October 19, 2020 – Masters Program

Mobility & Activation
Spend 5-10 minutes foam rolling the t-spine, pecs, quads and calves.

Band Assisted Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Band Assisted Ankle Pulse x 30 seconds per side
(while in these positions, focus on making a mind/body connection and relax your body into each position)

and then …

Two sets of:
20 Seconds Hawaiian Squats (left)
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Hawaiian Squats (right)
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Press behind the Neck in Squat
(use a band for this and pull the band apart so there is tension, then press behind the neck)
10 Seconds Rest
20 Seconds Overhead Core Shuffle
(hold a band overhead in a snatch grip and pull the band apart so there is tension, then lean to one side and lift the opposite leg, back to center, lean to the other side and lift opposit leg. Accelerate the pace while maintaining a strong core)
10 Seconds Rest

Warm-Up Flow
One time of:
1000 Meter Row
Three rounds, not for time, of:
5 Barbell Muscle Snatches
10 Barbell Overhead Squats
15 PVC Pipe Pass Thrus

Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Two sets of:
45/33 lbs Bar Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat x 5 reps

Followed by….

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Overhead Squat x 2 reps

Build over the course of the three sets.

Followed by…

Every 2:30 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete (6 sets):
2 Snatch Pulls + 1 Hang Snatches + 1 Snatch
(drop the barbell between the two pulls, hang snatch, and snatch if you need to – it’s more important that you work on perfect positioning and mechanics)

Build to a load that is heavy, but allows you to maintain mechanics.

For time:
7/5 Legless Rope Climbs or 30/20 Strict Pull-Ups
150 Double Unders
100-Foot Handstand Walk
50/35 Calorie Ski-Erg or Row
100-Foot Handstand Walk
150 Double Unders
7/5 Rope Climbs or 20/10 Strict Pull-Ups

For time:
5/3 Legless Rope Climbs or 25/15 Strict Pull-Ups
100 Double Unders
75-Foot Handstand Walk
50/35 Calorie Ski-Erg or Row
75-Foot Handstand Walk
100 Double Unders
5/3 Rope Climbs or 15/5 Strict Pull-Ups

For time:
3/1 Legless Rope Climbs or 20/10 Strict Pull-Ups
75 Double Unders
50-Foot Handstand Walk
40/25 Calorie Ski-Erg or Row
50-Foot Handstand Walk
75 Double Unders
5/3 Rope Climbs or 15/5 Strict Pull-Ups

Time Cap: 18:00

Scaling Options:
1 Wall Climb for every 25′ Handstand Walk
Band Assisted Strict Pull-Ups

We’ve been building on your Handstand Walking endurance in conditioning pieces every Monday. Today is no different. Open up on the conservative side on the legless rope climbs so you have shoulder stamina throughout the entire workout. Stay relaxed on your double-unders so your shoulders are relaxed, hands are lightly gripping the handle and calm breathing. Keeping your breathe calm will help tremendously when you kick up for your handnstand walk. Please reduce the distance of the Handstand Walk if it will take you longer than 3 minutes. I am looking for smooth, consistent handstand walks. You can be more aggressive with pace once you get to your second set of double unders.

Tips for descending in your legless rope climb

Three sets of:
Bent Over Supinated Grip Barbell Row x 8-10 reps @ 2112
Rest 60 seconds
Single Arm Landmine Press x 8-10 reps per side
Rest 60 seconds

Additional Optional Strongman Session
Every minute on the minute for 6 minutes:
5 Supinated-Grip Bent Over Row (Heavy)
5 Stationary Dips

You need to go heavy, if you can do 5 reps throughout the workout, the weight was too low. By the end you should only be able to do 3 reps correctly. For the stationary dips use weight around your waist and put the weight behind you, not in front. This will target the triceps even more.

When the running clock reaches 10:00…

Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand Over Hand Rope Pulls
immediately followed by…
Dumbbell Bench-Press x Max Reps (If you hit 25+ then its too light)
Rest 90 seconds

When recovered, complete:

Two sets of:
200m Sled Sprint
Immediately followed by. . .
5 Broad Jumps
Rest 90 seconds

The 200m is a full blown sprint. DO NOT PACE IT

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Beth Wilson
Beth Wilson
October 24, 2020 7:21 am

A. OHS: 140/150/155, Snatch complex: 95-110
B. 17:38, pull ups, row , capped x2 on HS walk (70’ & 95’ in 3 min) , I also have not been upside down since April/ may-ish… but they will come back!
C. Row: 50, landmine: 70

Brent Maier
Brent Maier
October 19, 2020 7:33 pm

Sn: 185
Metcon: 23ish. 35-49 in under time cap is moving. Mixed SPU styles for the sets and had to HSW in 15’ increments. Not my wheelhouse and focused on solid reps. Haven’t HS walked in 6 months. Tough one.

Joe Barsi
Joe Barsi
October 19, 2020 7:26 pm

A. 125 tired this am
B. Snatched yesterday
C. 16:21 pull ups time suck. Did 20 ft. Increments in handstand walking. Felt good. Dubs ok. Failed about 3x per set

David Partridge
David Partridge
October 19, 2020 3:47 pm

M&A, W-U flow) done
A) SPP+OHS: done
OHS: 135-185
Complex: 115-165
B) 50-54 workout today) 11:49 HSW) 4 of 6 unbroken 25′ double unders) both sets unbroken

Did strongman workout this morning

October 19, 2020 12:15 pm

M&A, W-U flow) done
A) SPP+OHS: done
OHS: 60kg-80kg
Complex: 60kg – 84kg
B) DNF (87 DU 2nd set), ski erg
Out of time
Felt a bit sore/fatigued today from the start, not sure why :-/

Nichole Kribs
Nichole Kribs
October 19, 2020 5:16 pm

Sorry to hear that Jeremy! Did you get enough rest last night? Nutrition good over the weekend?

October 19, 2020 6:06 pm
Reply to  Nichole Kribs

Sleep was decent (~8 hours), ate well, probably drank too much but nothing crazy :-D. My hamstrings were surprisingly sore, I was thinking back on whether I did something in the yard or around the house but couldn’t come up with anything. I guess it could be DOMS from the squat sets of 10 on Sat, but seems like I would feel it Sunday. I’ll see how it goes tomorrow!

Keith Chrisman
Keith Chrisman
October 19, 2020 10:28 am

A. Did full snatch through 175. Knee a little sore so did power snatch 175-205
B. Struggled on dubs and HS walk a bit today. Finished. 18:15

Tom Ring
Tom Ring
October 19, 2020 7:22 am

Warm up done ✅
A. 65/65
A1. 115/135/155 solid OH today
A. 115/125/135/145/155/160 last one took a couple set but got it
B. 14:33
Real leg less today no Hs walks after yesterday’s handstand walks
C. ✅

Nichole Kribs
Nichole Kribs
October 19, 2020 8:00 am
Reply to  Tom Ring

Great work Tom!!

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