Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) for times:
12 Burpees Over the Erg
16/12 Calorie Assault Bike
18/14 Calorie Row
21 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 10 reps @ 75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
1200 Meter Run
60 Pull-Ups
45 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)*
Rest until the running clock reaches 20:00, and then…
Three rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
20 Pull-Ups
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20″)*
*If you are not interested in competing in the Open, we would advise stepping down from the box jump – the impact on your achillies isn’t worth the risk unless you’re preparing for the movement to be tested in competition.
Five sets of:
60 seconds Bearhug Sandbag or D-Ball Hold (150/100 lbs)
30 seconds Bearhug Sandbag or D-Ball Carry
Rest 60 seconds
*If you do not have access to a Sandbag or D-Ball Perform with Double Front Racked Kettlebells (24-32/16-24 kg).
A. Done
B. 60/75/85/70 kg
C. 14:57
D. 17:45
E. 45 kg Sandbag
A. Done
B. 245/ 280/ 315x/ 215
Could’t finish the session, had to leave early 🙁
A. Done as an EMOM,
B. Back squats to box = 115(5)-135(3)-155(1)-120(10)
C. 800m run/walk + 60 KBS + 45 box step overs = 12:04
E. Did a 400m dball carry with 65#
Sleep has been a problem this week, so used yesterday as a rest day and used today to just move with some purpose.
A. 4:05/3:57/4:11
B. 130/150/166/140
C. 17:15
A) scaled version
2:17 ; 2:02 ; 01:39 (rest)
B) 115; 132; 150; 130
C) 14:50;
D) started with 20 lb vest 18:50 ..my goal was keep the same peace of the first part, but was impossible ?
E) done with kettlebell
A. Did 16 KB swings with the 24kg KB then 21 thrusters with the same KB. 2:38/2:33/2:28
B. 325/375/420/350×10
C. 10:38 PU 30-8-12-10
D. 9:28 PU unbroken
E. Done with 24kg
Had an hour this morning to catch up a bit.
i did..
B: 125/145/165/135kg. Final set almost killed my legs. 165 felt quite easy!
A: Did 4 rounds of this one.
3:07/3:12/3:25/3:32. All WB unbroken which is satisfying. WBs is one of me nemesis’ for sure.
Nice work! Where have you been? Still managed to get training in?
A. No bike so did 12 bp/ 21 kbs 32kg / 18 row / 21 wb 30#
3:34 3:44 3:50
B. 240 275 315 10@260
C. 13:17
D. 12:21
Great workout thanks Tino!
Nice work! Enjoy your rest day Tim!
Feeling run down, must be adjusting back from vacation.
A: 3:54/3:47/3:55
Row and assault bike unbroken
B: 280/320/360/300
A. Subd 75 DU, no bike.
B. 135/155/175/145Kg x 10
C. 9:13 Rx.
All strict PU 10/10/10/10/10/10; BJO UB.
D. 8:45 Rx.
All rnds UB strict PU and BJO.
E. Done with KB.
Easy day!
A) 3:20-3:24
B) up to 345
C) 85 cals on the bike
Pull-ups: 32-18-10
D) 30 cals bike
Pull-ups unbroken
A) 3:34, 3:25, 3:47
B) 135, 155, 175, 145×10
C) 11:01
D) 9:16 (subbed 10 strict pull-ups for the 20 to save my shoulders)
A) 3:40, 3:45, 3:45
B) 275/325/345/285
C) 10:25
D) 11:09
E) done
A. 3:09/3:12/3:18
B. 285/325/365/305 – feeling strong.
Jumped into our class workout, similar time domain and endurance focus. May start incorporating on Wednesday’s if the movements and stimulus seem to match up.
Fun! Always good to throw down with your community!
A) 3:58/3:54/3:51
B) 262/302/338/278
C) 14:51- I swear SHSPUs was programmed for C&D instead of BJOs?
D) 11:53
E) Trying to finish, at work and keep getting interrupted.
I changed it at 8:10 pm PST. Sorry dude!
No worries, I need the extra HSPU work!
A. 3:36/3:47/4:02 Rx
B. 250/285/325/270#
C. 13:15 Rx (trueform)
D. 4:17/9:10/13:45 Rx (trueform)
E. Skipped
This would have been ? on the Runner!
Oh yeah!Takes little bit of time?
A. 3:53/3:55/3:50
B. 300/340/385/315 lbs
C. 13:23
D & E: I can’t do it because I need to work
Good job still getting some of your training in!
A. 3:38/3:37/3:39 Rx
B. 270/315/340/285#
C. 11:26 Rx
D. 11:16 Rx Surprised myself and went unbroken on the pull ups.
E. Done
Nice work on those pull-ups!
A. 4:01 / 3:34 / 3:55
B. 190lbs – 215 – 245 – 205
C. 10:06 on a treadmill
D. 9:25 ; again on a treadmill
E. Done
I’m going to need to recover well tonight!!! ?
You’ve hit it hard the last 3 days! Look after that silly guy too. We need to wrap him in bubble wrap to keep him from hurting himself 🙂
I scheduled a sports massage appointment for him tomorrow AM, that was the earliest they could fit him in ?
A. 3:09/3:10/3:18
B. Used #420 percentages
C. 10:20
D. 9:50
E. Done
Did some bamboo stick work before. Was to afraid to ask you for it but thanks for letting me use it Tino??
Don’t be a little b**** ?
Haha you got it??