For times:
1000 Meter Row
Rest 2 minutes
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 2 minutes, and then. . .
Two sets for times of:
500 Meter Row
Rest 90 seconds
30/22 Calorie Assault Bike
Rest 90 seconds
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Three sets of:
Bench Press x 10 reps @ 93-95% 10-RM
Rest 2 minutes
For time:
100/75 Calories of Assault Bike
75 Deadlifts (185/125 lbs)
50 Pull-Ups
25 Burpee Box-Overs (48″/36″)
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Six rounds for time of:
50-Foot Handstand Walk
50 Double-Unders
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Floor Press x 15 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Diamond Push-Ups x 20-30 reps @2011
Rest as needed
Completed Saturday morning
A. Row 4 min
40 cal 3.5 min
500m row 2 min, 2min
22 cal 1:40, 1:45
B. Bench at 110 3×10
C. Completed 29:30
75 cal
75 deadlifts 125
50 strict pull-ups
25 burpee box jump overs 36
D. Completed
Hs practice
50 dus
E. 3 sets
Floor press 35s
20 diamond push ups ouch shoulders were on fire ?
A. Rx 3:36/9:30(3:54)
Row 1:47(13:19)/1:47.4(20:05)
AAB 1:55(16:45)/2:13(23:49)
B. 10@190/15@135/20@135#
C. 19:10 Rx
D. 4 rounds 50 foot HSW / 40 DU
E. Done
Trained a lot earlier, but then ate and fell asleep all day ? haha
A) 7:02 Rx with rest and echo bike
3:07/3:02 Rx
B) 95# these felt great!
C)15:27 Rx- paid attention to my pacing here ?
D) 8:52, subbed shoulder taps
E) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your weekend is awesome!
Hope you got some good rest last night and get some more tonight and tomorrow! ?
? ? ?
A. 3:33/3:49
Row – 1:41/1:41
Bike – 1:50/1:50
B. 70Kg. Stayed lighter again this week. Need to be cautious of shoulders until they get used to BP.
C. 16:18 Rx; splits:5:23/9:18/11:46
D. 17:22 Rx. Really happy with this. Did all the HSW Rx broken into 20/20/10. Need to work on reducing time during HSW. Feeling more and more confident on though. Thank you for programming them in today and holding off on the HSPU; needed a break from HSPU this week to let shoulders recover.
E. Done with 30Kg DB.
Great to see you gaining confidence on the HS walk. Now to trust your training a bit more and push the transitions. Great weeks work!
A. Done. At university gym so hit the spin bike for the 60 cals and did 25 burpees instead of 30 cals for second part
B. 90kg across. Failure on set #3
C. Skip – doing a qualifier tomorrow
D. 9:30 rx. All walks unbroken over 25 feet increments. Shoulders blown up from yesterday’s qualifier
E. Done 60#
Crush the qualifier tomorrow!
Thanks, Tino! 20lb overhead squat PR during yesterday’s qualifier. All thanks to you guys ????
That’s awesome!! Great to see your hard work paying off!
A)3:44 slow on row
500row 1:50/1:58
Bike 1:30/1:42 slow
B) 90/90/90
C) 16:02 used 48’ for box overs love these
Bike was slowest part
E) 30#
20 reps
Off to work ?have a great weekend everyone!
Don’t work to hard!
Thanks I’ll try!
A. Done not timed
B. 3 sets @ 85lbs
C. 19:02 rx
D. 13:47 rx (all HSW in 25ft increments with no slips; just took a lot of breathers before kicking up)
E. Done with 30lb dumbbells
Time for the sauna! Proud of my effort this week!
Great job on those hs walks! Good to see you hitting the sauna too. Now you need an ice bath 🙂
A Done
B 3 Rounds 10 reps 74kg
C RX 20’19”
D RX 09’30”
E Done
Amazing Week !!!
Solid weeks work! ??
A1) 10:00 including rest
A2) 7:45/7:45 had to use Echo Bike and Ski cause of the class
B) 175
C) Got some friends to join in which was fun, 18:24 RX
D) 13:45 RX
E) Done
Great end to the week
Great to see you had a crew to throw down with! Always more fun to suffer together 🙂
Enjoy your weekend dude!
