September 24, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes rolling out your t-spine and lats.

Two sets of:
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch

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x 45 seconds per side
Band Assisted Lat Stretch x 45 seconds per side

and then …

Two sets of:
Banded Monster Walks x 20 reps fwd/bck
Banded Lateral Walks x 10 reps each direction
Banded Jumping Squats x 10 reps

Finish with …

3 Minutes on the Assaut Bike @ moderate pace

Clean & Jerk Progression
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Slow Pull Clean + Jerk

*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk (50+: 78%)
*Sets 3-4 = 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk (50+: 82.5%)
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk (50+: 85%)

For time:
30 Ground to Overhead

35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs

Please check back to August 6th for your previous Grace time.

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Posterior Chain Accessory Work
Two-Three sets of:
Barbell Glute Bridges x 5-6 reps @ 20X1 (slightly heavier load compared to last week)
Rest 60 seconds
Weighted Supinated Grip Strict Pull-Ups x 1-2 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Optional Upper Body Session
Four sets of:
Bench Press x 2-3 reps @ 80-85%
Rest 2-3 minutes

One set:
100 Banded Tricep Extensions

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Marcus Walter
Marcus Walter
September 25, 2019 10:43 am

DMA / Warm Up

Clean & Jerk Progression up to 70 Kg

Grace 4:30 min Rx ( 36 sec. faster than last time ) 🙂 – happy with that result but way to go.

Still not feeling 100% recovered but getting better.

Additional Session done

Vivian Mao
Vivian Mao
September 25, 2019 12:50 am

Was traveling last few days, tired this morning but tried yesterday’s programming.
A1. HHS @ 75/85
A2. HS @ 95/105
A3. E90s snatch @ 105/110/115/120
A4. Snatch @ 120/120/125/125/130 (failed first attempt)/failed 135 and then my right thumb went numb?!? Tried to do wod but thumb was still numb so decided to quit for the moment
Came back later to finish wod 3 RFT bike 1000m/20hspu/20t2b/20DB sntaches/50′ HSW in 24:18
Thumb still numb but slightly better…weird

David Masso
David Masso
September 24, 2019 7:38 pm

Dmaw done

185, 185
195, 195
205, 205

Grace 2:06 could have gone harder, but okay

Glute bridge 185, 225, 225lbs
Pull up 45 lbs 3 reps per round
Bench press
185, 185, 205 3 reps per round

September 24, 2019 6:20 pm

SLW CLN&J = 195X2X2, 205, 215, 225, 235 (CURRENT PR)
GRACE = 2:50 PR (LAST TIME 2:53)

Jonathan Altschul
Jonathan Altschul
September 24, 2019 6:14 pm

A. 185,195,205
B. 3:16
C: BBGBx6 225,275,325 Pull-ups 45×5, 90×2, 90×3
D. Bench x3 245,265,265,275 Green band, sets of 20

Laura MacDonald
Laura MacDonald
September 24, 2019 4:33 pm

A. Cleans at 118/123/130
B. Grace 3:18
C. Barbell Glute bridge—no weight trying to use glutes more than quads, well actually at all rather than just quads ?. Pull-ups 20/25/30
D. Bench press at 105, working on wrist position

lise demetrio
lise demetrio
September 24, 2019 2:20 pm

Dyn/mob- All done
CJ. 106, 113, 120 lbs failed 1 clean and all jerks
I couldn’t figure out the plus 50 ..??‍♀️I’m slow ?

Still having a difficult time wrapping the thumb around the bar
Grace – rxd 5:24
Posterior chain :
103, 133 153 lbs
Weighted SPU : 2 reps, 10, 20 , 30 lbs

Optional bench
3 rps , 125, 130, 140 lbs last set got heavy
banded pulldowns : purple thin band

Dean Plummer
Dean Plummer
September 24, 2019 11:26 am

Mobility completed
B)6:21 My lower back started tightening up. This typically happens after performing DB snatches which we did yesterday. This time was very close to my last time so I would have liked to have seen how I would have finished if my back did not start tightening up.
C)Skipped. Hopefully will make up on Thursday.

Dean Plummer
Dean Plummer
September 25, 2019 11:21 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thanks Nichole! Anytime I do DB from the floor my lower back has issues. I am not sure if it is setting up lower to the floor as opposed to working with a barbell but it always causes me issues. My lower back just felt fatigued today. I was able to perform the FS but slightly less than I probably could have. The issues came with the BBJO. The burpee was irritating my back so I eliminated the burpee and just did BJO.

Dean Plummer
Dean Plummer
September 28, 2019 8:24 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thank you for the guidance Nichole. I took an extra day off Friday and then trained this morning. I started the exercises on Thursday. Have a good weekend.

Marie Martensson
Marie Martensson
September 24, 2019 11:12 am

A day behind, DMAW done
Snatches: 1. 25 and 30 kg, 2. 33 and 38 kg, 3. 38 and 43 kg, 4. 43, 45 and 48 kg, failed both attempts at 48 kg.
Shoulder Boulder: 23:08 min
Row 2:06, 2:09, 2:08
HSPU (kipping) 10/5/5 all rounds
TTB 12/8 all rounds
DB snatches UB all rounds
HSW (transition to outdoor) all UB
1. 7:48
2. 8:08
3. 7:08
Optional: total 77 reps
1. 14, 2. 15, 3. 16, 4. 16, 5. 16 = 77 reps
AB in 38-40 sec

September 24, 2019 9:08 am

DMAWU) done
C&J) 2@91, 2@91, 1@96, 96, 101, 101kg
Grace) 3:00 (singles), 4:30 last time*
Acc) done (BBGB 185-225# – pull-ups 50-70#)
Upper body) done (bench 165-180# – triceps 5 sets of 20)
* last time was a few weeks after car wreck and recovering from illness… was feeling terrible. Feeling mostly normal now.

lise demetrio
lise demetrio
September 24, 2019 6:05 am


I. don’t understand the clean and jerk progression? With the 50 plus? Can you explore n it or anyone please?

September 24, 2019 5:31 am

Dma ok
C jerk (slow pull) 80/85/90 kg
Grace 4.50 (5 u. B. Then all single)

Andrea Moon
Andrea Moon
September 24, 2019 4:50 am

Clean and jerk 75?80,90
Ground to overhead 65# 4:28
Bridge 70#, 80#
Strict pull ups blue band
Bench 95#
Triceps extension blue band
Have a great day

Tom Ring
Tom Ring
September 24, 2019 4:14 am

A. 188/188×2
B. After first 10 back started up so stopped took min break and did 2 more sets of 10
:48/:50:/:55 7 to 10 were tough
C. Bench 215 x3 all sets
100 tricep ext done
Weighted pull ups done

Alexander Maximuk 35-39 182 cm. 104 kg
Alexander Maximuk 35-39 182 cm. 104 kg
September 24, 2019 1:33 am

1. Done
2. 105kg ×2/ 110×2/ 115×2
3. Grace 2:35 ( last time 2:33)
4. Bridge 70 kg and PU with 32 kg x 2 reps
5 (100kg×3)×2 and (110kg×2) x 2
6. 30 min mobilize

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