July 29, 2020 – Competition

Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) of:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpees
10/7 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Air Squats

Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion including the rest period. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Against a 28 minute running clock…
1600 Meter Run
20 Beast Makers (50/35 lbs)*
800 Meter Run
40 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
400 Meter Run
60 Box Jump-Overs (24″”/20″”)
In the remaining time, establish a 1-RM Clean.

Record your time for the workout and the max weight acheived on your clean.

*Beast-Makers = Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right, Squat Clean to Overhead

Three sets of:
5 Double Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
5 Double Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
4 Double Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
4 Double Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
…and so on down to 1 rep of each
Rest 3 minutes and repeat for a total of THREE sets.

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Robert DeLeon
Robert DeLeon
July 30, 2020 4:36 pm

Did this on Thursday. Busy day of work on Wednesday
A: ✔️ 2:57, 2:43, 2:33
B: TC: 27 Reps into HSPU. Total time: 38:10
B1: 8 mins to Establish 1RM Clean: 205#
C: ✔️ Done with 30# DBs

Hege Meling kvia
Hege Meling kvia
July 30, 2020 10:34 am

One day late again ?
A: 2:25 – 2:26 -2:25
B please apologize my ?-picking today, did death my cardio just to sweat and not think. Started on 7 cal, ended on 15 cal ski + 14 cal row
C: with 15 kg dB

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
July 29, 2020 9:28 pm

Well today didn’t go as planned. Did this about 1.5 times, as half way through B I got a call from my mom with not good news about her pup ?So, started over later tonight and did the whole workout that time.
A) Done
B) so this was a lot of fun!
24:38 and up to 190… I should have gone a little heavier faster
C) done – this was a good little burner

Thanks Tino! Hope you had an awesome day!

July 30, 2020 3:30 am
Reply to  Jessica Uehlin

Sorry to hear about the pup. Sending you some positive vibes on your rest day ??

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
July 30, 2020 7:20 pm
Reply to  tino

Thanks so much Tino

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
July 29, 2020 7:28 pm

A) ✅ 2:15/2:10/2:12

B) 25:42
Used 1 abmat for SHSPU
Slow on runs today calves were not happy ?
155 power clean could have gone heavier these felt solid but class was starting so they kicked me out. ?

C) done with 35# dumbbells

July 29, 2020 7:37 pm
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

Get on that calf mobility And rest those legs up. I would also look at ways to make sure that doesn’t happen in future!

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
July 29, 2020 8:16 pm
Reply to  tino

Yeah they will just be eternally tight happens when I run and jump a lot plus I’m on my feet all night at work so doesn’t help the situation. I’ll definitely give them some extra love!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
July 29, 2020 7:07 pm

A. Done
B. 25:43 Rx; SHSPU took forever
Up to 111Kg; missed at 125Kg, rushed to get it in the last 5 seconds and form was crap.
C. Done with 22.5Kg DB

July 29, 2020 7:36 pm
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

Good job getting through those HSPU and making it under the cap. I know how much you love them.

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
July 29, 2020 7:58 pm
Reply to  tino

Thanks. I tried to make up as much time with everything else because I knew the HSPU would take forever. They were brutal; probably should’ve scaled down. I’ll need to ice them tonight for sure.

Daniel Lecavalier
Daniel Lecavalier
July 29, 2020 6:13 pm

New member here; been training the program for the last three weeks. Love it so far.

A. Around 2:30 every round
B. Time capped but finished it would around 31’ with 45# best makers and 20 inch box; row subbed for run because I live In Arizona and it is hellish outside
B2: gave myself 5 minutes for the clean and hit 135/225/245/265 PC for a PR match (haven’t hit this weight in 2-3 years in power)
C. Done with 45# DBs

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
July 29, 2020 6:54 pm

That is fantastic hitting that weight that you havent hit in so long! Great job. Glad you are enjoying the training and that you are posting!

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
July 29, 2020 8:36 pm

Where you at in Az?? I live here too!! Just set up our garage gym today, can’t wait to get back into the grind!!

Daniel Lecavalier
Daniel Lecavalier
July 29, 2020 8:50 pm
Reply to  Amy Maschue

Working out in central Phoenix; I do invictus with my wife and a trainer at our gym. Papago fitness. Where are you at?

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
July 30, 2020 2:41 pm

I built a garage gym and do the workouts there. I used to own CF upper limit in North Phoenix but due to losing to many members to the covid scare, we had to shut down. So bummed. I’ve been doing invictus competition programing for over 3 years on my own and it’s been amazing! Had some serious gains sticking with it! And yes, the heat sucks but I love the Sweat!!

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
July 29, 2020 2:30 pm

I planned on having much more time to clean so I just loaded to 125 and didn’t do any warm ups…
Finished 23:42 and was freaking out! Hit 190 and had 200 ready to go and my baby came out from her nap and needed a hug so I did hit 200 right before 29 and I’m stoked how light it felt after how heavy 125 felt!!

