Mobility and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
Build over the course of the 4 sets. This is meant to be a warm-up exercise, not for maximal weight.
Every 2:30, for 20 minutes (8 sets):
*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 2 = 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 3 = 1 rep @ 85%
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 = 1 rep @ 94%
*Set 6 = 1 rep @ 98%
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 101%+
The goal today is to find a 1-RM Snatch.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 55%
*Set 2 – 5 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 3 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85%
Followed by. . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 10 reps @ 70-75%
Against a 5-minute running clock…
400 Meter Run or 500 Meter Row
25 Toes-to-Bar
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
Max Rep Burpee Muscle-Ups
Rest 4 minutes and repeat for a total of FOUR sets. Note reps of Burpee Muscle-Ups for each of the four sets.
Three sets of:
Banded Good Mornings x 40 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Banded Hamstring Curls x 30 reps
Rest 30 seconds
One set of:
3 Minutes of Banded March
“Mamba & Gigi”
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
8 Power Cleans (185/125 lbs)
24 Box Jumps (30″/24″)
13 Burpees
The “Mamba” workout originally posted in April 2016 and celebrated the career of NBA legend Kobe Bryant. It was 18 minutes for his 18 consecutive All-Star game appearances, 5 ring muscle-ups for the 5 NBA championship rings he earned with the Lakers, 8 power cleans for his jersey number from 1997-2006, and 24 box jumps for his jersey number from 2006-2016. Today we add 13 burpees in honor of his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, and join the entire world in mourning the loss of these incredible individuals, as well as the other lives lost in the tragic accident.
A. done
B. with 95 lb
C. 235/275/ 320/365
3 sets @320 lb
d. 2 muscle up in all rounds
E & F done
Just catching up scores:
A. Snatch balance to 40kg
B. I set a new 1RM at Strength in Depth this past weekend so missed this bit.
C. 62.5, 75, 87.5, 97.5, 10s at 80kg
D. CNS still screwed from this weekends comp.
E. Done
F. Done
How long should it take to recover from comp? I took Monday off and hit this yesterday but I still feel smoked! Huge congrats to Kelsey for getting her ticket to Madison!
B. 165/176/187#
C. Skipped
D. Did 3 sets with 360 m TrueForm everything else Rx 9/5/2
Warm up done
A. 25/ 30/ 33/ 35 kg
B. 32/ 34/ 36/ 38/ 39 kg. Missed 41 kg twice.
C1. 41/ 49/ 56/ 64 kg
C2. Done with 56 kg @ 75%
D. 400m run @ skill mill. Scaled to 15 ttb, 30 kg barbell and burpee bar muscle up: 2/ 2/ 1/ 1 reps
E. Done
F. Done with 20 kg med ball
A. 95/145/165/185#
B.built to 275# a 5# PR
C. 215/255/290/330# – 275#
Honestly just never made it back after meetings And coaching for conditioning(shame on me)
Back at home, join the class for a different Mamba WOD. Did the squats after.
Back squats
10s @ 110, 115, 115kg
M&A and warmup done
A. Done
B. Up to 75Kg
C. 110/125/150/170Kg
142.5Kg x 10 across all sets
D. 5/4/3/3
E. Done
F. Done
Mobility Done
A. Done 125
B. Done 175
C. 195/ 235/265/305
3 sets at 225
D. Done scale to 115 can’t do burpee mu
E. Done
A. CanEast qualifier #2. Rowing, lunges and DB front squats in a 25 min amrap
B. Ended up tying my snatch PR at 90kg and then missing 93kg. Pretty happy considering how blown up my legs were
C. 245×10 for all 3 sets
Resting up and getting ready for tomorrow’s qualifier!
Sounds like a great day!!
Mobility and A. Did my shoulder rehab.
B. Skipped.
C. 100-118-136-154, then 130-132-136 kg.
D. Mamba and Gigi, Scaled:
5 DB Renegade Rows 50 lbs DBs
8 Cleans 185
24 Box Jumps 24”
13 Burpees
4 rounds
E. Done.
F. Done on belt squat machine. It sucks, man!
Have you all a great day!
