Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Tall Jerks x 3 reps
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets) of:
Split Jerk x 3 reps @ 65-75%
Focus here is on PERFECT mechanics. Pause in the receiving position and check that you are perfectly balanced and your feet are where you want them to be before recovering.
*Set 1 – 50% x 8 reps
*Set 2 – 60% x 6 reps
*Set 3 – 70% x 4 reps
*Set 4 – 80% x 2 reps
*Set 5 – 90% x 2 reps
Rest as needed
For time:
1600 Meter Run
30 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs)
800 Meter Run
20 Shoulder to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
400 Meter Run
10 Ground to Overhead (225/155 lbs)
Three sets of:
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press x 5-6 reps @ 30X1
Rest as needed
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 5-6 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
B. Jerks @130#
C. DL @145/170/200/230/255
Hola a todos.
A.- Done
B.- b1 30 kg
b2. 40 kg
b3. 60 kg
C. 29:00
OHS 115 LB.
STO 135 LB.
GTO 154 LB.
A. Done
B1. 30 kg
B2. 25 kg
B3. 39 kg (75%)
C. Done based on 95 kg @ 48-57-67-77-86 kg
D. 21:19. Run @ Skill Mill ? OHS @ 30 kg (sets of 10)/ S2OH @ 35 kg (sets of 10)/ G2OH @ 40 kg (singles)
E. Done. Bench press @ 15 kg DBs / Row @ 35 kg
Tino – I’ll likely have to switch the run for Bike cals or Row. Any numbers I should use? Looking like -3 and snow tomorrow.
He posted a modification below. Row 2000 – 1000- 500m
Or 90/60/30 calorie Assault Bike
A: Done ✔️
B: 95, 105, 115
B1: 95×3
B2: 140, 145, 150, 155, 160
C: 26:37 115 OHS, 145 STOH, 175 GTOH
D: ✔️ 50, 55, 60# DB, 75# row
A) done
B) 1- 35# 2- 65# worked heavy technique here then 3- 125/125/135/135/140
C) 175/205/240/275/310 last set felt awful. Haha
D) 24:48 Rx I’ll take it! This was a fun one
E) done
Thanks Tino! Hope your weekend is awesome!
Always a party at the weekend with the boys! ??
Heck yeah!! I bet!
A) Done
B) Jerk Balance @20kg / 30kg
Tall Jerk @20kg / 30kg
Split Jerk @65kg / 67kg / 70kg / 72kg / 75kg
C) 80kg / 96kg / 112kg / 128kg / 144kg
D) 21’36”
1600m Run (7’29”)
OHS @40kg (12+10+8)
800m Run
S2OH @60kg (8+7+5)
400m Run
G2OH @80kg (Singles)
The rain stopped so I was able to run outside!
E) Done
? ? ?
A. Done
B1. 40/60kg
B2. 40/60kg
B3. 80/85/85/90/95kg
C. 95/115/132,5/152,5/172,5kg
Did yesterdays E. 8.45 @ 90kg and regular pullups
D. 26.20, scaled running to 800/400/200 and gtoh to 5 reps..just didn’t have it in me.
E. Done
After C, you were asking a lot of yourself to do another conditioning piece!
Yeah I felt it..
Hello ? I combined today’s Jerk session with yesterday’s Back Squat and WOD. Gym was closed!
B1. 65×3, 70#x3
B2. 75×3, 80#x3
D. 245x2x2; 250#x2x3
E. 8:52 with 155#
Got the important stuff in!
After some weeks finally saw a PT and I have a small (tiny) tear in the groin, so I rested Wednesday through Friday, came into the gym today and did Wednesday’s session as it wasn’t too hard on the legs ??, I can train but have to watch out the weights and make sure I’m doing a good cook down + mobility.
PS. 12 days of thankfulness was really good ????
Good to see you got it checked out and can move forward with a little rehab work. WOn’t be long to you’re back to 100%!!
Glad you enjoyed the 12 days, its one of my favorites!
