For breathing efficiency and movement quality:
30 Bar-Facing Burpees
50 Overhead Squats (20/15 kg)
1000 Meter Row
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Nose-to-Wall Handstand Wall Runs x 20 shoulder taps
(focus on stabilizing your midline and maintaining a good vertical position)
Minute 2 – Weighted V-Ups x 10-12 reps
(hold weight overhead for these sets)
Minute 3 – Strict Ring-to-Sternum Pull Ups x 6-8 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Clean x 1 rep
*Sets 1-2 – 70-75%
*Sets 3-4 – 75-80%
*Sets 5-6 – 80-85%
*Sets 7-8 – 85-90%
*Sets 9-10 – 90-95%
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets) for times:
18/12 Calories of Assault Bike
5 Cleans
Suggested loading per set:
*Set 1 – 185/135 lbs
*Set 2 – 205/145 lbs
*Set 3 – 225/155 lbs
*Set 4 – 245/165 lbs
*Set 5 – 225/155 lbs
*Set 6 – 205/145 lbs
These may be power or squat. Move the barbell the fastest most efficient way for you.
The goal of this portion is power output. If sets are taking you longer than 90 seconds, please adjust the loading.
Compare results to January 7, 2020.
Three sets of:
Good Mornings x 6 reps @ 3011
Rest 10-15 seconds
Alternating Reverse Lunges x 12 reps
Rest as needed
Goal is to use the same barbell for both movements – load as heavy as you can safely handle.
A. 7:23 Rx
B. Done V12/PU8
C. 205/215/225/235/245/255/265/275/285#PR!!!
D. Skipped
A. Done B. Done C. Failed at 117Kg(85%); felt very heavy coming off the ground and through the pull. Disappointed by the effort on this today. I haven’t hit my PR (138Kg) in 2 years. I’m starting to think that age(48 years) is catching up with me and it’s time to set a new PR for training %; perhaps 90% becomes the new 100%. D. Scaled to same weight as 7 Jan. 75/84/93/102/93/84 Today – 1:21/1:27/1:36/2:05/1:34/1:21 7 Jan – 1:25/1:36/1.45/1:55/1:49/1:30 A little better cycling the BB today except for 102Kg; that was a mess. All PC singles except 102Kg clean… Read more »
Age will for sure play a role but it’s not stopping you in getting a little fitter! #perspective
Nice work dude!
A. 10:29 good with the nose breath
B. Done
C. 185,195,210, 220,230
D. Done 165,185,205,215,205,185
I did 200 mts run because all the bike were busy
E. Done 95 lb.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 3 cleans + 1 jerk 1 @ 245, 1 @ 260, 2×1 @ 275
D. Scaled weight to 185,205,225,205,185
1:09,1:10,1:12,1:22,1:15,1:07 – was able to touch and go on all the cleans.
Two good days of training!
A. Done
B. Done (10# v ups)
C. 220/235/250/265/280 and then 300 cause why do 295 ??♂️
D. 1:04/1:17/1:31/1:54/1:48/1:38 I was able to maintain the 18 cals this time around and did 155/185/205/225/205/185, which was more weight than last time.
E. Done 65#
Conditioning has came up! Nice work!
This week back at work is killing me. Not done yet, so will likely just take my pup walking and make this up tomorrow. ?
Hope your day is great, Tino!
Or a run 🙂 ? ?♀️ ?
Thanks for the update!
A. Done ~ 11:00 (on c2 knockoff so timing is off!)
B. Done w/10lb plate
C. Worked up to 165lbs (~90%) which I repeated twice. Timing was clicking and felt really smooth!
D. 95lbs 1:13
105lbs 1:19
115lbs 1:22
125lbs 1:28
115lbs 1:22
105lbs 1:17
12 AB cals throughout. This has been a challenging workout for me so I’m glad I stuck with it. Nothing to compare it to because I was on vacation though.
E. Done up to 105lbs
Neck seems to be better! Solid days work!
A. 8:33
B. Done
C. Up to 255. Jammed my finger pretty bad on 265 and stopped there
D. Finger was not up for cleaning so did the bike and 15 KB swings @ 70# every 3 mins. About 1:20-1:30 every set
E. Done 135/155/155
??♂️ hope your finger heals soon!
A) done 7:10
B) done. Enjoying these gymnastic skill emoms
C) up to 305(90%) failed 315 a couple times. Heavier lifts have been on a downward trend these past few weeks..
1:29 (245 was so heavy today)
:49. Sold a bit of my soul for this time
E) done 135-155
My challenge for you in future intervals is to make your second to last set your fastest then to hang on during that final one!
Hola a todos.
