October 15, 2019 – Competition

Handstand Play Time

Spend 10 Minutes working on handstands. If you feel confident with handstands then explore new ways to challenge yourself…stairs/ramp, weave through cones, walk sideways, or walk backwards.

Two sets of:
Strict Pull Ups (+15/10 lbs) x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 60 seconds
Ring Muscle-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps
Rest 2 minutes

Six sets of:
4-Second Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-80%
Rest as needed

For the 4-second snatch deadlift, the goal is to mimic the exact bar path you would like to achieve when snatching from the floor, but keep the tempo slow and controlled such that it takes 4 seconds to get to the top of the snatch deadlift position. From that position, allow the barbell to descend to mid-thigh, pause for one second there, and snatch; then drop the barbell, set yourself properly and snatch from the floor. Perform all sets between 75-80% of your 1-RM Snatch.

Two sets for times:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (30″/24″)
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
300 Meter Row or 600 Meter Bike Erg
Rest 4 minutes

One set of:
100 Incline Dumbbell Tate Press

Light weight and just move steady.

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Trevor Petrucci
Trevor Petrucci
October 18, 2019 7:49 am

A. Done
B. 12/10
C. 125-135
D. 5:22/5:37
SCTB instead of BMU
E. Done

Hege Meling kvia
Hege Meling kvia
October 18, 2019 7:39 am

A. Done
B: 7/2 – 7/1 definitely not the best day for MU
C: 41 kg, did power snatches because of some lower back pain
D: 7:011 – 7:45. Did c2b instead of BMU’s
E: 5 kg

Gustavo Santos
Gustavo Santos
October 16, 2019 7:49 pm

I have a question for the group here. I love training amd training as much as my job allows me too, which is usually M-W-F at the box around 05-06 then at the garage in the evening for another hour and half either the comp program or just good old arnold lifts finoshed with random WoD. On T-Th it involves 04-0530 either nsuns 531 with gymnastics or acessory lift with Gumanstics. In the evening I do whatever. On the weekend i try to get 3-4 hours in throughout the day. The question is, does anyone have any inputs on how… Read more »

Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
Eduardo Ruanova Salazar
October 16, 2019 2:04 pm

A. Done
B. 6+9/ 6+7
C. 155/ 155/ 155/ 155/ 155/ 155
D. Only had time for 1 round, gym was closing

October 16, 2019 4:43 pm

Got in the important stuff! ??

David Bunce
David Bunce
October 16, 2019 12:46 pm

A. Done
B. Class programmed muscle up work so joined them
C. All done at 155
D. 8:24/9:15 rX
E. Later

Johan Lee
Johan Lee
October 16, 2019 7:55 am

A. Did more on mobility work, some free handstand hold.
B. 8/6 for both sets. Worked within limit, did not want to push to failure.
C. Up to 165#
D. 7:55, 7:56
E. Done

Alexis Hayslip
Alexis Hayslip
October 16, 2019 5:25 am

A) Completed Rds of- Shoulder taps, hip taps ( on wall) , free HS holds, short walk X 3 sets

B) Strict PU: 2-2/ 4/ 4
MU: 1-1/ 2/ 2.5
Did one more round for a bit more volume. Getting more doubles on MU so that’s an improvement

C) 1) 8:40 Struggled w/ BMU today (2 then attempts)
2) 10:14 Still struggled but got 7 BMU then finished with attempts

D) completed

MUs/ advanced gymnastics are my weak spot so I appreciated today.

October 16, 2019 4:43 pm
Reply to  Alexis Hayslip

If gymnastics are a weak spot get on our gymnastics program! It would work well with Comp. Solid adjustments today!


Enrique Bayardo
Enrique Bayardo
October 15, 2019 9:23 pm

A. Done
B. 5/5 6/6 strict pull ups w/ 10 pounds and ring mu
C. Done 145 lb
D. 25:17 including 4 min
E. Done at 15 lb

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
October 15, 2019 9:08 pm

A Done 20-30 sec hs hold each minute
B. 7/4 6/3 pu unweighted
C. 135
D. 8:53 9:03 with 24″ box and ring mu
E. 5# CBS

Fun workout thanks Tino!

October 16, 2019 3:31 am
Reply to  Tim Coffield

? ?

