Weekly Template
The new cycle starts today! Please find an outline of what’s in store below. Lots more weightlifting and strength work in the upcoming cycle after a few higher conditioning progressions in the lead up to the Open. If you have any further questions please feel free to email me at tino@crossfitinvictus.com
Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Snatch Progressions
Back Squat Progressions
Sh** Sandwich Aerobic Intervals
*16-24 minutes of total work, broken into 2-4 intervals
Anterior Core Stability & Strengthening
Nose Breathing Work
Front Squat CNS Priming
Clean & Jerk Progressions
Strict Press Progressions
Core and Upper Back Accessory
Hip & Shoulder Prep Protocol
Gymnastics Skills
Deadlift Primary Lift
Deadlift Speed Lifts
Classic CrossFit Conditioning Work
Deadlift Accessory Work
Aerobic Restoration
Nose Breathing Work
Snatch Progression
*Lighter and more positional work
Snatch Pulls/Deadlift Accessory
Back Squat Progression
Short and Heavy
Hip & Shoulder Prep Protocol
Jerk – Skills & Drills
Jerk Progressions
Deadlift Progression
(Low Volume)
Short and Intense Aerobic Intervals & Series
Mobility & Activation
Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + High Hang Snatch
(pause 2 seconds at mid patella on each of the lift-offs)
Build from approximately 65% to today’s heavy. If you miss, reduce the load and repeat that set. If you miss twice, move to the next portion of the workout.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 6 reps @ 75%
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets) for times:
100 Double-Unders
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (30″/24″)
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
400 Meter Run
Please note times for all four sets. Also note any learning that occurred or observations as to where you started to drop off – either physically or mentally.
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Toes-To-Bar Candlestick Press x 6-8 reps
Interval 2 – Straight Body Crunches x 20 reps @ 1010
Interval 3 – Elbow Jacks x 20 reps
Forgot to post:
A. Done (175 each time) lighter because I haven’t snatched in a while!
B. 255-285-305
B. Done w/ 285. This was way more brutal than I anticipated.
C. Done // didn’t keep time because wanted to focus on consistent moving. 100 DU was a forearm blast, for sure.
D. Done
Good to restart a cycle specific to CrossFit! Did a 3 month bodybuilding stint and got really boring, really quick. Probably won’t do that again!
A. Done
Up to 150
B. 220/255/295
C. Done
24 inch box
D. Done
A Up to 165#. Felt sluggish today on the snatch. ?
B. Up to 305#, 6s @ 265#
C. 8:00, 8:30, 9:30
D. Done
A) 135/140/145/150/155/160/165/170/175/180
B1) 240×5/ 280×3/ 320×1
B2) 275 for all sets
C) 7:43/ 7:20/ 7:16- no plan for first/ small chunks and short rest for second set/ big chunks with longer rest.
D) Done.
Good learning on the conditioning ??
A. 60×2/65×2/70×2/75×2/77.5Kg x 2
B. 135/155/170Kg
142.5Kg x 6 across all sets
C. Rx. 5:39/5:46/5:36
All DU/BBJO/WB UB. Went at ~97%; tried to be steady and controlled to keep my HR under control, then empty the tank on the run. Worked
D. Done
Damn!! Crushed the first day! Those are some fast time’s and solid weights!
Ahhhh the shit sandwiches are back!! ?❤️?
Definitely rested today. I made up sat yesterday and didn’t feel great today or eat enough during the day. Feeling a bit better now after some rest. Should I make up today tomorrow or just pick up with tomorrow’s programming?
Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome!
Pick up with tomorrow’s fun! ??
A. Up to 155 felt good
B. 240 275 315 reps at 255 no belt
C. Done with 24″ box and 500m row
7:50 7:51 8:10
Fun workout thanks Tino!
That last set got you! Still a good start to the week!
A) My first day with this programming and getting back into mobility and technique. The snatch warm up definitely helped and I worked up to 75lbs. B) Gotta be fucking kidding me with those squats!! On the 6 reps portion I was tempted to go down in weight at about every third or fourth rep but talked myself out of being a fucking whiner and focus on form and get it done. Glad I did. C) I skipped due to gym was closing in 15 minutes. D) The candlestick thing was difficult to get so I did some toes to… Read more »
Welcome to the community!