Thanks invictus for giving me some strength and confidence in my abilities back!

July 29, 2020 3:20 pm
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Haha that hug must have helped super cute! The first rep is always the hardest, after that you’re dialled in!

Great work!

David Bunce
David Bunce
July 29, 2020 1:18 pm

Class wod:
Heavy strict press at 185 then 10×95 and 10×115
Back squat: 5 sets of 3 @ 315

Toe bothering me. Ran a slow mile and then skied the next two distances. Way too slow on the beast makers. More like bitch makers.
Finished right on cap and took 10 mins to hit a heavy PC @245

Ready to recover 🙂

July 29, 2020 1:23 pm
Reply to  David Bunce

Rest up, eat well, sleep and look after that toe!

I’ll see you Friday!

July 29, 2020 12:49 pm

Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) of:
15 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Burpees
10 Calorie Assault Bike
25 Air Squats
I finished at 3’45 each set

Against a 28 minute running clock…
1600 Meter Run 8’30”
20 Beast Makers (27,5 kg Dumbell)* 7’00
800 Meter Run 5’30”
40 Handstand Push-Ups
400 Meter Run
60 Box Jump-Overs (24″”/20″”) 13′ hspu+400r+box jump
*Beast-Makers (no left arm) = Push-Up, Row Right, Right Arm Squat Clean to Overhead
34′ total time

July 29, 2020 1:22 pm

Maybe should have scaled a little??

July 29, 2020 1:39 pm
Reply to  tino

Didn’t push too hard but happy that I made it through hspu and beast maker with my elbow sore. Its ok I am used to long workout now?

Jacob Swartwout
Jacob Swartwout
July 29, 2020 12:02 pm

A. Done
B. Class WOD
C. Done 40# DBs

Sabrina Quintão Pereira
Sabrina Quintão Pereira
July 29, 2020 10:31 am


A) 3:10 – 3:13 – 3:19
B) Scaled to:
1200m Run
20 BM @ 25lb
600m Run
40 SHSPU to 2” Raise
300m Run
60 BJO
26:58 ??. Then up to 105lb (88%) in 3 attempts (95 – 100 – 105lb) in the remaining time (1:02). Cleans felt strong .
C) Done with 30lb

Have a great day! ?

July 29, 2020 11:53 am

Great work making it under the cap and still getting 105lb.!

Jessica Hamilton
Jessica Hamilton
July 29, 2020 9:33 am

A. 2:40/2:15/2:18

B. finished for time:
did all 40 shspu!
then capped myself at 35:00 for the clean
195# happy hitting that after this week
wish our gym had air conditioning cause it was slightly over 100 today was dripping with sweat on those beast makers!!… but this was a fun one!

C. done

July 29, 2020 10:01 am

Great work getting through those SHSPU! Stay safe in the heat, hydrate, eat well and enjoy your rest day. You’ll be feeling your first week back. Its important you look after yourself!

Jessica Hamilton
Jessica Hamilton
July 29, 2020 10:30 am
Reply to  tino

I definitely will! Looking forward to my rest day tomorrow!

Kasper Utoft Soltau
Kasper Utoft Soltau
July 29, 2020 8:52 am

A) 2:32/2:19/1:59. I Build more and more confidence to push it.

B) 27:58. Took 2 min break and gave me 3 min to Build to a heavy Clean. Got an easy 100 kg power clean. Really happy

C) Done

Ps. Shoutout to anyone making B + Heavy Clean within time Cap: You have my deepest respect!

July 29, 2020 9:16 am

Great work finishing under the cap, just!! This is a tough one!

Kasper Utoft Soltau
Kasper Utoft Soltau
July 29, 2020 11:45 am
Reply to  tino

had 2 minutes and 15 seconds to do 60 Box Jump Overs. I were to afraid to trip on the box.

Benjamin Ransom
Benjamin Ransom
July 29, 2020 8:18 am

A. Done B. 27:28 Rx….wow 305# for a quick single I was originally thinking I’d have a little more time to build(only had 185 on the bar at the start but had my buddy load up 305 for a confidence lift when I realized how tight I was going to finish). What really did me in were the beast makers and the 800m run. Finished the first mile at 6:50(pretty conservative pace as my current mile time is 5:58), but hamstrings and lower back cramped up real hard being in the push-up position. The weight felt light and easy but… Read more »

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 29, 2020 8:14 am

A. 1:59/1:58/1:47
B. RX 23:19 – Shspu were a bit of a struggle today
B2. 295
Damn I could have swore when I read this it was a 25 minute clock or am I crazy??? had an extra 3 minutes to build ?‍♂️
C. Done with 60#

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
July 29, 2020 8:44 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

I think he changed it to 28, it was def 25 last night

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 29, 2020 8:47 am
Reply to  Patrick Benson

Thank you, thought I was losing my mind lol

July 29, 2020 9:15 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Sorry dude, changed it late last night but if I was writing it for you it still would have been 25 😛

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 29, 2020 9:35 am
Reply to  tino

Lol thanks! All good! probably pushed me on the jump overs a little more than anything. Cleans felt strong today though!