Justin Hanson
Justin Hanson
October 15, 2019 8:35 pm

A) HS walk into strict HS push ups
B) 8/5 & 9/5 with 20lb vest for pull ups
C) 163/168/173/173/178/183
D) 9:07/ 8:25- focused on moving smoothly.
E) Done with 10s

Alex González
Alex González
October 15, 2019 6:51 pm

A. Done
B. 6 strict pullps
10 MU in the 2 sets
C. All sets 155 lbs
D. 7:02/8:26
E. Done

Caitlin Buckvold
Caitlin Buckvold
October 15, 2019 4:33 pm

A. Done
B. 10/7 strict pull-ups with 10lb weight. Ring muscle ups 0/1. ? Not sure why as I was doing 6 last week. Maybe just not firing on all cylinders today?
D. 8:24 / 9:56 rx
E. Done with 10lbs + yesterday’s hamstring curls

October 15, 2019 6:08 pm

Save it for 20.2. ??

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
October 15, 2019 4:13 pm

A) Done
B) 14/6, 11/5 RX
C) 145, 145, 145, 150, 155, 155
D) 5:35, 6:17 RX
E) Done

October 15, 2019 4:20 pm
Reply to  Patrick Benson

Solid push today Patrick!

Giovanni Merced
Giovanni Merced
October 15, 2019 3:57 pm

A. Dine
B. Done
C. Done @115lbs
D. First rd: 8:20 Second rd: 8:38 (scaled the MU for PU barbell weight @ 95lbs)
E. Done

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
October 15, 2019 3:10 pm

Taking a rest day today for the knee. I’m also having my dr check it out in the am. There’s some bruising on the back so I’m not messing around with it this time. ??‍♀️
Hopefully modify some things tomorrow and get a workout in then!
Hope your days been great Tino!!

October 15, 2019 4:19 pm
Reply to  Jessica Uehlin

Hopefully some good news on the knee front or at least some guidance on how to get it back to full health. Keep me posted on how it goes!

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
October 15, 2019 4:44 pm
Reply to  tino

I will! My Dr is my friend, so she knows me and I definitely trust her. Haha hopefully she says oh that’s nothing rest it for a week and move on ???
Have a great night!

Dennis Chaumet
Dennis Chaumet
October 15, 2019 2:34 pm

A. Done
B. Pullups +8kg & Bar MU 10/10 and 7/8
C. Up to 80kg
D. 8:40 / 10:10 RX
E. 70 Plate Tricep Extension 10kg

Gabby Kuber
Gabby Kuber
October 15, 2019 2:03 pm

A. Done
B. Used a 10 lb plate and got 3 and then did ring dips in place of the ring muscle ups and got 6/7 reps
C. 75 lbs for this
D. 7:09 and 8:07 (scaled the bar muscle ups to banded the rest was RX)

October 15, 2019 2:06 pm
Reply to  Gabby Kuber

I would highly recommend incorporating our gymnastics program into your work if that’s an area you need to improve. Travis is awesome!


Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
October 15, 2019 1:24 pm

A. Done. Worked on walking over 15lb plates.
B. Done w 14lb weight vest, 5-6 reps
C. 80lbs, I love this complex. It really helps me slow down and focus on positioning.
D. 9:48/ 9:23, Rx except for BMU, subbed C2B

October 15, 2019 2:05 pm
Reply to  Amy Maschue

Good to see that slow pull helps. Be patient on that portion. You don’t want to lose position!

Amy Maschue
Amy Maschue
October 15, 2019 2:24 pm
Reply to  tino

Thank you!

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
October 15, 2019 11:26 am

B. 9 SPUs @ 15# each set. 4 Ring MUs each set.
C. 115×2, 120×2, 125, 130#
D. 8:43, 9:19. Used 95# on Thrusters; rest was RX

October 15, 2019 1:11 pm

Good to see you hitting all those bar muscleups today!

Daniel Woody
Daniel Woody
October 15, 2019 11:22 am

A. 1 minute handstand hold and an 100’ handstand walk
B. RX 10 pu, 6 mu, 10 pu, 6 mu
C. 3 sets x 175, 3 sets x 185
D. 7:54, 8:38
E. Done

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