August 20, 2019 – Competition

Two sets of:
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest 15 seconds
Single-Arm Overhead Kettlebell Cossack Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 15 seconds
GHD Hip Extension x 8 reps @ 2012
(focus on glute activation and maintaining a hollow position)
Rest as needed

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets) of:
Power Clean + Hang Clean + High Hang Clean + Jerk
*Sets 1-3 – 60-65%
*Sets 4-6 – 65-70%
*Sets 7-8 – 70-75%

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets) of:
30-50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders or 50-70 Double-Unders
6 Power Clean & Jerks @ 60-65% of 1-RM of 1-RM C&J

Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 10-12 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 2 – 15 Banded Overhead Triceps Extensions @ 1010
Minute 3 – 15 Reverse Snow Angels (slow & controlled)
Minute 4 – 45-60 second GHD Supine Hold

For time:
400 Meter Farmers Carry (24/16kg)
*Every minute, including 0:00, perform 6 Front Racked Double Kettlebell Squats (24/16 kg).

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Amy M Maschue
Amy M Maschue
August 21, 2019 1:42 pm

A. done
B. 95/95/95/102/105/105/115/115(PR)
C. 90lbs on the bar/finished every round with 36 seconds left.
D. Done

Douglas Gooch
Douglas Gooch
August 21, 2019 5:59 am

A. 225×3/245×3/255×2
B. Ran 200 instead of dus and used 185. Finished with mo or less a 30 sec break in between.
C. Done

Dina Chiappelli
Dina Chiappelli
August 21, 2019 5:04 am

Did this one this morning.
A. Done
B. Completed 105, 110, 115, 115, 120, 125, 130 drop before hi hang clean, 130…my grip on the complexes ouch!
C. 50 Dus and used 105 work in progress on the bb cycling *
1:30ish for the first 3 then struggled to get in under 2 min on the back half. They were also doing some stuff around the gym and had to work around it
D. Completed 10 hspu to an ab mat since our gym floor is pretty hard
E. Short on time maybe tomorrow

Andrea Rossi
Andrea Rossi
August 21, 2019 3:27 am

A) done
B) 60/65/70
C) done with 60 kg barbell
D) done

August 21, 2019 3:47 am
Reply to  Andrea Rossi

Lets see some times!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
August 20, 2019 11:09 pm

A. Done
B. 77.5Kg x 3/85Kg x 3/95Kg x 2
C. Done with 85Kg and 70 DU. All DU UB.
D. Done, scaled to 36” box.
E. Done

August 21, 2019 3:48 am
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

Shoulders and body are looking healthy!

Samuel Woodman
Samuel Woodman
August 20, 2019 8:46 pm

B: 185-185-205/205-225-245/245-280 (f jerk – tried to be too fancy)
C: Done with heavy rope and 2:05. Finished in 1:15-1:25
D: Done w/ 10 ub shpsu
E: Done

Ismael Borja
Ismael Borja
August 20, 2019 7:52 pm

B. 205/205/215/225/235/245
C.done at 185lb

August 20, 2019 7:59 pm
Reply to  Ismael Borja


Ismael Borja
Ismael Borja
August 20, 2019 8:09 pm
Reply to  tino

A. Done
D. Done
E. I did not have time. Box closed

August 20, 2019 8:39 pm
Reply to  Ismael Borja


Bryan Babbitt
Bryan Babbitt
August 20, 2019 7:39 pm

B) 185-280
C) done at 205, slowly fell off because double unders got me
D) done

August 20, 2019 7:58 pm
Reply to  Bryan Babbitt

No times?

Bryan Babbitt
Bryan Babbitt
August 20, 2019 8:39 pm
Reply to  tino

1:15-1:20 for the first few rounds, fell off at 5 and picked back up around 1:25 for 6

August 20, 2019 7:37 pm

A. Done
B. 115/125/130 (+5lb from last week)
C. RX with 50 DU and 105#.All DU UB, which is a huge win for me. Also, it would normally take me a min to do 6 reps at this weight and I was doing them in 45 sec each time.
D. Done with 6-8 HSPU. I’ve lost a lot of capacity with HSPU.
E. Done

Bryan Babbitt
Bryan Babbitt
August 20, 2019 7:40 pm
Reply to  Kryssie

Yasssss PR!!!!

August 20, 2019 7:58 pm
Reply to  Kryssie

Great work Kryssie!

Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
August 20, 2019 7:37 pm

B. 155 170 185 felt good at these lighter %
C. Done with 50 du and 5 pcj 145#. Around 1:30-1:35 per round. All singles. Du a few trips first couple rounds, ub last 4.
E. 4:48 with 45# kbs

Great workout thanks Tino!

August 20, 2019 7:57 pm
Reply to  Tim Coffield

Nice work dude!

August 20, 2019 7:01 pm

A) done
C) done Rx (125# and DU)
D) done Rx
Felt good today and my shoulders are feeling solid! It’s been a while! Haha love the new cycle so far!
Hope your day was great! Thanks Tino!

August 20, 2019 7:15 pm
Reply to  Jess

Good job getting ALMOST everything in today 🙂

August 20, 2019 7:35 pm
Reply to  tino

Closer!! ??

John Vautier
John Vautier
August 20, 2019 5:18 pm

A. Done
B. 185/185/200/200/205/215/225/235 (missed hhc) – all felt good, hhc on final set slipped off shoulders. Blaming the sweat.
C. 50 dus and 4 c&j at 185#, working mechanics until shoulder is 100%. Feels better again today. All rounds in :58-1:09.
D. Done, 2 sets of strict press with kbs hanging x 12, 2 sets of Shspu x 12.
E. 5:07, no squats.

Did add in some of the shoulder accessory work you sent yesterday Tino. Thanks!

August 20, 2019 5:52 pm
Reply to  John Vautier

Great to see that you’re making progress with your shoulder. Did you do the accessory/activation work before or after? I would recommend it before.

John Vautier
John Vautier
August 20, 2019 6:18 pm
Reply to  tino

Yes, it was all done before I started part A. Will continue starting my sessions with that and prioritizing from there.

August 20, 2019 5:14 pm

Did Monday and some of today’s training.
A) yep
B) up to 240
C) Thursday
D) done
E) Thursday

August 20, 2019 5:50 pm
Reply to  Tom

Studying hard? Keep getting in what you can ??

August 20, 2019 5:03 pm

B) 185/210/225
C) 30 heavy rope DU, 195 CJ
Each round done in 1:09-1:15
Should have done more DU
D) done scaled with 6 SHSPU each round
E) 7:40? With 24kg kbs … somewhere around there but happy with not putting the kb down once

August 20, 2019 5:49 pm
Reply to  geoff

Great work not putting those Kettlebells down!

Danilo Araujo
Danilo Araujo
August 20, 2019 5:00 pm

A. Done
B. 66/68/70/74/77/80/82/82kg
C. Done with 70kg and 50 Du
D. Done

Andrei Puchkou
Andrei Puchkou
August 20, 2019 4:42 pm

A. Done
B. 155/155/165/165/175/175/185/185#
C. Done 155# 50 DU’s with rope heavier than my
D. Done 8 HSPU
E. 4:55 Rx

Jake Swartwout
Jake Swartwout
August 20, 2019 3:51 pm

A. Done
B. 185/205/215#
C. 1:20/1:21/1:14/1:15/1:16/1:15 at 180# and 50 DU
D. Done
E. Skipped

August 20, 2019 4:17 pm
Reply to  Jake Swartwout

Not fancy some grip work and a few squats???

Jorge Fernandez
Jorge Fernandez
August 20, 2019 1:40 pm

B. 185/195/205/215/225/225/225/225 tried to work the pull and owning positions!
C. Did with #185 Tried to hold on to the bar and work on cycling. Did 4 sets unbroken and the last 2 I did 3 and 3. Finished every set in under 1:15
E. Finished with 53lbs KBs

August 20, 2019 2:13 pm

Good job holding onto that bar for the most part! Love the push!

Trevor Petrucci
Trevor Petrucci
August 20, 2019 1:33 pm

A. Done
B. 125/130/130/135/140/145/150/150
C. 60 DU
D. Done
E. Done with 50# each hand

Maxwell Reynolds
Maxwell Reynolds
August 20, 2019 1:15 pm

Finished up with the RXSG V02 testing.

B. 185/195/205/215/225/225/225/225 – Feeling so much better on the jerks lately
E. Done w/ 53 – Scaled to goblet squats after half.

Back on the program tomorrow! The V02 stuff took longer than expected. Still snuck a little of the programming in though.

August 20, 2019 2:11 pm

SO who’s fitter? You or Jorge?! ?

Maxwell Reynolds
Maxwell Reynolds
August 20, 2019 4:11 pm
Reply to  tino

Hahah, you’ll be the first to know when the results get emailed!

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