A. Done
B. Done
C. 62,5 kg
67,5 kg
72,5 kg
75 kg
80 kg
85 kg
D. 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85 kg
1:15 – 1:17 – 1:18 – 1:20 – 1:30 – 1:30
E. Done
A. Done: breathing went well
B. Swapped to strict c2b(cut is on the side of my hand, all glued up and seems to be healing well, didn’t want to rip it open)
C. 225×1/245×2/260×2/280×2/295×2/310×1
D. Rx-185/205/225/245/225/205#
Jan 7th / Today:
1:21 / 1:09
1:21 / 1:10
1:26 / 1:17
1:30 / 1:24
1:26 / 1:27
1:20 / 1:27
Overall faster but clearly I was gassed on the last 2 sets(maybe the biking last night might have added to it)
E. Done
Nice work dude!
A) 9:20 really slow on row ?
B) V-ups with 15# plate
Did 6 strict pull-ups
C) 115/125/
155/160. Stoked on this haven’t hit this weight since before my injury almost a year yay!
D) didn’t see post about weights until after so I went heavier.? faster and stronger this time around! ?
Weights 95/105/115/125/115/105
:56/:56/:58/1:04/1:01/:58 did TNG
Jan 7
Weights 85/95/105/115/105/95
1:10/:59/1:06/1:10/1:07/1:05 did all sets as singles
E) 85# for both
Good day!
What a damn good days work!! Great to see your hard work in training paying off!
Hell yeah thanks! Today was a good day happy with my progress!
A. 7:23
B. Done
C. up to 255 power clean-squat clean doesn’t feel great in bottom position still so sticking to moderate power cleans for now
D. Done with 18 cal ski and 5 power clean @205 every 3 for 5 rounds- stayed pretty consistent here, all around 1:10
E. 135
Hope to see you back to full health soon!
For the conditioning should I use the same weights I used on January 7 or go heavier?
If you noted your times for January 7th then use the same weight the goal would be to go faster
A. Done
B. Done
C. Up to 225# my legs are prob weakest part of me right
D. 185#/1:27 205#/1:26 225#/1:50 225#/1:53
205#/1:34 185#/1:20 (last time only did 15 cals/185#)
E. Done
Way to get faster on the last set of 185!
A. 8:35
B. done
C. 185/195/195/205/205/225/225/240/240/255
D. scaled: 185/195//205/215/205/195
and 15 cal AAB
time: 1:33/1:27/2:08/2:27/2:33/2:39
E. done
The legs got a good workout today!
Yeiiii ? ?
Hello! A) 11:10 / January 7th – 12:27 B) Done with 10lb Medball for V-ups C) 39 – 41 – 43 – 44 – 45 – 47 – 48 – 49 – 50 – 52kg (95%) D) Same scaling than last time: 10 cal Echo Bike and same weights as follow: Today / January 7th Set 1: 85lb – 0:58 (t&g) / 1:18 Set 2: 95lb – 0:59 (t&g) / 1:11 Set 3: 105lb 1:10 (3/2) / 1:23 Set 4: 115lb 1:25 (singles) / 1:54 Set 5: 105lb 1:13 (3/1/1) / 1:26 Set 6: 95lb 1:00 (t&g) / 1:06 E)… Read more »
Awesome to see you cycling that barbell! Great work! Some awesome improvements today!
Thanks Tino! A very good day even though my legs were destroyed from yesterday’s. ?
A. Done think it was faster than last time but didn’t note time last time
B. Done
C. 225/245/255×2/265/275/295/305/315/335 cleans could be back
D. Did class workout for my birthday wod thought I would do both that and the bike/cleans but decided against it
E. Done
What was your Birthday workout?
Thanks Tino!!
3 rounds for time
2 deadlifts (315/225)
11 bar muscle ups
19 bar facing burpees
90 double unders
30 reps of “x”
Round 1 x = toes to bar
Round 2 x = wallballs (30/20)
Round 3 x = Assault Bike Cals
2/11/1990 30!
I’ll do this some time this week! Only 2 deadlifts?
Nice!! You’ll smash it. yep just 2! Feel free to bump the weight up!
A) Done (9:10… I think ha)
B) Done, working on proper lockout OH and full pull to sternum on rings
C) worked up to 150#
D) wooza… completed
115 – 125 – 135 – 145 – 135 – 125
*First 3 sets witching 1:30, last 3 closer to 2:00
E) No time 🙁
A) 8:15 with front squats (no overhead)
B) Every 90 seconds for 4 sets: 15 V-Ups
C) 195/195/205/210/215/225/230/240/245/255
D) 135-1:06, 155-1:08, 175-1:13, 195-1:29, 175-1:24, 155-1:23
E) 95/115/115
Shoulder feeling better?
Still a bit of inflammation but the cleans didn’t seem to bother it. Going to continue to stay away from lifting overhead and gymnastics for the week. I have an appointment with my chiro tomorrow too so that treatment should help!