Ooooo you have a belt squat?! I’m so jealous!!
Warm-up ✅ A) 65/75/85/95 B) set 1- 100/105 Set 2- 110 Set 3 -115 Set 4-120 Set 5 – 125 Set 6 -130 Set 7 132 fail Set 8 132 fail Max is 135# haven’t hit 130 since before my injury about a year now so super happy with today all sets were solid and the last 2 sets I failed once backwards and second got it up but forward think I rushed the pull but it’s right there. C)125/140/165/185 2 sets @ 160 D) Did with run and used 85# on thrusters to keep intensity all sets UB Did… Read more »
Awesome way to start the week!! Great job Elena!
Biceps and triceps done
A 56kg
B build to 95% 76kg
C % basead 1RM 143kg
D Thruster 135lb 20 Burpee Muscle Up total
7-5-5-3 reps
E Done
?? strong start to the week!
Ok so was this bar or ring burpee muscle ups? Cause stopping those rings from going crazy is a pain.
Alway ring unless specified bar. Learn to control the rings on the decent. We’ve seen these come up many time’s in competition.
Warm-up & Activation done
E-F. Done
One of those days ? I might switch my schedule this week to combine Tuesday & Wednesday into one day so I don’t miss today’s programming.
Bummer about today, but we have all week to turn it around!
Damn life getting in the way of training!
Primer stuff done
A) 185-215
B) worked up to 235 (90%) disappointed with this. I get super mental with “max out” days and underperform.
C) sets of 10 across at 295
D) 24 total. 7,6,5,6. Happy with consistency. Unhappy with how fatigued my grip was
E) done
F) skipped due to time
Try to have fun with max outs. Nothing is riding on a PR or not so enjoy the process.
Light snatching and a run with the pup…. still getting something in tho. I think my body needs a little TLC today, and my stomach is not well today. Back at it tomorrow!
Also, meant to ask- with heart rate variability- should it be high? Low? Is it just a change that can indicate inadequate recovery? I listen to my body anyway, just curious to learn more abt this.
Thanks Tino! Hope your Monday has been great!
Here is a really informative article from on whoop that talks about this!
Thanks Hunter!!
Hy, i started post my result , i practice crossfit after my work , and is my complement in my sport , i race in mtb in downhill and enduro.
A. Done
B. 40kg/45/47,5/ 50/52,5/55 / fail 2attemps 57,5
C.55kg/65/75/85 —70kg unbroken
D. Scaled thruster 40kg
E. Done
Welcome to the community Toni!!
A. 95×2, 115×2, 125×2, 135#x2
B. Built to 150# today. Failed 155#
C1. 165×5, 195×5, 225×3, 255#x2
C2. 215#x10x2, 220#x10
D. “Mamba + Gigi”: 4 rds + 3 MUs women’s RX
F. 3 min banded march done
A. Done with with 40-50kg/set
B. Ended up with 80kg. Still struggling with the snatch. The journey towards the 100kg continues!
C. Done based on 150kg
D. Done with 110kg
E. Done and scaled as follows:
400m run on AAR
20 TTB
10 Thrusters (first set with 60kg then with 50kg)
Set 1: 0 RMU
Set 2: 2 RMU
Set 3: 2 RMU
Set 4: 2 RMU
E. Done
F. Skipped for other accessory work
Dial that technique in! Let’s get that 100kg!
Warm up done
A. Done
B. Up to 252 just missed 260 a couple times
Notice the mines I miss I’m just lacking aggression
C. 205/245/275/325
275×10 only one set started the second and knee was bothering me
D. Opted for mamba and gigi
RX 4 + 13
too slow on box jumps
E. Did some of my own accessory mixed with this
Be aggressive with that turnover and punch!!
yessir! I feel the difference I need to go into it with that mentality every time. Happy the shoulder was good though. But how do I get better at box jumps! I actually feel like I’m not moving as well recently in a bit of a funk gotta snap out of it!
Unwell? Stressed? Sleep? Nutrition?
Could be sleep and nutrition for sure. Was also sick when I got back from Africa. Could definitely be a combination of those things.
Get healthy and get your recovery dialled in!