November 18, 2019 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Complete Snatch Warm-Up

Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 2111

Built over the course of the four sets.

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps

Build in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50-55%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60-65%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70-75%

Followed by…

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch High Pull + Snatch @ 80-85%

Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 8 reps @ 70-75%

Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets):
35/25 Calories of Assault Bike or 40/30 Calorie Bike Erg
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Push Press (165/115 lbs)
10 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (165/115 lbs)

Note times for each set.

Three sets of:
Strict Supinated-Grip Pull-Ups x 10 reps
(add weight if possible)
Rest 60 seconds
Stationary Dips x 20 reps @ 10X1
(hold at the top for a 1-second count)
Rest 60 seconds

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Deadlift x 6 reps @ 70-75% of 1-RM

Work on positioning and mechanics. Actively work on the concept of leaning back against the barbell until your shoulders are over the top of the barbell and your weight has transferred to your heels, then drive. Work on speed of hip extension after the barbell passes your knees, open your hand and re-grip at the bottom of every rep.

Three sets of:
Reverse Hypers x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Rest as needed

*If you do not have access to a reverse hyper perform barbell or safety bar good mornings or band pull-throughs.

Gymnastics Skills Accessory Option
If you are not familiar with the False Grip for rings, please watch this video.

Every 30 seconds, for 3 minutes (3 sets) of:
Interval 1 – False-Grip Static Hang

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x 10 seconds
Interval 2 – Cast Swing x 3 reps

One set of:
Movement 1 – Snap Pulls x 10 reps
Movement 2 – Snap Pulls + Small Backswing x 5 reps

*The “backswing” is not a large swing. Rather, allow your body to relax from the toes-forward position after the Snap Pull, causing a natural backward drift of your feet, then return the swing in the front where you performed the Snap Pull.

Rest 30 seconds, then. . .

For 60 seconds, perform one set of:
Pop Swing x max reps

*Though it may be easy to make these swings large, the intention of the exercise it to focus on aggressive hip extension with an open shoulder angle early in the swing. This swing should stay small, yet produce upward lift creating a “floating” feeling in the torso and a diagonal body position. Arms should stay behind the ears throughout the set.

Running Endurance Option

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Four sets of:
Run 1600 Meters
Rest 3 minutes

Run each set at ascending percentages: 75, 80, 85, 90%

Rowing Endurance Option
Two sets for times of:
Row 3500 Meters
Rest 5 minutes

Your goal is to establish an aggressive pace, but one in which you can repeat within a 10-second difference on the second set after 5 minutes of rest.

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Christian Wikner
Christian Wikner
November 20, 2019 2:53 pm

Snatch sotts Press
35+40+45+50 KG

Snatch Balance
70+75+80 KG

High hang
50+55+60 KG

High hang + hang
60+65+65 KG

Hang + snatch
70+75+80 KG

High pull + snatch
80+80+85 KG

BS @ 90 KG counting on a low 1RM, trying to get the strenth back on track.

Did take way to long, dont know why thow :/

Yuchen Zhang
Yuchen Zhang
November 19, 2019 3:16 am

Anyone find Sots press hard?
How to improve this?

November 19, 2019 3:21 am
Reply to  Yuchen Zhang

It’s a challenging movement for sure. Stay on top of your mobility particularly shoulder and lats upper body wise then also hips and ankles lower body wise. For the sotts Press it’s self work within your range and only squat down to where you feel comfortable. The goal is to get lower each week.

We have lots of great articles on mobility on the blog. Use the search engine and type in key words like “hip mobility”

Grant Belrose
Grant Belrose
November 19, 2019 2:41 am

Snatch sotts Press

Snatch Balance

High hang

High hand + hang

Hang + snatch

High pull + snatch

BS @ 295

All done under 5 mins

November 19, 2019 3:18 am
Reply to  Grant Belrose

Jeez dude! Take a day off!!

Grant Belrose
Grant Belrose
November 19, 2019 4:52 am
Reply to  tino

I really felt fine or I would have.
Dang workout yesterday was harder than any event we had. Lunges were rough

Royal Addis
Royal Addis
November 18, 2019 10:01 pm

A. Press empty BB. Snatch balance 95 / 135 / 155 B. Done 105 / 135 / 155 / 170 C. Done at 70% 240#, this hurt so good. glad to be back squatting after the open! D. Scaled w/ 135 but had to go every 7min :/ Times: 6:31 /6:23 / 6:55. Echo bike crushed me Splits for 35cal were 3:00 / 2:53 / 2:55, legs were jello. Bar MU 5/3/2, these need some work for sure, not efficient at all. Will video next time & post to FB for Travis to pick apart. Push press 7/3 Straight into… Read more »

November 19, 2019 3:17 am
Reply to  Royal Addis

Solid start to the new cycle. Please post some video of your bar muscleups to the FB page to see if we can help!

