Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
Tricep Stretch x 30 seconds per arm
30 seconds Foam Roll Lats (right)
30 seconds Foam Roll Lats (left)
60 seconds T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller
and then …
Two sets of:
Plank with Forward Reach x 10 reps per arm
Plank with Lateral Reach x 10 reps per arm
Prone Plank Hold x 30 seconds
Ring-Rows x 10 reps (slow and controlled)
Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Every 60 seconds, for 5 minutes, complete:
Ring Support Hold x 5 seconds + Ring Dip Negative + Strict Negative Muscle-Up Transition
(please use your feet to support you with this drill if needed)
Please check out this article on strict muscle-ups
and then …
Every 45 seconds, for 3 minutes (4 sets):
Strict Muscle-Ups x 1-4 reps
If you don’t have Strict Muscle-Ups, then subsitute with Strict Ring Pull-Ups
and finish with …
Three sets of:
Strict Handstand Push-Up Negatives x 5 reps
(lower yourself as slowly as possible)
Rest as needed
Clean & Jerk Progressions
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Power Clean + Jerk
(hold for 2 seconds in the receiving position of the power clean)
*Set 1 = 2 reps @ 60% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 2 = 2 reps @ 65% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 3 = 2 reps @ 70% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Set 4 = 1 rep @ 75% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 78-80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Barbell Cycling Conditioning
As many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes:
1 Hang Squat Clean
2 Toes-to-Bar
2 Hang Squat Clean
4 Toes-to-Bar
3 Hang Squat Cleans
6 Toes-to-Bar
4 Hang Squat Cleans
8 Toes-to-Bar
. . .
Please continue with this pattern until the time is completed.
35-49: 155/115 lbs
50-54: 135/95 lbs
115/75 lbs
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Every 90 seconds, for 13:30 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Left Leg)
Station 2 – Posted Single-Leg Deadlifts x 8-10 reps @ 3011 (Right Leg)
Station 3 – Barbell Hip Thrusts x 6-7 reps @ 20X1
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Optional Additional Assault Bike Session
Eight sets of:
60 Seconds of Assault Bike @ 65/55 RPM
Rest 60 Seconds
30 Seconds of Assault Bike @ 75/65+ RPM
Rest 60 Seconds
MAW done sRMU: Negatives felt good. Modified to Every 60 sec…, but could only get 1 sRMU today. Will do the EMOM with Ring pull-ups later today. sHSPU negatives: all sets UB Hang power C&J: built from 40 to 55 kg and work on getting more tension in my hamstrings. No time to film today, but felt okay. Conditioning: 35 reps (5 HSC in round 5). Not happy at all with this. TTB felt heavy and I couldn’t drop the barbell (too early in the morning) so waste some energy there. Accessory: Posted DL with 15 kg x2 DBs (12… Read more »
Sorry you weren’t able to cycle the barbell well – hope today feels better 🙂
A day behind, so absolutely new energy tomorrow!
AB was a total of 160 calories. About 20 (10+10) each set.
HPC + J = 155/165/175/185/205/225/225
strict MU part complete—1 every 45 sec, no hspu today
HPC plus Jerk (power): 90/95/100/110/115/120
Conditioning: 5 rounds +6+4. TTB not great today, grip also seemed tired. Happy to be in 50 age category and get a break on the weight!
Posted single leg DL done
Great job Laura!!!
MAW done
Gym drill done
Strict Ring pull up 4 each
Negative 5 each
Hang PW +J
Finished with 175lbs
Finished 6 squat clean
Accessory done.
Strong work David!
DMA done
A1. Did 1 rep EMOMx6. Missed first 3 then my brain and body woke up
A2. Done
B. HC+J 105/115/120/125/130/135/135
Feeling pretty beat up from Sunday’s comp. Scrapped the rest and rowed for 30 min instead
Good call Vivian!
MAWU) done
Gymnasty) done – strict MU 2,2,1,2 – hspu negs done
C&J) 70kg – 98kg
Condo) 5 rds + 3
Accessory) done
Solid work with those strict ring muscle-ups!
A. Done holds and negs were spot on neg strict
A1. 4 on all sets
A2. 5’s on strict negs spicy
B. 145/155/165/175/180/190 smooth tech today
C. 6 plus 11 t2b video of last round
D. Done 20 kg Kbs
Great job with your strict rmu!
Hang Power clean +Jerk
Posterior chain:
DL: Double KB 24kg
Barbell Hip Thrusts 80 kg
: Done
Nice work Gabor!!
Thanks Nichole!
Ahe 38
C j prog.
60 to 85 kg
Round of 6 hpc + 10 ttb
Great job today Gianni!
EMOM sMU should it be 4 sets or 8 sets? I think the time is not correct.
4 sets – oops! Will change that!