November 4, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 45 seconds per side
(while in this position, bring your arms overhead and and reach back for a few pulses)
Thoracic Rotation Drill x 10 rotations

and then …

Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Banded Monster Walks (20 each direction)
Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Banded Air Squats x 10 reps
Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Banded Glute Bridges x 10 reps
Assault Bike x 30 seconds
Shoulder Circles x 10 reps each direction

Jerk Skills & Drills
Every 15 seconds, for 2 minutes, complete:
Jump to Split

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(hold for 2 seconds in the landing position

and then …

Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes, complete:
Jerk Balance x 1 rep (hold for 2 seconds in the landing position)

Front Squat + Jerk Progressions
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat + Jerk

Build to todays heavy.

Interval Conditioning
Four sets, for times, of:
500 Meter Row
Wall Ball Shots x 20 reps (20/14 lbs to 10′ target)
Ground-to-Overhead x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes

Set 1 – 135/95 lbs
Set 2 – 185/125 lbs
Set 3 – 205/135 lbs
Set 4 – 225/155 lbs

Four sets, for times, of:
500 Meter Row
Wall Ball Shots x 20 reps (20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
Ground-to-Overhead x 3 reps
Rest 2 minutes

Set 1 – 115/85 lbs
Set 2 – 135/95 lbs
Set 3 – 185/125 lbs
Set 4 – 205/135 lbs

Posterior Chain Accessory Work
One set, not for time, of:
100 Banded Hamstring Curls

Optional Row Session

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Five sets for times of:
Row 500 Meters
Rest 90 seconds

Try to be within 3-5 seconds of each 500 meter row.

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November 6, 2019 10:44 am

FS + JERK (POWER) = 155/185/205/225/235/245JUST FS NO ATTEMPT
135=3:10/ 185=4:20/ 205=5:15/225=6:57

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
November 5, 2019 3:27 am

DMAW done
Jerk balance: all sets at 35 kg
FS + Jerk: built from 50 to 60 kg (92%) Felt heavy today so stopped there.
Conditioning: Happy to hit all GTOH even if it felt heavy!
Scaled to 55+ weights
38-43-57-61 kg
Heavy WB to 10’
1. 4:31 (Row 2:10, WB 10/10)
2. 4:19 (Row 2:10, WB 10/10)
3. 6:02 (Row 2:10, WB 10/5/5)
4. 6:48 (Row 2:11, WB 5/5/5/5)
Accessory completed
Row session later today!

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
November 5, 2019 9:52 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thank you!
Row session was 2:07/2:07/2:07/2:07/2:05

Laura MacDonald
Laura MacDonald
November 4, 2019 4:21 pm

Front squat/Jerk— only made it to 130 today, still tired from 20.4
Conditioning 4:25 (95); 4:45 (115); 5:55 (125) failed first jerk. Stopped there was really slowing down on rowing and wallballs on this set and not recovering between.
Then tried a clean/jerk at 135–ez, 1 at 140–ez, then 145 failed, but was closer than any I tried during 20.4. So am still close but not quite there!

November 4, 2019 7:52 am

DMAWU) done
Jerk drills) done (jerk balance 95#-155#)
FS + Jerk) 215# – 235# (failed 240#, no lockout)
Condo) 3:10, 3:33, 4:29, 6:31
Accessory) done
Failed 3rd jerk @ 225# in condo, had to rest a min to hit it cleanly (pun intended)

Andrea Moon
Andrea Moon
November 4, 2019 6:44 am

So not as strong today
Front squat jerk progression 70,80,85,90,95,tried 100 did front squat but not able to jerk
500 m row 20 wall balls 3 goh stuck with 65 lbs. I did not eat enough protein this weekend and I can deft tell difference. 4:20,4:30,4:50,5:08
Have a great day

Andrea Moon
Andrea Moon
November 4, 2019 8:01 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

It does make a difference for me

Petrolene Le Roux
Petrolene Le Roux
November 4, 2019 6:40 am

DMA done
Jerk Balance to 30kgs.
FS & J: To 50 kgs. My arms are nowhere after 20.4.
Metcon: Things got a bit mix up because I had to wait for a rower. R1 – 7:45; R2 – 4:08 without row; R3 – 06:10; R4 – 7:46. I only did power cleans, not the jerk. My shoulders are too sore. Finished on 60kg, which is just 5 kgs under my 1RM.

Petrolene Le Roux
Petrolene Le Roux
November 4, 2019 10:31 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

No! But I have a massage scheduled for tomorrow 🙂

Vivian Mao
Vivian Mao
November 4, 2019 5:03 am

DMA done
A1. Done
A2. Jerk balance to 95
B. FS&J to 165. Failed 170
C. Round times: 4:00/4:13/4:41/6:52
first round slow WBs. Hands and WB were freezing ❄️
last round went slower in row and broke up WBs to try to recover legs better for heavy clean
Those cleans felt heavy after 20.4!

Vivian Mao
Vivian Mao
November 4, 2019 9:16 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

No but it’s been really cold lately and our gym hasn’t turned on the heat yet. It’s really cold esp before the sun is up

Mubarak Fares
Mubarak Fares
November 3, 2019 11:40 pm

Try to be within 3-5 seconds of each 500 meter row

Sorry but I didn’t understand what you mean by that

DaneeBoy // 45-49 // 73 kg
DaneeBoy // 45-49 // 73 kg
November 4, 2019 4:06 am
Reply to  Mubarak Fares

I might be wrong, but my gess is that she ment 3-5 minutes…

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
November 4, 2019 6:27 am
Reply to  Mubarak Fares

I assume this means that every set should not vary in time with more than 3-5 sec, meaning stay consistent ☺️

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