Haha! Great work making it through those squats! Big mental win today! Excited to track your progress and help where we can!
A. Worked up to 140# B. 175/215/235, then EMOM at 195 *I wasn’t really able to do much fitness and definitely didn’t feel well enough to lift heavy first trimester. I feel great now!!…except that I’ve obviously lost a lot of strength (especially core). So the numbers for A&B were sort of just based on feel, and i just try not to get frustrated ☺️ C. 7:20/7:29/7:30 Used the run as more of a recovery… Subbed anchored sit-ups for T2B This might be my last time with double unders… D. Done but just did strict T2B for #1 and subbed… Read more »
Strong ?? ??
Today was one of those days that nothing fits and your mind and your body start playing games with you. Not the performance I expected.
A. 115lbs Snatch
B. Class was using the rig so could not do it
C. CAPPED ALL ROUNDS (this one hurt me in all ways)
D. So frustrated not even try it
Tomorrow will be a better day!
It’s ok to adjust and get the most out of your sessions. You still put in some good work. Onward! ??
A) up 165
C) 6:29/6:11/6:52
*20lbs WB only
I’ve worked out twice since Murph due to my job, I’m excited to finally get back at it !!!
Excited to see what you can do now you’re back training!
Part c. RX
Thanks again for good programming.
Nice work Joey!
A) done worked up to 210# (80%) high hang is uncomfortable for me so I was happy with this.
B) done. The 6 sets got spicy. Excited to be on a squat cycle again
C) 6:06,5:57,5:52. Had to do the 400m run inside on the 100’ turf section because of the cold. Made it extra fun
D) done
Cold! Cmon, think of it as refreshing!
A. 165×2/175/185×2/195/205×2/215/225
B. 250/285/345
C. RX but 500 ski instead of run it’s cold and raining
Du unbroken/1 trip/unbroken
Box facing burpee controlled
Ttb ub
Wall ball ub/21-9/22-8 broke down slightly here arms were tired mostly and breathing
Ski about the same every round
D. Later
A little bit of rain won’t hurt 🙂
Agreed! Actually I like running in the rain but rain + cold ain’t doing it!
Finally can get back onto a good training. Schedule!!
A- worked up to 95kg
B- up to 165kg all sets of 6 at 140kg
C- 1-5:48 2- 5:54 3- 5:59. I like having the run at the end cuz you can always go faster
D- done
I like that attitude! ?♂️ ?
A) 47kg ✔/50kg ✔/52kg✔ /55kg ✔/57kg ✔ /60kg ✔/62kg ✖/60kg ✔/62kg ✔ /65kg ✖
B) Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps at 65-70% – @95kg ✔
*Set 2 – 3 reps at 75-80% – @110kg ✔
*Set 3 – 1 rep at 85-90% – @122kg ✔
Rest 2-3 minutes
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 6 reps at 75% – @105kg ✔
C) 1st Set – 6’58” / 2nd Set – 7’59” / (I didn’t do the 3rd set because I was out of time!)
Nice work Joao!
A. 145/145/150/155/160/160/165/165/165/170#
B. a). 250/285/325#
b). 270#
C. Did 1set Rx 8:11 TrueForm. On DU’s & WB’s felt so horrible.@ 12 min did 10 min EMOM 20 DU’s+6 WB. Just to practice.
That heavy wall ball caused some issues today!
A. Up to 185. 175 and 185 were PRs from the high hang ?
B. 245/275/305 and 265 for all 6 sets
C. 7:49/8:30 RX ….then cramped up and died. was mentally okay but got crushed on the wall balls.
D. Done
Stay on top of those wall balls! You’ll get better! ?
A. Built from 135 to 225 – these felt good
B1. 305, 335, 365
B2. 305 – good bye legs
C. Rx – 6:48, 6:28, 6:17 – before you yell at me for my negative splits…I started this pretty cold due to a much needed restroom break lol!
D. Ran out of time for this
A. Built to 85
B.125/145/165 then 6×5@140
C. 9:34/10:34/10:39, Rx but I just used it as a 3 rounder, trying to move fast. Those wall balls though! That was tough!!!
? ?