Thanks Tino you as well!
A) 4:46 / 4:10 (Echo Bike) = 10:46
Row : 2:19 / 2:21
Echo Bike : 2:13 / 2:11 = 15:03 including rest
B) 32kg
C) 22:50 RX with BBO @ 40” . Echo Bike (slow, took too long), DL was harder than I was expecting, Kipping PU. Pretty sure I did 29 BBO ??♀️
D) 12:22 Scaled to Nose to wall runs x 30 shoulder taps.
E) 20lb Dbs, 15 diamond push ups.
Have an awesome weekend! ?
Extra credit on those BBJO! Gmhave a great weekend!
Howdy, ? ?!
A. ? ?! ? 8:22, then 4:15-4:45. I’ve never been happier of having a mouth than I was when I was done with this. Thanks, guys, for making me value the little things.
B. Skipped. Did my shoulder rehab.
C. Scaled 50 Pull Ups for 75 Ring Rows. everything else was Rx, done in 21:55.
D. Did 6 rounds for time:
30 Push Ups
15 GHD Sit Ups (did a lot of Double Unders yesterday, so decided to tax my core in a tiny bit different way).
E. Skipped.
Have you all a great weekend!
Haha! It won’t be long where you just nose breathe naturally and do it through everything and that’s not just working out 🙂 ?
A. Done. Total time @ 23:55
B. Done with 38 kg @ 95% of 10RM
C. 18:08, scaled to 47 kg barbell
D. 10:12, scaled to 35 feet hsw
E. Done. DBs @ 15 kg
Have a nice weekend ☺️??
Nice work!
A. 3:39/3:52 = 9:31 including rest
Row: 1:47/1:47
Bike: 1:30/:42
= 10:23 including rest
21:54 total time
B. Later
C. RX 17:19 deadlifts took too long
Bike: 5:47
Deads: 11:18
Pull ups: 13:45
BOB: 17:19
D. 8:00 RX hsw Unbroken 25ft segments most du unbroken had To navigate around class
E. Later
Added level of difficult on the hs walk 🙂
Managed to find a track while out of town so able to get some work in! Snowy and cold as balls but didn’t matter happy to snag a sesh
6 rounds
800 meter run
50 du
50 ft hs walk
10 diamond push ups
40:26 total time
Great job getting some work in while away!! #charachterbuilding
A1. 3.51/3.44, at work so 40cal on regular bike, no aab
A2. Row 1.51, bike 20cal 1.39 / row 1.55, bike 1.31
B. 3×10 @ 105kg
C. Skipped, no time or effort really..
D. 9.21, du:s as singles. Really liked some HS work ?
E. Done
?♂️ ?
A) 3:34/3:55
1:48 row/1:41 bike
1:47 row / 1:36 bike. My nose was jacked up this morning. Super dry
B) 190 across. Felt stronger than last week. My presses need work
C) 16:50. Bike felt ok finished at 5:44. Dead’s took me a lot longer than I anticipated.
D) 6:40 all unbroken
E) 50# DB
Another good training week!
A) done
B) done
C) 20:15 (scaled to 75 cl )
D) 10:15
E) done
Did you only do C?
No tino ?
Post your results!
Done!feel good today ?
B. 67.5kg
C. 20:12
D. 9:43
E. ✅
Hard but awesome Session! Have a nice Weekend ?
Great finish to the week! Enjoy your weekend!
A. Row: 3:35/ AAB: 4:44
A. Row: 1:44/ 1:41 AAB: 1:59/ 2:02
B. Done based on 90kgs
C. 20:09 Rx These have been the slowest 100 calories on AAB I have ever done, my quads were so smoked…
D. 11:49 Rx
E. Done
It was fun today again. Have a great weekend ?
Fun session to round out a solid week! Great work Andrej! Now go rest up those legs!
What instead of handstand walk?
Nose to wall handstand marching x50 reps