Against a 12-minute clock, complete four rounds of:
20/15 Calorie Row
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike
Followed by. . .
Max Reps of Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs) in the remaining time.
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 3011
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
2 Snatch Push Presses + 2 Overhead Squats @ 31X1
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch with 3-second Tempo Lift-Off
Take 3-seconds to lift the barbell from the floor to the knees, and immediately accelerate the barbell and snatch once the barbell passes the knees.
Three sets of:
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes
For time:
12 Squat Snatches (155/105 lbs)
100-Foot Handstand Walk or Handstand Walk Obstacle Course (stairs and slope)
12 Power Snatches (155/105 lbs)
100-Foot Handstand Walk or Handstand Walk Obstacle Course (stairs and slope)
12 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
A) 10:22 and 23 DB Snatches RX
B) 1. 20/20/20kg tried to get as upright as possible
2. 50/60/70/75kg Power snatched to get overhead. Pretty satisfied
C) up to 82,5kg. PR is 85 – slowly creeping up there.
D) 3×4 @112,5kg based on a 140kg PR
E) scaled to 60kg and built some stairs out of plates
Great session! Having a lot of fun with the programming lately!
D. Box squat due to knee injury 255
A. 47 reps (finished bike and row 08:45)
B1. 15-15-15 kg
B2. 30-33-35-38 kg
C. 38 kg (91%)
D. Done based on 75 kg
E. 10:50. Done with 30 kg barbell
A. Done with 20 row / 15 burpees
40 db snatches lost the breathing though
B2. 45
B2. 125
C. 155
D. 275
E. 10:50 with 135 and 100ft overhead in walk with 45# kbs
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. Done
B. 95# and 155#
C. 185#
D. 285#
E. 17:29
Scale to 135#
Both movements I struggle with. ?
Working those weaknesses!
A. 32 db snatch
B. Done
C. Done 155
D. Done 275
E. 19:57
A) 13
B) bar then up to 75lbs
C) 70 lbs – started a few weeks ago around 55lbs
D) 135lbs felt way fucking heavy and awkward. Had a soccer injury about 8 months ago and my foot still feels like a potato in my shoe sometimes. ?
E) Good shit minus the obstacle course because I don’t know what the fuck that was.
A. 8:52 then 56 snatches.
B. Up to 95lbs then
Up to 205. Dropped it after the first push press @205 when it slid down my back. Extra embarrassing
C. 60kg/70kg/80kg/85kg/90kg m/90kg m. Felt patient on the pulls but on 90kg I tried to sneak under the bar instead of fully extending. That 3 second first pull will get ya
D. 285/275/275.
E. 9:01 @135. Pretty happy to get all HS walks unbroken over each 25 foot increment and all the OHS unbroken.
Good job keeping those handstand walks unbroken!
Don’t rush those pulls on the heavier loads!!
A. 17 db snatches, I went to slow at the first round
B. Just the barbell for the press and up to 60 kb on the push press + OH
C. 210 lb, 220 fail
D. 285 lb
E. 9:33 rxd with 100 ft of hsw
F. Run 40 min on the assault runner, I need more Cardio.
A. 63 Rx
A 23 snatch’s had about 1 minute left nose breathing was a struggle today
B. Snatch press 75/85/95
Snatch push press + OHS 135/165/185/195
C.Snatch tempo lift off 135/165/185/195m/195/205/215m/215m/215m i was close on 215 all 3 times
D 325
E. Rx 13:47 100’ HSW no obstacles
What is the Obstacle course? Not sure what to do for that.
It was an implement used at Games and regionals. If your competent at handstand walking you can make it using some plates but be safe!
A. 36 DB snatches
B. 45/136/155
C. 185
D. Class Partner WOD: 100 Rounds for time of 1 HSPU, 2 squat cleans 135#, 3 pull ups.
E. 3×4 BS at 135
A. 8:43 and 63 DB snatches. Subd 60DU (no bike).
B1. BB
B2. 30/35/40Kg
C. 75Kg; missed at 80Kg, just ran out of steam and couldn’t accelerate from the knee.
D. 152.5Kg across all sets.
E. 15:43. Scaled to 61Kg and broke HSW into 20’ segments. HSW were great today, nearly all 20’ segments were unbroken. The snatches were slow, should’ve been fast singles but my shoulders were really fatigued.
Good to seen you get through that conditioning! ?♂️?
A. Done 25reps @40lbs
B. Done first empty barbell, second @95lbs
C. Done equal my PR @175lbs
D. Done
E. Done @95lbs barbell (no handstand walk, did bear crawl) class was using the wall for HSPU.
E. Time 7:17
Great work hitting 175!
A. Done- took awhile to warm up so I didn’t make it to the DB
B. Done up to 50lbs / Up to 105lbs
C. 130lbs happy with this! (91%)
D. Done @ 215lbs
E. Scaled to 95lbs and 50ft HSW. 8:30
Nice work hitting 130!
A) 50 total snatches. Smooth and steady
B) presses up to 115, 205,215,215 for push press ohs.
C) up to 215. Missed 225 and 230 a bunch of times. Shoulders still fatigued from all the shspu on wed
D) 335 across
E) 6:20. Snatches felt heavy. Hs walks unbroken in 50’ increments. Holy wrist fatigue
I have a long way to catch up to you all. Haha. 11:25 on the first part and only 8 snatches with remaining time. I’m afraid to post the rest ??
Post all your scores were concerned more about progress than your results against the rest of the field.
A) 39 db snatches
B) 45/65/85
C) Up to 175 just missed 185
D) 305 across
E) 11:16 @ 135lbs. I was hoping for sub 10 but I was a bit too conservative with the handstand walk. 25’ increments.
A. 4 rounds with 15 cal Ski Erg and 10 cal AB. 17 reps of the DB Snatches @ 50#
B1. 55×3, 65×3, 75#x3
B2. 95, 105, 115, 125#
C. Built to 135# for a 3-second Snatch
D. 240#x4x3