Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
No Hook No Feet Snatch
x 1 rep
*Sets 1-3 = @ 95% of 2RM in this complex
*Sets 4-6 = @ 100% of 2RM in this complex
If you do not know your 2RM in this complex, establish that today instead of doing this % work.
Start your pull with your feet in your landing position. Your heels can come up in the finish, but, your feet should not leave the platform. No hookgrip is allowed, use a regular grip.
Every 2:30, for 15 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 75-80%
In 22 minutes, establish a 1-RM Bench Press
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Bulgarian Split Squat x 5 reps each leg
Aim for 3 heavy working sets.
Four sets of:
Strict Pull-Ups x 5 reps
Stationary Dips x 5 reps
(Add weight if possible)
Rest 60 seconds
How often should we be filming and sending in videos of the lift
Hey Jason- great question!! I made a video talking about the video analysis process that will be super helpful for you. Check out the “FAQ” document that came in the welcome email. The video is included in there along with a lot of other helpful information. Let me know that you find it ok!