This week is a testing week! If you were following the program on September 30, 2019, please review your results from that day before you tackle this session, and make it your goal to beat those results. Keep in mind, if your training was adversely impacted by the COVID-19 quarantines, moderate your expectations so that your goals are realistic and achievable with the training you’ve been able to compete over the past several weeks.
At-Home No Equipment
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.
When the clock starts, perform…
Two sets of:
60 second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 seconds of Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
30 seconds of Divebomb Push-ups
30 seconds of Plank Kick-Throughs With Hand Tap
60 seconds of Face Down Alternating Scorpion Kicks
60 seconds of Robotic Dog
30 seconds of Superman Hold
Rest 60 seconds
When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Station 1 – 30 Running Man Line Jumps + Max Reps of Backpack Squat Cleans in the Remaining Time
Station 2 – Rest
When the running clock reaches 25:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Station 1 – 30 Lateral Line Jumps + Max Reps of Air Squats in the Remaining Time
Station 2 – Rest
When the running clock reaches 40:00, perform the following:
Three sets of:
Bent-Over Gorilla Rows x 8-10 reps each side
Weighted Side Bends x 20 reps each side
Bodyweight Good Mornings x 30 reps
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work on intense, short sprints. We would like to see consistent movement and steady, but aggressive pacing. The one minute rest should be just enough to keep you as consistent as possible during the 5 sets of each EMOM. Test yourself here, push hard on the first set and see if you can hold on!
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus. Click here for the full workout briefing.
When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Station 1 – 30 Double-Unders + Max Reps of Squat Cleans in the Remaining Time
Station 2 – Rest
When the running clock reaches 25:00, perform the following:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes (5 sets of):
Station 1 – 30 Double-Unders + Max Reps of Back Squats or Front Squats in the Remaining Time
Station 2 – Rest
Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Snatch Technique Warm-Up
Three sets of:
Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 3 reps
Snatch High Pull from Below Knee x 3 reps
Muscle-Snatch x 3 reps
Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3211
Snatch Push Press x 3 reps
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
Hang Power Snatch x 3 reps
Snatch from Below Knee x 3 reps
*Set 1 – Empty Barbell
*Set 2 – 95/65 lbs
*Set 3 – 95/65 lbs
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch x 1.1
(2-3 second reset between singles)
*Set 1 – 60% of 1-RM Snatch
*Set 2 – 65%
*Set 3 – 70%
*Set 4 – 75%
*Set 5 – 75-80%
*Set 6 – 80-85%
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
10 Toes-to-Bar
2 Snatches
*The load you select must stay the same throughout the 10 minutes – you cannot increase or decrease the load.
**You are only allowed two snatch attempts in each minute.
***Score your total load successfully lifted. E.g. 185 x 2, 185 x 2, 185 x 1.F = 925
Why “Commitment” – because everything is easy in the beginning; the question is what can you commit to and follow through on no matter how difficult it gets.
Rest until relatively recovered, and then…
Three rounds at 80-85% effort…
800 Meter Run
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (60/40 lbs)
This portion should be performed at sub-maximal intensity and used primarly to work on rhythm, breathing and pacing. Focus on breathing and movement mechanics.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Two sets of:
Barbell Loaded Walking Lunges x 20 steps @ 20X1
(back rack the barbell; step so legs make 90/90 angles; keep your chest up throughout the movement; HOVER, but DO NOT TOUCH your back knee to the ground – this shows control)
Rest 90 seconds
One set for max reps of:
2 Minutes of Barbell Jumping Lunges (20/15 kg)
(place an empty barbell on your back and perform as many jumping lunges as possible in 2 minutes)
Two sets of:
60 seconds of Banded Hamstring Curls
Rest 30 seconds
60 seconds of Banded Good Mornings
Rest 30 seconds
Keep a steady pace with a light band.
Running Endurance Option
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across all sets. If possible, wear a heart-rate monitor and note how your heart rate follows your perceived rate of exertion over the course of your workout.
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 1900 Meters
Rest 4 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across the four sets.
AM. 15 rounds with a 25kg dumbbell
10 cal ski
6 squats
6 snatchea
6 lunges
Rest 30 seconds
Isolation be damaging my gainzzzz
A. Done
B. Done
C. Done with 80kg (10kg less than last time)
First time shifting some heavy tin like that and first time Toes to bar too. Only managed 3 round until I dropped to 8 ttb. Hit all snatches ?
