Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 10 minutes rolling out your IT Bands, Lats and Quads.
and then …
Glute Activation Warm-Up Series x 20 seconds on rack/20 seconds off rack
and then …
DROM Series x 3-5 reps per movement
Clean & Jerk Progressions
Build to a heavy, if not new 1-RM, Clean & Jerk in 20 minutes or less.
If you have more than two misses at a weight, call it.
Interval Conditioning
In 2:00, for max reps, complete:
30 Double-Unders
Power Cleans x 5 reps
Max Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00; Repeat for four sets. Please note the weights on the Power Cleans:
Set 1: 135/95 lbs
Set 2: 155/115 lbs
Set 3: 185/125 lbs
Set 4: 205/135 lbs
Set 1: 115/75 lbs
Set 2: 135/95 lbs
Set 3: 155/115 lbs
Set 4: 185/125 lbs
In 2:00, for max reps, complete:
20 Double-Unders
Power Cleans x 3 reps
Max Bar Facing Burpees
Rest 2:00; Repeat for four sets. Please note the weights on the Power Cleans:
Set 1: 95/65 lbs
Set 2: 115/75 lbs
Set 3: 135/95 lbs
Set 4: 155/115 lbs
Posterior Chain Accessory Work
For time:
400 Meter Sandbag Carry (Bear Hug)
35-49: 150/100 lbs
50-54: 100/80 lbs
55+: 80/60 lbs
Optional Upper Body Session
Bench Press Progressions
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Bench Press
Four sets of:
Stationary Dips x 8-10 reps @ 2012
Rest 45 seconds
Pronated Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 8-12 reps
Rest 45 seconds
DMAW done
Metcon: 3, 4, 5 burpees. Did the last interval on 57kg. 60kg (135lbs) is my 1RM, so I didn’t get to the burpees.
I’ve decided to lag a day behind – it works better for me with the planning of my training along with they gymnastics!
Dmaw done
C&J 1rep to 235lbs two fails w 245
1st 20 Burpees
2nd 15 burpees
3rd 10 burpees
4th only 3 power clean w 205 ran out of time
BPress 1 rep 235lbs
Accessory done
No 400m sandbag. No sandbag in my box.
Felt great!
Excellent job today David!
A. 225# (30# below PR, just tired)
B. 135, 155, 185, 205 – 18, 17, 16, 16
C. 8:15 w/ 100# sandbag
D. 305# (30-40# below PR)
E. Dips 12, 12, 15, 15 pullups 10, 10, 12, 12
Hope you got a good nights rest!
cj: 265
22/22/20/18 burpees
C&J = 135/155/175/185/205/225/235/245F/ 245 PR….STOPPED THERE
BENCH = 145/195/215/245/265/285 …..STOPPED THERE, 20 BELOW PR
INTERVALS = 21, 17, 15, 13 @ 135, 155, 185, 205
Congrats on your C&J PR!
Clean and jerk 205,20lbs under pr
200 meter sandbag at 150
250lb bench new pr
Oh yay!! Congrats on the bench PR!
Clean and jerk 130#, failed 135–jerk not there . Power clean, maybe A bit tired still from weightlifting seminar on Sunday
Burpees: 18/17/16/12. Maybe a bit too conservative on 135– could have started first rep maybe a bit sooner, same with reps 4 and 5
Bench press 120
Ring dips x5, strict pull-ups 8/8/7/8
Hope you enjoyed the seminar!
It was great—Lucas Parker
DMAWU) done
C&J) up to 102kg
Condo) 17@135#, 18@155, 14@185, 12@205
Carry) done, 100# sandbag (10-12 min, didn’t check when I got back)
Bench) up to 205#
Other) skipped for now…
Worked to 145 c n j
Workout burpees 16 14 13 11
DMA done
1. Build to 120 kg ( Power clean)
2. Interval Conditioning 19/21/16/16
3. Slam ball carry 70 kg – 8:35
4.Bench press Build to 115 kg ( 120 fail)
5. Dips + Pull ups 10+12/10+10/10+8
Only had 265 in me today.
24,23,22,21 @ 135,155,185,205.
14:24. Been awhile since I’ve picked up that bag. This was moreso just getting it done than for time.
DMA done
A. Up to 165#. Failed jerk at 170#. Retry and failed clean ?
B. 22/20/16/15
C. Used 80# medball. Ran out of time. Went 300m in about 7:00. Totally underestimated how hard this would be
I like the meball substitute!
Clean and jerk 90#
Sand bag carry used 20 lb dBs front rack position
Conditioning 4 sets 65,75,85,95 3 reps powercleans max burpees 40 singles 12,12,12,10 burpees
Have a great day
Great work !!
A. 135/155/175/185/205 missed note that…..
B. 12/14/10/0 but got 3 pc’s at 205???
C. Bench got to 245 today missed 255
All the time I had this morning.
Yay for your power cleans at 205!!!!