David Bunce
David Bunce
July 29, 2020 1:20 pm
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Shocked you didn’t use the 60s for beast makers

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
July 29, 2020 1:42 pm
Reply to  David Bunce

Lol I almost had to luckily had an extra 50. 60s I would probably still be doing them

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
July 29, 2020 8:13 am

A) done, always under 2:30 B) did 2000-1000-500m row, and still no clean or heavy weights, so the plan was amrap bike erg in the remaining time Rx: 29:10 (caped by 42 box jump overs), so no bike erg haha Maybe started to hard on the first rowing (around 7:05), but after the first dumbell row by the beast maker i felt oh-oh, it definitely got me, took aroud 6’ or so, then obviously i burned, shoulders were dead and just tried to hang in there 😀 shoulders were on fire, they are actually on fire since yesterday *just to… Read more »

July 29, 2020 9:13 am
Reply to  Aron Megyik

Correct, two dumbbells for the beast makers. Maybe a little aggressive with your rows, I would have went 1:1 meter wise.

Solid challenging session. Now go and eat well and hydrate!

Aron Megyik
Aron Megyik
July 29, 2020 9:31 am
Reply to  tino

Ah i hoped it was originally just 1 and that’s why i was slow haha
The 1:1 sounds definitely more doable, because i felt it in the shoulders as hell
2nd session with all the movements and parts, great stuff!

Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
July 29, 2020 7:06 am

Felt defeated just looking at B today but shit, that turned out fun. A 12/10/8/25 x3 this felt good today! + crossover symmetry B. Scaled this perfectly but was being a baby during the BM’s so i ultimately got capped and added 5 min to find the clean. Also may have been a slower than average runner but not once did i stop and barely thought about stopping! 8 min AR run 20 BM’s w/ 35s 4 min AR run 40 SPHSU (abmat) 2 min AR run 40(60) BJO’s in 3 min but these felt surprisingly clean – capped at… Read more »

July 29, 2020 8:02 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

HTFU dude, never let a workout defeat you before you’ve even started. Always go into the session with the mentality that you’re going to give your full effort irrelevant of the circumstances.

Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
July 29, 2020 8:22 am
Reply to  tino

Head the F up?
Today turned out awesome man, really happy with the turnout!

July 29, 2020 9:10 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

It’s a Kristen Holte saying Harden the fuck up

Good job turning it around!

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
July 29, 2020 6:50 am

A) Done
B1) 23:23 RX
B2) Up to 245
Cleans felt good but I ran out to time, so I kept going, up to 270 for a 5lb PR. I tried and failed this weight each of the past two weeks, felt so good to finally hit it!! (Side note – I know it’s not a lot. I’m working on it)
C) Done with 60s

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
July 29, 2020 7:06 am
Reply to  Patrick Benson

270 is solid weight so that is awesome! congrats on the clean PR and its another step closer to the 300 milestone!

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
July 29, 2020 10:55 am
Reply to  Hunter Britt

Thanks Hunter! Yup the road to 300 continues

Simon Lehtimäki
Simon Lehtimäki
July 29, 2020 5:51 am

A. 2.51/2.38/2.39, nosebreathe ?
B. Assault runner 1000/600/300m. Got it done at 28.02, so no cleans for me ?. First time running on the assault runner, man it was hard. Got absolutely buried under the beast makers…
C. Done with 25kg db’s

Not happy with todays performance. Just need to put in more work.

July 29, 2020 6:06 am

Those beast makers got you! Still money in the bag and some solid work. Onward!!

Simon Lehtimäki
Simon Lehtimäki
July 29, 2020 6:11 am
Reply to  tino

Yessir! ?

Wyatt Beebe
Wyatt Beebe
July 29, 2020 5:37 am

A. Done
B. Cut movements in half, kept runs the same 18:54
10 beast makers 20 shspu 30 box overs
Built to 75% 245 power clean
C. Used 35s

July 29, 2020 6:06 am
Reply to  Wyatt Beebe

Body feeling better with the reduced volume?

Wyatt Beebe
Wyatt Beebe
July 29, 2020 7:40 am
Reply to  tino

For the most part yes! Lower back is feeling a bit weird again. Going to have some work done on it this afternoon.

July 29, 2020 8:00 am
Reply to  Wyatt Beebe

Now to get you healthy!

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