Thanks Tino, I’ll be careful
A) Done
B1) 45lbs/75lbs for each
B2) 165, 175, 185, 185, 190
C) Did wednesdays 5×5 @72.5% (295)
D) Didn’t want to risk my back after the deadlifts so I did a gymnasty version of the workout:
1600m run
30 strict HSPU (17-7-6)
800m run
20 Toes to Bar (unbroken)
400m run
10 bar muscle ups (unbroken)
D) Done with 145lbs and 65lb dbs
Back feels good should be back to the regular programming Monday.
Great to see your back is feeling better. Time to get back to training!
Did hot yoga instead yesterday since wasn’t feeling hot still.So did one big mash up of yesterday’s and today’s
A. Done
Yesterdays A-nose breathing done. Raining so subbed run for ski9:47
Day 3 invictis Gymnastics rope climbs and bar MUs
Muscle snatch up to 165
Pause snatch + snatch up to 205
Jerk Balance and tall jerk 95,135
205,225,235,235,235 for split jerk. These have been feeling awesome lately!
Yesterday’s tempo back squat w 375
Yesterday’s conditioning couplet
Pu-unbroken, 15/10, 15/5/5/5-fell apart on last set and gym I dropped in at had slicker than snot bars (excuses?)
Cleans- all unbroken
Good to see you listening to your body and taking it easy yesterday. Those pull-up bars are just character building 🙂
A) Done
B) b1: 45/55lb b2: 45lb b3: 78-80-83-88-90lb
C) 8×115 / 6×138 / 4×165 / 2×185 / 2x207lb Double overhand grip all sets, no belt.
D) 28:32 Scaled Barbell to 60lb / 80lb / 100lb (~ 60% / 70% / 85%)
OHS – 16/14
S2OH – 10/6/4
G2OH -Singles. Not a fast runner ??♀️, definitely ?.
E) Done @ 25lb Dbs and 95# Barbell
Have a great weekend ?!
Need to run a little faster 🙂
Enjoy your weekend!
I’m working on it… ?
A. done.
B. 105-135-175
C. 265-315-367.5-420-475 lbs
D. Rx in 28:35.
E. 60 lb Bench press and 155 lbs rows.
Have a great weekend!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
A. Done
B. Done. In the first two parts upped from 95lbs (last week) to 115lbs felt pretty good. Strength is getting there.
Last part was with 145lbs
C. Done. Finished with 375lbs those two last reps felt pretty damn good.
D. Done. Rainy day. Did the rowing modification. Time 28:28 scaled 30ohs 75lbs, 20s2oh 95lbs and 10g2oh 135lbs
E. Done
Nothing wrong with running in the rain 🙂
Haha!! Def not but not gonna risk getting a flu. Weather here in this time of year is bipolar. Rain, hot, cold all at once.
A. ✅
B. 80/80/85/85/90kg
C. Up to 157,5kg x2
D. 26:39min with 50/70/90kg – C&J with 90kg were heavy
E. Bike Cooldown
Running is getting way better ? nose breathing is helping me to stay more relaxed during Workouts ??♂️
Have a nice Weekend ?
Great to see the nose breathing work is helping! Solid finish to the week! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Had to improvise at apartment gym
A. Variation of this done
20 cal row
10 DB SA OHS (5/5) 70#
5 DB S2OH 70#
5 Double DB power clean + Push Press 70#
4 rounds
C. DB sup row and push ups
Feel better today?
Yea yesterday just felt like I wasn’t moving well .. shoulders and hips just haven’t been feeling tip top
A. Done
B. I really like these pieces with low percentages and perfect technique
Up to 90kg based on 115kg
C. Done some knee rehab and the
2x180kg (that felt reaaaaaally hard)
D. 22:43
50kg (15-8-7)
65kg (10-6-4)
85kg (missloaded the bar, 80kg was what I was thinking)
E. Done with strict ring dips
what are the other options for the run? my gym doesn’t have an assault runner and it’s raining…
Row 2000/1000/500
Have fun!
Thanks! ?
Thank you for posting so early that I can get the workout in before shift ??
A) skipped and did my own warmup
B) 35/40kg // 42,5/45kg // 65/70/70/75/77,5kg felt rock solid today
C) 90/105/120/135/155kg based off of 175kg PR
D) scaled to 40/60/80kg
Finished in 22:20min. Started with a 7:17mile but fell off a little to the end.
E) done
You’re welcome! Good job getting this in before work! ??