Primary Training Session
Mobility & Activation
Assault Bike or Row 10 minutes @ 70-75%
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Banded Triceps Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Prone PVC Pass-Thrus x 10 reps
Banded Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
Followed by…
Shoulder Circuit
Biceps Openers x 10 reps
Xiopang x 10 reps
Bent Over Rows x 10 reps
Biceps Curl + Push x 10 reps
Plank Walk x 20 meters
Followed by…
One set of:
Max Static Chin-Over-the-Bar Hold
Followed by…
Glute Activation Warm-Up x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
Straight into …
Banded Monster Walks x 20 steps forward/20 steps backward
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps each direction
and then …
Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 2 minutes @ 50 RPM
Med Ball Hamstring Curls x 15 reps
Push-Ups x 15 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes:
Hang Snatch x 1 rep
(Perform from mid-thigh; and make the most of your reps here, pull the barbell off the floor as if you were going to snatch it, pause for a moment at mid-thigh, and then snatch from there.)
*Sets 1-3 – 50% of 1-RM Snatch
*Sets 4-6 – 60%
*Sets 7-9 – 70%
*Sets 10-12 – 75-80%
*Sets 13-15 – 80-85%
Five sets of:
Tempo Back Squat x 4-5 reps @ 41X1
(MUST move up in weight from last week by 4-6%)
Rest 3 minutes
Every minute, on the minute, for 28 minutes (7 sets):
Minute 1: 14-16 Dumbbell Box Step-Up (One 50/35 lb DB to 24″/20″ Box)
Minute 2: 15-18/12-15 Calorie Row
Minute 3: 10-12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 0-4″ Deficit
Minute 4: 12-15/9-12 Calorie Assault Bike
Three sets of:
Med Ball Side Toss to Right x 10 reps
Pallof Press Right Side x 10 reps (band tension to left)
Rest 60 seconds
Med Ball Side Toss to Left x 10 reps
Pallof Press x 10 reps (band tension to right)
Rest 60 seconds
*Working side is the side you are throwing the ball towards.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest 90 seconds
Kettlebell Rows x 6 reps each arm @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Good Mornings x 6 reps @ 3011
Rest 10-15 seconds
Alternating Reverse Lunges x 12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Reverse Hypers or Band Pull-Through wearing a weighted vest x 20 reps @ 1010
Rest as needed
Goal is to use the same barbell for both movements – load as heavy as you can safely handle.
Running Endurance Option
At a regulation track if possible…
10-15 minutes of warm-up and running mechanics drills, and then…
Run 2 Miles @ 85% of your 1-Mile PR pace
followed by…
10 minutes of Cool Down and Stretching
Rowing Endurance Option
For times:
Row 4000 Meters @ 5k PR pace
Rest 2 minutes
Row 3000 Meters @ 5k PR Pace
Rest 2 minutes
Row 2000 Meters @ 5k PR Pace
A. Nose breathe piece from yesterday. AB/up-downs. Love these! B. Open 20.2. (21+2) Happy with overall effort today. Didn’t think about score or comparing my times, was able to stay present and keep confident throughout workout (unlike last wk so this was a win). Went out a bit too conservative- did TTB in 3/3 (Long kips) until RD 17 then went UB (with shorter kips). In hindsight should have went to unbroken sooner but was worried about my heart rate given my current conditioning ?. Only (1) DU trip. Splits were :55-57 (rds 1-10), 1:00-1:03 (11-17), sub :51 (17-21) One… Read more »
Looks like you executed well today! Now to trust your fitness a little more! Solid work!
Warm up done. Hang Snatches: 105, 110, 115, 125, 130, 135, 145, 145, 150, 155, 155, 160, 165, 170F, 170, 175. Felt good to get some OLY in. Tempo Back Squats at 220lbs. I didn’t do these last week but 100KG felt like a good place to stay. Conditioning Done. Happy with my consistency. 14 Step Ups 12-13 Cal Row 12 UB SDHSPU 2” 10-11 Cal Bike 18lb ball and Green band for D. Good day! And some coached some great classes before and after. And my cold is clearing up. Hoping a quiet weekend with some tea gets me… Read more »
So awesome to see you feeling good and moving well! Nice work!
A) 135×3/155×3/175×3/185/190/195/200/205/210
B) 255/275/285/295/305
C) Done, 16 step ups, 18 cal row, 10 shspu to 4”, 15 cal bike
D) Done
A) 55# dbs, 70# kb
How are your calves after yesterday?
Calves surprisingly feel good, upper back is pretty smoked though
Same! You were ahead of me by quite a bit but I woke up to my upper back and traps feeling yesterday too.
Warm up/activation done
A. Hang Snatch
Sets 1-3 – 135
*Sets 4-6 – 160
*Sets 7-9 – 185
*Sets 10-12 – 205/205/210
*Sets 13-15 – 215/220/225x
Tempo Back Squats
5 sets x 4 reps @ 275# heavier than last week but just as brutal
All I had time for. Swim class with the little one!
First day of swim?? Filippo cried every lesson ??♂️
First with me and he wasn’t a fan
50-…-80 kg
5 rep 110 kg
16 box step
16 cal Row
10 hspu ( no deficit)
18 cal Ab
In the afternoon Row
Crush it on Monday!