Jesse Teixeira
Jesse Teixeira
November 18, 2019 5:24 pm

Presses: 65/85/105
Balance: 135/155/175
HH: 135/140/145
HH+Hang: 160/170/175
Hang+Snatch: 185/195/205
Snatch Pull+Snatch: 215/220/225
Only did two sets.
MU: Unbroken
9+1 Push Press right into OH Walking Lunges

November 18, 2019 7:29 pm
Reply to  Jesse Teixeira

How’s life in LA?

Jesse Teixeira
Jesse Teixeira
November 18, 2019 7:32 pm
Reply to  tino

Life is good. It’s November and it’s 80 degrees ??‍♂️??‍♂️

Koen Knarren
Koen Knarren
November 18, 2019 12:31 pm

Pts. Warm up done
A. 20-30kg
Balance @ 50kg
High hang @ 50kg
High hang +hang @ 50kg
Hang+snatch @ 60kg
Pull+snatch @ 65-65-70kg
C. Done @ 115kg
D. Scaled to 40 cal bike erg
6 bmu
6 push press
6 oh walking lunge 30kg DB
Pushed the bike erg. Kept bmu unbroken
Push press went to 3-3 for the last 2 rounds.
Straight into Walking lunges after push press.
Had about 30-15 seconds rest each round.
E. Done but unable to get the sets unbroken.

November 18, 2019 1:16 pm
Reply to  Koen Knarren

Conditioning was ???? Fun start to the new cycle!

Brendan Caslin
Brendan Caslin
November 18, 2019 11:01 am

Just going based on feel today and tomorrow before I leave
A) Empty bar for presses, 115 for snatch balances
B) Didn’t do this on a clock, just worked through the movements from 115-185
C) 3×8 at 205 from the ground for some ireland practice
D) Did the bike/ttb/sb clean workout for ireland – had to use a lighter bag for the last two rounds because our 150 exploded.

November 18, 2019 11:49 am
Reply to  Brendan Caslin

Did you test the other workouts that were released?

Brendan Caslin
Brendan Caslin
November 18, 2019 11:55 am
Reply to  tino

I did the bar mu/back squat one on saturday and it didn’t go super well, I think I got through 4/9 bmu at the cap, but it was a rough mu day. They released the hsw one when I was cooling down this morning so I’ll do that tomorrow, but I’ve done the rest of them at this point

November 18, 2019 1:17 pm
Reply to  Brendan Caslin

The time cap is pretty aggressive! Who knew bar muscle-ups would make squats hard and vice versa!

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
November 18, 2019 8:46 am

Schedule changes at work have allowed me to follow on time this cycle (or at least try to). The first 2 weeks will be a bit off for me: I am competing this weekend so my plan was to hit the strength pieces in my primary session. The primary conditioning pieces I will probably skip and do some conditioning pieces that are centered around prepping me for the competition. Second sessions will have the same idea as that – I will do some longer pieces but I might make some modifications to make sure I am hitting the moments I… Read more »

November 18, 2019 11:49 am
Reply to  Lucas Dozzi

Looks like you have a fun couple of weeks coming up! Your plan looks good. Get your body and mind right to crush this weekends comp then relax and enjoy some downtime next week.

Whats your comp?

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
November 18, 2019 6:34 pm
Reply to  tino

Its a 2 day individual one. WOD1 30 Minutes 2k ski 5k C2 bike 1.5k row Remaining time = max effort meters on true form WOD2 0:00 – 15:00 6 rounds 6 Bar MU 10 T2B 12 Alt DB Snatch (70 lbs) 15:00 – 21:00 1RM Clean and Jerk WOD3 5 min cap 140′ yoke carry 140′ farmers carry 60′ overhead sandbag lunge *Weights for everything on this will be announced on Sunday AM WOD4 2 Rounds 60 WB (20 lb) 30 cal Assault bike 60′ HSW (30′ unbroken sections) Then there’s a final but we dont know what that… Read more »

Dave Redden
Dave Redden
November 18, 2019 8:11 am

Snatches done. Kept it light and focused on positions
Squats done at 95kg
20#s for pullups, dips done at BW
SAO: Deads at 125kg
Did banded pull throughs, rows with 75#, and 20 GHD situps.

Running this evening if time

November 18, 2019 8:19 am
Reply to  Dave Redden

Solid start to the day! Enjoy tonight’s running!

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
November 18, 2019 7:58 am

11 am
Back squat
118 kg
Strength Accessory
148 kg
Good morning 40 kg
Db 35 kg

3 pm
A. 30 kg B. 70kg
50-..—85 kg
All unbroken ( 65 kg )

November 18, 2019 8:18 am
Reply to  Michele Gabba

What happened on that last set?!

Michele Gabba
Michele Gabba
November 18, 2019 8:23 am
Reply to  tino

very slow with Bike

November 18, 2019 8:35 am
Reply to  Michele Gabba

Stay checked in on the bike!!!

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