For 10 minutes at 70-75% effort:
60 Seconds of Rowing
6 Inchworms
9 Jumping Squats
12 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Presses (6 Left/6 Right – light load)
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
Two sets of:
400 Meter Run or 300 Meters on Assault Runner
5 Down Ups
10 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Rest 30 seconds
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
2 Power Snatches + 1 Overhead Squat
Build over the four sets to today’s heavy complex.
When the running clock reaches 6:00…
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Power Snatch x 1 rep
Build over the four sets to today’s heavy single.
When the running clock reaches 12:00…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch
Build over the three sets to today’s heavy complex.
Take 10 minutes build to a 3-RM Front Squat
Followed by. . .
Three sets of:
Front Squat x 3 reps @ 90% of today’s 3-RM
Rest 2 minutes
Against a 6-minute running clock…
15 Down-Ups
800 Meter Run or 600 Meters on Assault Runner
15 Down-Ups
Max Reps of Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Rest 90 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR sets – total time of 30 minutes for this portion.
Adjust reps and/or meters to give yourself 40-60 seconds of Wall Ball Shots.
Inch Worm Reach and Hold (3 seconds) x 5/10 reps
Side Crunches x 10/20 reps
Tuck Rocks x 20/40 reps
Side Plank (right and left) Forward/Backward Hips x 10/20 reps
Seated Straddled Leg Lift Hold x 5/10 seconds
Rest if necessary
A) ✅
B) skipped
C) 170/155
D) Did 600m on Assault runner ?
E) ✅
A. ok
B1. 205lbs
B2. 225lbs
C. 3 RM FS – 355lbs
D. 26 | 22 | 22 | 24
E. Ok
A: 4 + 2 inchworms, done
B: 105, 115, 125 (pounds, sigh)
C: I am so SLOW!! 15, 15, 10, 7 wall balls (scaled to 14# and removed 15 down ups)
D: 225!, 205×2, 195
E: done lower rep scheme
Let’s try to get out running one or two times per week!
A. Done
B. 40/50/60/60Kg
???? is awake, gotta tend to her.
C. Skipped. Away for 35’ so had to warm up again.
D. Subd 60 cals on Echo for the run. Wicked thunderstorm with hail outside.
E. Done
Ah you would have been fine running…?
Yeah, no problem at all! LOL! The hail was crazy. I got caught in it during part A.
A. Done
B1. 95/ 115/ 135/ 135/
B2. 155×4
B3. 155×3
C1. 255
C2. 225
D. No medball, did thrusters with 45# bar. 20/14/ 14/ 17
E. Done
A: ✔️
B1: 75, 95, 115, 145
B2:125, 135, 145, 155
B3: 125, 135, 145
C: 165, 175, 185, 205
C1: 185x3x3
D: had about 50-60 seconds left for the max WBS. (Did 40# KB thrusters no wall ball at home)
E: ✔️
Solid start to the week!
A. Done
B. 175/190/185 failed 190
C. 275/245
D. Class WOD: 15 C+J 135, 1 mile run, 15 C+J 185. 11:37 Rx
E. Done
Just got back from a 4 day camping/hiking trip. Feeling rejuvenated yet a bit tired from climbing some peaks.
How fun!! Great to get away from the hustle and bustle! Ready to hit this week hard! ??
A. 16:39(Row 4×21 cal/30#DB)(no rest on 2nd part)
B. 155/155/160/165#
C. 255#
D. Did 1 set 20 reps 30# /600m TrueForm
A) Done, slow and steady
B1 50/60/60/65
B2 65/70/70/70
B3 70/75/80 (which was my highest Snatch at the beginning of the cycle)
C1 100 kg. Was a little disapointed, as I had hoped for more, but last rep was with bad form, so I stopped.
3x 90kg was “easy”.
D) 16/16/15/14 done with 2000m Bike Erg
E) Ran out of time and wanted to prioritise a bit of time with the wife instead. It was getting late.
Happy wife happy life! Looks like a good training session too, now to just crack that 100+kg!
A) yes, great warm up ? felt good! B) rowed 500m instead and did a KB thruster with 1x8kb in front rack w both hands to overhead. Too lazy to go down and outside but it did the trick! ? C) 45 for today’s heaviest power, and 50 for today’s heaviest snatch – COMPLETELY forgot about the halting SDL ? D) ran around 700m I think, got 35-37-37-37 wall balls. Had around 2 mins left for WB, ran in around 3:30. E) I’m not sure how to do the inch work reach and hold so did inch worms and held… Read more »
I’m not sure how to make line breaks in this comment area ?
