Suggested Warm-Up
3 Minutes of Cardio (Run, Bike, Row, etc)
3 Rounds:
6 Burpees + 6 Air Squats + 6 Pushups + 6 Lunges + 20 second Plank Hold
With empty bar:
8 Back Squat, 8 Deadlift, 8 Press
4 Muscle Snatch, 4 Overhead Squat
4 Power Snatch, 4 Snatch Balances
4 Snatch, 4 Snatch Balances
4 No Contact Snatches
*Every new line means take a short break before moving to the next movements
In 6 sets, build to a challenging (but safe) height for a set of 3 Box Jumps.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
No Feet Snatch
x 1 rep @ 60-80% of 1-RM Snatch
Start at 60% and work up as you go. Your feet should start in your landing position. Heels can come up at extension but the full foot should not move.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Front Squat x 3 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 80%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 85%
*Sets 5-7 = @ 85-90%
Three sets of:
Pullups x 10 reps
Barbell Bicep Curls x 15 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps
Strict Press x 8 reps
Rest as needed
(Goal weight for RDL should be 90%+ of 1-RM Clean)
Are the front squats at % of 3-RM or 1-RM?
Can some of the workouts include videos or images for begginner in WL?
Amjad, you can google many of the movements and find them on youtube.