Why You SHOULDN’T Take a Pre-Workout Supplement

Why You SHOULDN’T Take a Pre-Workout Supplement
Written by Holden Rethwill

Back in my football days, pre-workout was the sh*t. I mean we used to live off that stuff. I’ve tried just about every popular pre-workout supplement out there, from Muscle Pharm Assault, to Cellucor C4, to even the original Jack3d before it got banned (that crap could keep you up for a week straight)…

What did I get from it? Yeah, it gave me a bit of a boost, and yeah, I got a little hyped up from it, but did the side effects outweigh the benefits? For me…yes. ESPECIALLY when I started doing CrossFit. Back when it was just chest, back, bi’s, tri’s, and a little bit of squatting, pre-workout was no big deal. But once I started getting into a functional fitness setting, I noticed how much it affected me, and thus began the weaning-off process.

Why You SHOULDN’T Use a Pre-Workout Supplement

Here are the negatives I’ve experienced:

  • Accelerated heart rate (we’re already doing this anyways in CrossFit, why would I take a supplement to make it happen faster…isn’t the goal to not redline?)
  • Trouble sleeping…I struggled with YEARS of insomnia, laying wide awake in bed…as soon as I stopped taking pre-workout (especially in the afternoon) I started falling asleep and actually getting some quality sleep.
  • The jitters, you know when you can’t sit still (insert Chapelle Show Tyrone Biggums meme)…simple enough, we don’t need these in CrossFit, maybe if we’re bodybuilding or powerlifting, but I’m talking to you from a CrossFit perspective
  • Worst of all.. the SHITS. Man I swear I spent more time in the bathroom when I was taking pre-workout than I actually did working out. So all of y’all running to the bathroom multiple times a session to take a dump, cool it on the scoops! Once I stopped taking pre-workout (yes diet does play into this of course) I stopped having to crap multiple times per session, and I actually returned to what would be a normal bowel schedule.

Common Side Effects of Pre-Workout Supplements

Here’s some of the common side effects as spoken by those much more sophisticated than me….

  • Vomiting
  • Tingling/numbness in the face, lips, or extremities
  • Jitters
  • Cramps
  • Headaches
  • Flushed and red skin
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Itching
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • Kidney damage
  • Chest pain

Non-Supplement Performance Aids

At the end of the day, you do you. But let me tell you, if you NEED a pre-workout supplement to get you ready to workout, shouldn’t you first analyze your sleep? What about your rest and recovery schedule? How about your nutrition? Maybe we should get those things dialed in before we decide to rely on a supplement to get us going.

Now…If you know you’re only coming in to workout, and only going to be hitting some heavy lifting, trying to jack up some PR’s then by all means, drop in a couple scoops, throw on some awesome – country – music, and lift some heavy-ass weights. But if you know you’re going to hit some kind of conditioning afterwards, don’t come to me when you feel like you’re about to puke, your heart is beating out of your chest, or you just crapped your pants. 

What to Try Instead of Pre-Workout Supplements

If you need a little pick-me-up because you’re going to workout in the afternoon, try a shot of espresso, or maybe two for those of you who are caffeine addicts. Coffee has WAY LESS crap in it than pre-workout supplements, it’s much healthier long term, and the pre-workout you’re taking probably has WAY TOO MUCH caffeine in it (like any good pre workout would…Jack3D put RedBull to shame when it came to giving you wings). That’s what I do… I pour a couple espresso shots, or drink a couple sips of cold brew just to give me that extra little pep in my step. What it doesn’t do is it doesn’t give me the shits, or jack my heart rate up, or make me feel queasy…and isn’t that what we all want in a pre-workout anyways? Here’s a recipe to try: Pre-Workout Coffee Recipe for Early Morning Exercisers.

Second recommendation.. or third, or whatever I lost track…

CHECK THE LABEL BEFORE YOU TAKE ANYTHING…the supplement industry is a VERY tainted industry. Do not take anything that doesn’t have some sort of NSF or likewise certification. Odds are your pre-workout is loaded with banned crap if it doesn’t carry the necessary certifications put forth by testing agencies like WADA and USADA. I mean just look at the CrossFit games every year, people are CONSTANTLY getting popped for pre-workouts. If you’re going to take a pre-workout, make it a legit supplement, a company that certifies their product (like I said, NSF Certified for Sport is the best), not some crap you find on the shelf for a discount price. Download: 12 Banned Substances to Avoid Before a Competition.

But I tell you what, nothing made you want to run your head through someone when I was playing football like a shot of Redline…I never said I was smart back then…

That’s about all I have to say when it comes to pre-workouts. Take it or leave it, but I’ll know which of you heed my advice based on how many times you head to the crapper during a 1-1.5 hour training session.

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May 24, 2022 11:48 am

This blog is helpful.

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