Handstand Play Time:
Spend 10 Minutes working on handstands. If you feel confident with handstands then explore new ways to challenge yourself. Stairs/ramp, weave through cones, walk sideways, or walk backwards.
Two sets of:
Strict Ring Muscle-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Ring Muscle-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps
50-Foot Handstand Walk
Rest 2 Minutes
Four sets of:
3-Position Snatch @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
(high hang, mid-thigh, 2″ below the knee)
Rest as needed
Loading is not the primary goal – feeling positions should be your priority.
Three sets for times of:
400 Meter Run
30 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
20 Toes-to-Bar
10 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)
Rest 3 minutes
One set of:
100 Banded Tricep Extensions
Make them fast and minimal breaks.
A. Done
B. Done
Strict CTB
Kipping PU
C. 1115/120/125/125
D. 5:09/4:49/4:37
45lb DB
20lb WB
E. Done
4 Rounds
30 sec Hollow Rock Hold
5 V-Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
Got late to the gym, so I could only get to C ?
A. Done
B.1+7/ 1+7
C. 145/ 145/ 155/ 155
A. Done 20-30sec hs against wall each minute
B. Done with reg mu both sets and 30sec accumulated hs hold instead of walks
3:04 (6/3 mu) 3:31 (5/3)
C. 135
D. With 500m row and 45# dbs
6:10 6:11 6:04
wb 20/10 ttb 10/5/5
E. Red band
Fun workout thanks Tino!
A. Done
B. Can’t do strict both sets ring mu 6,6,5,5
C. Done 135 70% focus on my technique
D. Done Rx 30:23
E. Done breaking 3 times
Maybe worth adding in our gymnastics program. It will definitely help with those strict muscle ups!
Ok coach tnks
A. Done
B. Done
SRMU 2/2
RMU 5/4
HSW in 25’ segments; all UB
C. All sets done at 70Kg
D. Done Rx; 4:57/4:43/4:39
Everything UB, rnds 2 and 3 faster in runs and DP.
E. Done
First set must have been a warm up 🙂
Haha, more like an eye opener. I wanted sun 5 for all sets. When I finished the first set I knew I had to turn up the intensity and stop slacking.
I’ve had a migraine since Sunday ? I rested yesterday and tried to snatch today but it hurt my head. So- hopefully tomorrow!
Hope your weeks awesome so far, Tino!
Oh no?!?! Has this happened before??
Yea, and I’ve had it checked out and it’s never been able to be linked to anything. Certain lights or dehydration trigger it sometimes. ?
Get on those electrolytes!! I hope you feel better soon!
I’m on it! Thanks so much Tino!
B. Done [2 sets of: 10 DB curl to press @20s/60ft DB OH walk/10 DB curl to press @15s/60ft DB OH walk]
C. 55/65/75/75 with powers
D. 5:10/5:05/5:04 [2 min echo bike/30 DB thrusters @15s/10 slamballs @35/10 Double DB snatch @ 20s]
Today’s programming as written has my non-pregnant name written all over it. Already looking forward to 4+ months from now when I’m back doing things as prescribed!
Solid adjustments Meghan. Still looked like you got some great work in!
A. Worked on Holds / side-2-side leans on wall / 25ft increments of his walking of 5 sets.
B. Elbow is a bit sore so I kept it to sitting/kneeling/off of feet ring muscle up progressions. Did a couple kipping but kept it to singles. Ha walks were in down and back of 25ft.
C. Skipped due to elbow being a bit sore. Wanna keep it fresh for 20.1 Open.
D. 3 sets done with 40lb dumbbells. 6:38/6:38/6:47 my run is a bit longer going in and out of the building. Guessing it is almost 500 meters.
E. Done
Elbow tendinitis? Tight forearms? Bicep or triceps?
Golfers elbow in my left arm. I flossed and rolled it out. And we have a hybrid DeWalt with various ends to massage with. So I did that after working out today. And rolled my triceps out. Trying to stay on top of it everyday.