A. Done
B. 85/90/95/100/105/110(f/1)
C. 105, no fails ? I would have liked to go heavier, it didn’t have the confidence when I failed a 110 snatch before I even started. It was really taxing in my grip though, I would definitely not have managed all sets without fail if I’d gone heavier.
D. 2k bike erg instead of run; 19:49 total.
You’re a crossfitter, when that 3,2,1 went you would have had that 110! Still a solid days work!
Just as well I’ll get to retest it ?
PM Session:
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Front Squat x 1 rep @ 90% – 285
90% is 288 lbs so this was a little light but I wanted to focus on being explosive out of the hole
In 20 minutes, build to a 1-RM Power Clean + Power Jerk – 255
Not a PR or anything. Just a heavy single. Think my 1RM is maybe 265
Laid back day today. It was nice.
A) done @Bar/70lbs/95lbs
B) 135/145/155/170/180/190- both 180 and 190 I missed first attempts ??♂️. Took a :30 rest and then got them.
C) Done at 165lbs, TTB UB except for 9th & 10th set 6/4.
Rounds 1-4 is fun, 5 & 6 is where I realized I’m about to hopefully hang on, 7-10 is just that for me, hanging on and don’t think just move. A real mental game.
D) 28:00ish on Assault runner.
Mental victory! Fun start to the week!
– accessory work in the morning
– warm up done
– 1.1 snatch done up to 90k
– condo with ttb and snatch : done with 80k. No fail and everything UB.
– lot of training and wod with friends on saturday and sunday so skipped the 3 rft wod of today.
– core done
Should have went AT LEAST 90 kg 🙂
Looks like you had a fun weekend of fitnessing!
Oh really? At least 85% on this metcon?
Around 85%
Received !
A. Done B. 110/120/130/140/150/160 C. I hate this workout lol Every time I do it I fail reps in the first 2 rounds because I’m a big baby and get in my head..And then I get frustrated. Today I used 155# because 1.) my snatches have felt solid and 2.) I wanted to push myself. I hit 13/20 reps, I’m happy with that. I’m pretty sure my score was around the same last time I did this workout and I used 145#. ??♀️ D. Oh I really took this workout at 80% effort. It was around 22 minutes-ish. I wasn’t… Read more »
1. Great job going 155 on this! I love that you left it all out there on a workout you “hate” that’s character!
2. Treat that bar like its your b****. You own that bar that bar doesn’t own you! I want you to go 20/20 at 155 when this come up again and I’m confident if you continue doing what you have been doing then you will!
A. Done
B. 32.5-47.5kg
C. Barbell 45kg, one rep fail
1-9 sets ttb ub, 10 set 7-3
D. 20:14
All ub. I did it evenly, mechanically, I thought about breathing, each set almost at the same pace.
After Rowing
Good body and movement awareness on Part D. Fun start to the week!
AM Session: For time: Row 2000 Meters @ 85% of 5k PR pace Row 500 Meters @ 65-70% of 5k PR pace Row 3000 Meters @ 85% of 5k PR pace Row 500 Meters @ 65-70% of 5k PR pace Row 2000 Meters @ 85% of 5k PR pace 5k PR pace = 1:59.0/500 2k / 3k goal pace = 2:16/500 500m goal pace = 2:34/500 2k = 8:54.8 (2:13.7/500) 500 = 2:24.6 3k = 13:21.8 (2:13.6/500) 500 = 2:24.1 2k = 8:55.3 (2:13.8/500) Total = 36:00.5 (2:15.0/500) Nasal breathing only on this one again. Not a bad start to… Read more »
Solid start to the week! Those lungs are for sure open!
A done
B 80/90/100/110/115/120kg for doubles
C picked 110kg to test myself last september did 100kg
Hit 14/20 snatches so pretty happy with that effort and that weight
D done in 14:12
First 2 rounds 17/13 wallballs last set unb
Db snatches all unbr
Went big today!! I like it! Same weight when we retest but I expect 20/20!
Solid start to the week and I love that you’re testing yourself! ???
Let’s make that happen!??
55-…-80 Kg
All 73 kg ( 1 power snatch+ snatch)
September 30 training. race weekend 28/29 settembre
Wod Dubai Master + 40
12 round
5 Stritc hspu
10 hang Db snatch 22.5 kg
30 DU
In the afternoon Row
Big start to the week!
Happy with how the qualifier went?
yes happy, I don’t think I could do better
almost emom