Primary Training Session
Every 8 minutes, for 16 minutes (2 sets):
500 Meter Row
30/22 Calorie Assault Bike
250 Meter Row
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Five sets of:
Full + Quarter Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Build over the course of the five sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
Power Snatch with a 3-second Pause at Mid-Patella
Start at 60% of 1-RM & build to today’s heavy.
For time:
12 Bar Muscle-Ups
21 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Hang Power Cleans (225/155 lbs)
6 Bar Muscle-Ups
9 Shoulder-to-Overhead (225/155 lbs)
Four sets of:
8-10 Double Kettlebell Front-Racked Squats (HEAVY)
8-10 Glute Ham Raises @ 22X1
90 second Wall Sit (unweighted)
Rest 90 seconds
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Accessory Option
Two sets for max weight of:
200-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
200-Foot Farmer’s Carry
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pulls
Rest 45 seconds
100-Foot Yoke Carry
Rest 3-4 minutes
Goal is to establish heaviest load you can shoulder and walk 100-feet.
Three sets of:
100-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to establish heaviest load for 100-feet.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (5 sets):
Minute 1 – 60 seconds of Ski Erg or Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 45 seconds of Legless Rope Climbs
Minute 3 – 30 seconds of Handstand Walk
Minute 4 – 60 seconds of Row or Bike Erg
Minute 5 – 45 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 6 – 30 seconds of Handstand Walk
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Four sets of:
45 seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 60 seconds
Rest 2 minutes after the fourth interval, and then repeat for a total of three sets. That will mean a total workout time of 25 minutes.
A both around 7 minutes good warmup
B 80-100-110-120-130kg
C 60-70-80-90-100-105kg
D 6:34
Mu all unbroken
Deadlifts 11/10
Hpc 5/5/3/2 still a sore grip for wednesdays training (did it yesterday)
S2OH unbroken
E done
Also did the 4minx 8 sets
12cal bike
6 double db burpee deadlift
12cal bike
Felt good al times around 1:45
Solid session Mauk. Even more impressive after training yesterday too!
thanks Coachhh!!
A. Done
B. 120-150kg went easy here today
C. 70-90kg
D. 7.56
MU 8-4/6-3/6
DL: 21
Hpc 5-5-3-2
Stoh: 9
MU got me, Barbell felt light. this went as i expected, With light barbell, and struggles om the bmu. did not Expect to Get under 8 so happy About that. did not remeber time last time i did it, but i know that the time improved ALOT! 🙂
E. Done
Aerobic/gymnastic accessory done
Air runner instead of abike. Need to get some full Body movement conditioning inn ?
Great to see your hard work paying off. Lets keep up the progress! Sub 6 next time?!?!?!
Lets do it!!! Lets get those mucle ups goin and i belive its in reach?
Nose breathing done.
Front Squats plus quarter squat: 125, 155, 175, 205, 225, 240
Power snatch with pause up to 150lbs. This was right at or just above parallel.
Conditioning: 5:57 – compares to last time at 6:49.
Bar MUs: 8-4, 6-3, 6
DLs: 11-10
HPC: 5-4-1-3-2 – these went much better this time.
S2OH: 4-5. These were better too.
Accessory work this afternoon. Had to run to work.
11 am
244 ( 81-82-81)
3 round not for time
2 Legless rope.
9 m hswalk
9 m hsw
4 pm
80-….-100 kg
55-…-77.5 kg
9:26 ( last year 11:00)
MU 12/9/6
Deadlift 12-9
HPC 3-3-3-3-3
Sto 4-3-2 ( split jerk)
Nice going
Always inspiring to see you scores
Looking good
Awesome improvement on”Dottir”!!
A. Completed
B. 265/295/325/335/345 only got 1 here
C. 135/155/165/175/185/195/205
D. 6:27 Rx. It came down to the hang power cleans (4/4/4/3) . Everything else was unbroken.
E. Completed
Will try and hit Aerobic/gymnastics work this afternoon.
Nice going with the Dottir wod
A) Right around 6:00 for both
B) 265/275/285/295/300
C) 145/155/165/175/185/195/200
E) Done with 70s
Short on time so did 4 sets of 100′ yoke at 460 and 8 sPU
Did you hit any of the workouts I sent?
I did, I had to cherry pick the order because there wasn’t much equipment but I think I probably did 80% of them. They randomly had one of those “sledmill” things so I got to try that out as well
Nice! good to see you still got some work in! Skillmill??
A. 7:45 and 8:00. This one was tough for me to keep pace on.
B. 80, 85, 90, 95, 100
C. 50, 55, 60, 63, 63, 65
E. Done with 24kg KBs, will use 32s next time. Wall sits got very shaky
Strongman Accessory Option
A. No yoke so did OH KB carries. 150# on each farmer’s handle
B. Did legless rope climbs from seated
Good choices today! Lots of solid work!