March 21, 2020 – Masters Program

At Home Workout
Limited Equipment Option:
For time:
Run 1-Mile or 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike or 2000 Meter Row

Followed by. . .

Ten rounds of:
10 Burpee Jump Backs*
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders

Followed by. . .

Run 1-Mile or 100/70 Calorie Assault Bike or 2000 Meter Row

*This is like a burpee but instead of going to the floor, you drop to the top of a push-up plank position, then jump back to standing.

No Equipment Option:
For time:
Ten rounds of…
*10 Burpee Jump Backs
20 Air Squats
10 Tuck Jumps

Immediately followed by. . .

Five rounds of:
15 Back Pack Deadlifts
15 Back Pack Presses

*This is like a burpee but instead of going to the floor, you drop to the top of a push-up plank position, then jump back to standing.

Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 10 minutes rolling out your t-spine, lats and IT Bands

and then …

Over the Shoulder Barbell Stretch x 45 seconds per side

and then …

Band-Assisted Scarecrow x 2 minutes

and then …

Two sets of:
Y’s, T’s, W’s x 8-10 reps each
Shoulder Circles

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x 10 reps
Bear Crawl with Wrist Stretch x 10′

and then …

Two sets of:
Front Squats x 5 reps (barbell) @ 3311
Push-Press x 5 reps

This is one of our favorite workouts at Invictus. The Masters community did this workout last year on May 11, 2019

. Please go back to compare your scores from last year. Enjoy!

“Last Man Standing”
On the minute, every minute, perform the following – once you fail at a certain movement, move immediately to the next (starting with the next minute interval):
Push Press x 1 rep
35-54: start at 135/95 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
55+: start at 115/75 lb and add 10 lb. every minute
Front Squat x 1 rep
(start with the weight you finished with on the push press, add 10 lb. every minute)
Picking up on the one minute segment that you would have been starting your next round of front squats, perform 20 Wall Ball Shots on the minute, every minute, for up to 7 minutes. (If you make all 7 sets, terminate this portion of the workout and move on.)
If you cannot complete all 20 shots within the designated minute, this portion of the workout is over . . . move on to the next phase of the workout.

35-54: 20 lbs to 10′ target/14 lbs to 9′ target
55+: 20 lbs to 9′ target/10 lbs to 9′ target

Picking up on the minute you would have been starting your next set of wall ball shots, perform:
5/3 Muscle-Ups on the minute, every minute, for a maximum of 7 minutes.
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Muscle-Ups within the designated minute, your workout is over.

55+: 5/3 Strict Ring-Dips
If you cannot complete all 5/3 Strict Ring-Dips within the designated minute, your workout is over.

(Goal is to keep working for as long as possible…to be the last man/woman standing.)

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March 28, 2020 11:32 am

PP= 135-225
FS = 225-315 (DID NOT ATTEMPT 325)

March 21, 2020 10:34 am

MAWU) done
Push Press) Failed @ 205# (min 8)
Front Squat) Failed @ 295# (min 10 of FS, min 18 overall)
Wall Balls) done UB (+7 min)
MUs) Failed min 4 (5/5/5/3)
29 min total, +4 from last time (+3 FS’s, +1 MUs)

David Partridge
David Partridge
March 21, 2020 8:13 am

PP: 6 rds 165
FS: 8 rds 245 stopped watching back
WB: 7 rds unbroken
ring dips: 8 rds @ 5 unbroken then 3 rds @ 10 unbroken stopped when I could not finish unbroken

32 rds total

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