Primary Training Session
Two rounds of:
500 Meter Row
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
100-Foot Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges (20/15 kg)
400 Meter Run
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Three sets for movement quality and efficiency:
10 Turkish Get-Ups (5 each arm)*
20 Alternating Pistols
150-Foot Bamboo Bar Overhead Carry
(if you don’t have a Bamboo Bar, use PVC pipe, bands and kettlebells)
Pro tips from Coach Fritz on the TGU
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 10 reps*
*Sets 1-2: 90% of 10RM
*Sets 3-4: 85% of 10RM
*Note: If you do not know your 10RM Back Squat – Find that today instead of doing these sets.
Every 4 minutes, for 28 minutes (7 sets) for times of:
21/15 Calorie Assault Bike
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
9 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30/24”)
Five sets for quality:
30 seconds GHD Kayaking
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds Banded Plank Hold
Rest 30 seconds
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Strict Stationary Dips x Max Reps @ 2011
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Dumbbell JM Press x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Reverse Hyper x 20 reps @ 50% of 1-RM Deadlift
Rest as needed
Barbell Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 reps each leg @2111
Rest as needed
*If you don’t have access to a reverse hyper please perform, safety bar or barbell good mornings or band pull-throughs.
Two sets of:
Banded Hamstring Curls x 40 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Running Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Run 2000 Meters @ 80-85% of 1-Mile PR Pace
Rest 2 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and track your heart rate at the conclusion of each interval, as well as at the end of your rest interval. Please post your heart rate numbers to comments, as well as your times.
Rowing Endurance Option
Five sets for times of:
Row 2500 Meters @ 80-85% of 2K PR Pace
Rest 2 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and track your heart rate at the conclusion of each interval, as well as at the end of your rest interval. Please post your heart rate numbers to comments, as well as your times.
Little session today but fun session with TGU.
– only nose wod done
– TGU with 20k, 24k, 32.5k. Pistols and bamboo bar done.
– squats done.
Good work today!
Assault bike conditioning.
8 sets 3 min work @ 130bpm heartrate 2 min rest.
Hr after work
Hr after rest
Pace starting to rise slowly at the same heartrate.
Great to see that recovery between sets. Nice work!
A. Done.
B. Practiced turkish get ups.
C. Set 1-2 @ 120kg
Set 3-4 @ 115kg
D. Scaled to 17 cal ab 10 ctb 9 burpee box jump over.
Assault bike 70 rpm at the start dropped to 65 by the last rounds.
Ctb unbroken for 4 sets 9-1 9-1 8-2 the last rounds.
Burpee box jumps got tough at the end.
Solid finish to the week!
A done
B done with kb 20kg
C 145kg
Legsssss where on ????
D had to use a ski erg. Had no access to a bike or rower.
All sets ctb pull ups unb
Managed to get all sets between 2:20-2:40
E done
C was a good warmup for the conditioning ?