I did do the squares as well just got lost somewhere in the writing ☺️ 75 for today’s heaviest 3 reps, not 3 RM but heavy beltless
Haha just press return? Doesn’t matter, I got a good read on today’s session. Looks like it went well!
Solid start to the week!
A. Done
B. To 175/185/205
C. 285 then 255. Getting my legs back again
D. 7 each round. Distance felt a bit off?. Shorts also kept falling down lol. What a mess
E. Done
Good to see that leg strength coming back! Now to measure that run 🙂
A) ✅ what a great warmup ?
B) ✅
C) no time ?
D) did 2 rounds (ran out of time) … 1200m bike …got through 20/23 wall balls
E) no time ?
Starting off the week right!
A) done, second part 1000m bike instead of running
B) done, but kept the loading light and tried to focus on better form
C) 110kg, then 100kg. Same here, nothing fancy.
D) did 1000m row and 2000m bike alternating, and 100 du instead of the 2nd down ups
Got a new rogue SR-1S rope today at my gym for free, so wanted to give it a try
E) 2 rounds done
Did a class wod yesterday as well, so it was enough today
Heck yeah, free stuff! Glad to see a focus on technique
Free stuff/food > everything
A. Done
Finished with 1 Halting Snatch DL+1 Snatch Pull
C. 315/285
D. RX with 800 meter outdoor run
Down ups each about 35 seconds
Runs around 3:30-3:40
E. Did some core with my own accessory stuff
Good work today
A. Done
B. Was a little nervous about the hang squat snatch for some reason, so I backed off initially on the weight…but then couldn’t believe how much better it felt than the power. Still working on confidence in my core holding up.
C. Today’s 3RM: 165; 3 sets at 150#
I can’t remember the last time I got heavy front squats in, besides squat cleans. Clearly these need some work, but again, i find my core is the weakness, no so much the legs.
Great to hear the squat snatch was a pleasant surprise of feeling good!
Hows your abs post partum? Any diastatis?
Doctor said I had none, but her check was not super thorough. I can feel just a little bit of separation in very lowest abs. I just started a postpartum ab rehab program (in large part because I’m tired of not being able to do DU lol) that I’m feeling pretty confident is already helping.
Just checking in. Comp went pretty well this weekend all things considered! Lots of games athletes there so some pretty stacked teams to say the least. Ended up 12th out of 34 teams. Started slow and slowly worked our way up and goT better through the weekend so very pleased with that. Gymnastics and motor I was really happy with. Big win considering gymnastics has always been a weak point. Need to work on not blowing up when heart rate is spiked/core is fatigued and being able to maintain it. Also Need to clean up rep max oly technique. Forcing… Read more »
Good work this weekend! It is awesome that you have some good take aways. Now is a good time to really focus on the technique and become as efficient as you possible can. Enjoy some down town this week.
Congrats on a successful weekend! Sounds like some great performances and takeaways. Now to apply them.
Take it easy this week. Its a good opportunity to do so before the start of the new cycle..
A. Done
B1. 50/60/70/80kg
B2. 85/87,5/90 ✅ (RM) /95kg❌
B3. I didn’t read
C1. 3RM 120kg
C2. Done
D. RX 15/15/15/16 reps
E. Not time fore more
Hitting solid weights. Awesome work
I like to take these transition weeks to take it easy and join in on some classes for some fun. So going to do that this week.
A) Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 @70%
All sets at 185
B) Five rounds for time:
21 cal row
21 GHD sit ups
Enjoy some lower intensity this week!
A. Done
B1. 25/ 30/ 33/ 34 kg
B2. 35/ 36/ 37/ 38 kg (1 kg PR!)
B3. 35/ 37/ 38 kg
C1. 60 kg
C2. 54 kg (90% of today’s 3-RM)
D.Against a 6-minute running clock:
15 Down-Ups
600 Meters on Skillmill
15 Down-Ups
WB (14 lbs): 19/ 20/ 20/ 21 reps
E. Done
Congrats on the PR!
A. Done
B. 40/50/60/70kg
C. 140kg then 3×3 @ 125kg
D. 500m AR, 15/11/10, skipped last set.
E. Done
Was out all of last week again, so took it easier again today.. Hopefully I can stay healthy for a bit now ?
Smart move working your way back in! Have a good Monday