)
24 (bike erg)
D) 32 kg farmer carry
15 kg competition plats, so quite challenging
Really happy that i was able to hold these numbers for the workout, good day.
Did an easy 10km walk afternoon, see you on Monday!
Great finish to a solid week! Nice work dude!
Thanks, much needed rest day incoming. Have a great weekend!
A: done
B: had to alight kip and do PU
C: 75, 15, 13 cals
D: green KB, asst, 25s
A) done
B) improvised at home with ring dips, strict pull ups, seated press(barbell and dB)
C) 80#, GHD (pull up bar too close to the wall for T2B) and 17/17/17/16/15/16 for max cal
D) done
I also did yesterday’s work but forgot to log it!
Worked up to 210 front squat, snatch work done, metcon (shoulder taps, 40” box overs) 13:06, final accessory used 35 lb kb and 30 lb seated dB
Looks like two solid days of work! Good to job adjusting things to make the most out of your sessions from home!
Thank you! Should i do strict T2B instead of ghd? For that type of workout?
Movement primer:2:52/7:02/12:41/16:40 Rx
A. Done
B. 8/12/15/6
1/10/15/6 Rx
C. With 115#
D. Did 3 sets with 70# KB’s/25#plates
Skipped?! ?
Primer done
A.practice hand stand walk whith db for the moment 3-4 steps
6mu/4strict 2” 12pull ub/6shpu
3mu/3strict 2” 10pull ub +2 / 8shpu
1mu/3strict2” 8pull+4 /6shpu
C. With 35kg and 15 t2b i try men rx but 2 or 3, all set 20cal… 1 year more maybe?
Normally i training in women rx
107cal total
Not workout more i finished dizzy the emon ?????♂️
I give all in the emon
Be safe and make sure you’re feeling your body right to hit these sessions! ??
Primer done
A. Making slow improvements
B. Banded transitions, rope climb descents improving
12/7(fell off the wall)/2/10
C. Scaled – AB 86.3 cals
8+8 @95#
Felt like i went 5 for 5 this week, pretty psyched. I used to dread a Saturday without a barbell but Im really loving these sessions. Just need to get quicker with setup/cleanup so i can get in and out. Now to somehow rest and recover to do it all again next week ??????
Awesome first week! Now to rest up and hot next week with the same intention! Let’s go!
Forgot to post yesterday. After the results, my first week thoughts (long and boring). Movement Primer. OK (subbed ski erg with run) A. Done. Practicing against wall because I can freestand between :05 to :10. B. Subs: box ring muscle up – 6 strict + 6 banded pull up 4-4-5 dead stop strict 5 cm deficit HSPU 6-6-6 dead stop strict HSPU C. Scaled to 16 minutes instead of 24; 35 kg for Min 1; scaled to 10 strict T2B 17, 15, 15, 15 cals (just barely enough). Harder than expected. D. Scaled to 9 minutes instead of 12. This… Read more »
Thanks for the update and thoughts! It’s definitely essential to adjust the program to your needs and take each day based on feel. The way I’ll program is to cater to the elite then it’s up to the community to adjust to their needs and level. We of course offer more individualised options that would allow us to do that for you. I wrote an article on this a few years back.
www. crossfitinvictus. com /blog/training-plan-quality-quantity/amp/
Nose breathing done
A) Done
B) Ring rows for upper pulling, RX HSPU:
C) Scaled to 8 reverse lunges, 8 push press, 15 T2B. Cals: 20/20/20/18/17/17
D) Done
Solid finish to the week Patrick!
Primer done with bike erg and row
5:46/5:41 14:27 total time with rest
A. Push up endurance
B. EMOM 21 (7 Sets)
Minute 1: 20 Cal Row
Minute 2: Max Cal Bike Erg
Minute 3: Rest
C. Grip stuff done
Garage ceiling is getting raised hopefully within next month and then will be able to do much more in the home gym!
Primer Done
A. Done I practice static hand stand
B. Max Reps Strict Muscle Ups 3/3/3
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 2” deficit 5/5/5
Strict Pull-Ups 15/15/15
Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups 8/8/8
C. 5 sets 50kg 15 t2B cal: 20/20/18/15/20
Not more time
Nice work Joaquin! Solid finish to week 1!
Movement Primer – Nose Breathing – Done
A. Done
B. Strict MU @ 2/ 2/ 2 reps (PR! Have always done these as singles)
SHSPU (abmat) @ 10/ 10/ 10 reps
12 Strict Pull-Ups
5 Handstand Push-Ups Negatives
C. EMOM, for 24 minutes:
1 – 10 FR Reverse Lunges + 10 PP (65 lbs)
2 – 15 Toes-to-Bar
3 – Max Calories AB
4 – Rest
86 Calories (15/ 14/ 14/ 14/ 14/ 15) ?
D. Done ?
Solid finish to the first week!