A) Practice done,
B) no access to ring because of wod of the box
C) 4 sets at 70kg (70%) just focus on feeling and good position on receiving with pause
D)5’55”, 6’25”, 6’53” – done at 20lbs for the wall ball
everything unbroken except TTB 16/4 12/8 16/4
It was tough but very good sensations on this one 😉
E) Done + 50 banded curl biceps
Productive session with lots of good learning! ?
A) just worked on freestanding holds
B) Done- 3 strict MUs & 5 Kipping for both sets- keeping it light for the elbow. HS walks 25ft sections.
C) Did @155lbs (70%) could of gone up but chose to stay light for mechanics and elbow.
D)6:27 / 6:08 / 5:54
E) Done- broke a hand full of times
Hope your elbow is feeling better!
A. 10:00 of mostly kick-ups and HS marches
B. For the strict, practiced the turnover with assistance of a box, accumulated 8 per set. Got 2 & 4 muscle-ups ?
C. Done using 100-105lbs
D. 5:50 / Time-Capped myself at 7:00 / 5:46
E. Done
What happened on that middle set? Why such a big drop off?
? I think I just allowed myself to get distracted and to take unnecessary breaks and feel sorry for myself. I’m glad I was able to refocus for the third set but I always seem to struggle/slow down the most in the middle of almost any workout.
A. Done
B. 7/7 and 5/6 ( had to change to Strict C2B and Bar MU because of Equipment)
C. Up to 2x 75kg
D. 6:20/7:35/7:55
E. 100 Plate Tricep Extensions 5kg
A. Done
Strict MU 7/4
Kipping MU 10/10
Hsw UB 25ft increments
C. 175×3/185×1
D. RX 4:49/4:52/5:16
20:57 total time
Got slowed down on the last one started a little late this should have been sub 5. All wall balls unbroken, ttb 17/3 – 17/3 – ub Runs slow
E. Done triceps started cramping and exploding about 65 in so had to rest a bit
Big fan of these last two days!
17/3? Why not 20???
That tricep pump! ?
Lol no good response ?♂️
A) done, side and backwards walking is tough
B) done, no rings, so did only bar mu all sets, 6 every time
C) 70kg done
D) 4:50ish times with 12kg wb and 20 kg dumbells, all ub
E) no time
Still not feeling the worldsaving energy tho ?
I hope you’re dialing in nutrition and recovery and managing outside factors as best as you can to help with those energy levels!
Well, i can not really say that unfortunately. Nutriton and sleeping is a mess in my life, actually the only constans thing is the training. But things are changing right now and i hope into the right direction. And until then, there is always tomorrow and an another training day 😀
A. ✅
B. 4/3 SMU, 5/5 MU
C. All sets @105#
D. 1 round only ?
E. ✅
A) Done
B) Done RX – Strict RMU/RMU – 1/7/1/7… First time doing strict RMU in over a year.
C) 135/140/140/140
D) 4:27, 4:44, 5:31 with 20lb wall ball. I’ve been using this weight lately just to practice smooth reps for the Open. I tend to get a bit sloppy with the 30. I’ll switch back after the Open.
E) Done one set unbroken
A done
B. 1/4, 2 attempts/ 4
D. 5:30/5:45/7:40
Didn’t have any drive to push that last round. Nutrition has been off. Trying to get on track with that.
E. Done
Lets get your nutrition back on track. We have a great program from Jenn Ryan who deals with all of our athletes if its something that would interest you. She’s a stud!
A) Done
B) 2/4 on first set 1/5 on second set
C) Stayed at 123 for everything.
D) 6:11, 6:19, 7:21
E) Done
A. 5 minutes done.
B. 1, 1 for UB Strict Ring MU; 4, 4 for UB Ring MUs. I did 30 shoulder taps in between instead
C. 100, 105, 110, 115#
D. Two sets women’s RX. 7:11, 7:23
E. Done.
A: Done. Did 5mins or kicking into a HS with a hold. Then did 5 mins of weaving in between a rogue infinity rig
B: did strict MU from a box. Got 1-2 each round. RMU got 3 each round. HSW went good!
C: All done at 115. Back felt tight so I kept it light
D: 6:22 (first round did with 50# DB. Had bad form), 6:03 (did with 40# DB much better form), 5:53 (same DB weight)
E: Done with a red band
Good to see your gymnastics work going well!