Please use this week as a deload week. The Open can stress your adrenals, more then you think, so please reduce the volume of training this week as we gear up for the new cycle on November 18th. The training is in a different format this week so feel free to adjust the program based on how your body feels!
Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Banded Hamstring Floss x 30 seconds each leg
Two sets of:
Bird Dogs x 8-10 reps
Deep Squat Progression x 5 reps
and then …
Two sets of:
Leg Lift Over Object x 5 passes each direction (sit with your back against the wall and legs straight. Place a small object, about 6′ high, on the floor. Keeping your leg straight, lift the leg and clear the object)
Dead Bug x 5 reps @ 1515
Floor Slides x 10 reps
Posterior Strength Progressions
Three sets of:
Death March x 20 steps @ 2111*
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Hypers or Band Pull-Through wearing a weighted vest x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
*Farmer’s carry hold the heaviest dumbbells you can handle for these sets
Three rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Thrusters (105/75 lbs)
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Three rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Thrusters (75/55 lbs)
15 Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups
Core Accessory Work
Three sets of:
Hollow Body Sit-Ups to L-Sit on Kettlebells
x 10 reps.
Rest 60 seconds
Seated L-Sit Hold x 30 reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Scaling options for L-Sit Hold:
L-Sit Taps x 30 seconds
L-Sit Tuck x 30 seconds
DMAW done
Posterior strength: Death March with 16 kg DBs, reverse hypers on bench without vest, still traveling.
Terminator: 17:25 min. Could hardly move today, was so slow. AB = 15 burpees (they actually had C2B rower but not available), Thrusters about 30 kg (best guess), CTB in one of those rigs in hotel gyms.
Core: 2 sets (sore after my 50 sTTB yesterday)
I am sure the travel has taken a bit of a toll – make sure you are hydrating well!
Still behind so from Wed:
DMA done
A. Gymnx strength done
B1. 3-RM Zpress 45
B2. 30 reps @40 in 5:41. Started with 8 and went to sets of 3 very quickly
C. Changed to blend of today’s: 24 EMOM 12 Airdyne cal/10 thrusters at 75#/8 c2b
Great job! Those Z-presses sneak up on you!!!
DMAWU) done
Strength) death march 40-60# DBs – rev hyp 10-25# (first time using a “real” one)
Terminator) 11:41
Core accessory) done, mostly tuck position
Ohhhh wonderful – how did the reverse hyper feel? I can feel kinda awkward to start!
GREAT time on the Terminator! Did you go UB?
Reverse hypers felt okay… definitely need to figure out correct hip position.
On Terminator, went 9/6 on thrusters (felt surprisingly good but wanted to pace) and UB on C2Bs. Tough workout.
A. 32 kg Kbs for March and did rev hypers on GHD
B. 8:19 slow going today
C. Done
But still a very fast time on that! Well done!
At CrossFit Shanghai tonight.
We did Helen. My time was 10:26 min. I have only done it scaled before( running scaled because of weather) in 11:30. Cramp in my toes and right calf after sitting all week. Not used to run in so much traffic ?? All KBS UB and all butterfly PU UB! Must be some kind of PR for me.
Then 3-5 sets of 10 Strict toes-to-bar. I did 5 sets. First 2 sets UB then short breaks after rep 6 and 8, but held on to the bar.
Great job on the KBS and Pull-Ups – yikes about the traffic though!