Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes mashing the calves with a kettlebell handle.
Two sets of:
Hawaiian Squats x 5-7 reps per side
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds
Two sets of:
30 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Donkey Kicks
30 seconds of KB Swings (to eye level)
Gymnastic Skills & Drills
Rocking Box Bridges x 5 reps (lower the box if you need assistance or do directly from the floor)
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Wall-Facing Split Handstand Hold x 20 seconds
Interval 2 – Back-To-Wall Donkey Kicks x 8 reps
Interval 3 – Finger Presses x 20 reps
*Make sure to keep the elbows completely locked.
Followed by. . .
One-Two sets for practice:
Handstand Walk x 25′
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
One-Two sets for practice:
Handstand Walk x 15′
Butterfly Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
One-Two sets for practice:
Wall Walks x 3 reps
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 3-5 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Deadlift Progressions
One set of:
Deadlift x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift x 10 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 2 minutes
Deadlift x 5 reps @ 2011
Rest 15-20 seconds
60 seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups x Max Reps
No % for your deadlifts, just go by feel for today!
55+: Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 3″ riser
If you don’t have Strict Handstand Push-Ups, then do one of the following progressions:
Elevated Foot Handstand Push-Up
Elevated Knee Handstand Push-Up
Hamstring Curl Handstand Push-Up
EMOM Conditioning
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (6 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 6 Deadlifts @ 70% of 1-RM
Minute 2 – 12 Walking Lunges with Farmer’s Carry (50/35 lbs)
Minute 3 – 10 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 4 – 8 DB Push-Press (50/35 lbs)
Minute 5 – 40 Seconds of Prone Plank
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes (6 sets) of:
Minute 1 – 6 Deadlifts @ 65% of 1-RM
Minute 2 – 12 Walking Lunges with Farmer’s Carry (35/20 lbs)
Minute 3 – 8 Toes-to-Bar
Minute 4 – 6 DB Push-Press (35/20 lbs)
Minute 5 – 40 Seconds of Prone Plank
Please adjust the % of the deadlifts or the DB weight if needed.
DMA / Warm Up done
Deadlift Progression @90 Kg / 10 sHSPU
Didn‘t want to go that heavy so I decided to stay at the same weight as in the conditioning piece.
EMOM Conditioning Rx‘d 35-49
Whow , I loved that one , but rounds 5 and 6 got really hard fast ?
Gymnastics skills done. 25ft hsw x 2 ub.
DL 125 135 145 strict hspu w/3″ 11 12 13
Emom x 30
175# dl 35# reverse lunge and PP 8 gud
Did today on thur. Took off yesterday to take friend to shoulder surgery.
DMA – Done
Gymnastics Skills – Upside down is not my friend. Everything needs a lot of work
Deadlift Progression – DL 225 – 275 – 315. SHSPU 12 – 11 – 9
EMOM – Done
Gymn drills check
225 on the bar and: 10; 9; 9 sHSPU
hello everybody I started the master program today, ithe general warm up went well even though the butterfly chest to bar I made them with the smaller elastic band, and the vertical walk I have to learn to do it because I stay up vertical but I don’t move:) or I give myself too much momentum and fall to the other side. strict hand stand push up 5 every round. Deadlift progression I started with 15 rep @ 45kg 10 @ 65kg 5 @ 75kg the wod went well I would say my dl 70% is 77kg the push press… Read more »
Hs+dl done
OTM: 360#. DL was the roughest part.
1. DMAW – Done
2. Gymnastics – Done
3. Deadlift Progressions – Done
135 DL and 20 Elevated Knee Handstand Pushups (EKHP)
185 DL and 20 EKHP
225 DL and 20 EKHP
4.EMOM – Done
DL @ 205
Lunges @ 12KG KB’s
TTB – All Complete
DB Press @ 12 KG KB’s
Planks – All complete
Awesome workout! I’m seeing results. This was, I am pretty sure, one of the first EMOM that I finished as prescribed.
Congrats Stephen!
DMA – done Gymnastics Skills and Drills * Box Bridges – done * EMOM – done * HSWalks & C2B – done (length of mat HS walks) Deadlift Progressions – used 185 lb. for deadlifts * 10 SHSPU’s (5 + 5) used 1 AbMat * 13 SHSPU’s (6 + 5 + 2) 1 AbMat * 17 SHSPU’s (7 + 5 + 5) 1 AbMat Deadlifts really got my heart rate up on the first set. Had to wait another 10s before starting the SHSPU’s. Didn’t take any additional rest on sets 2 or 3. EMOM – subbed OH walking lunges… Read more »
Yeah that first set of 15 can wind ya! Great job today, your HS Walks look awesome!
DMA: done
Gymnastics: done. Donkey kicks felt really good. Could kick up and push out consistently.
Wall-walks and 5 unbroken C2B (need to learn to handstand walk!)
DL progressions: skipped to be safe on hamstring. Did 3 rounds 60s max effort sHSPU, 2 min rest. 11, 9, 9. (Went to failure, need to work on these)
EMOM conditioning: as prescribed, except 225 on DL (moderate to reduce stress). All unbroken. T2B felt good.
Great job on your donkey kicks!! Add in the Nose to Wall HS Marching Drills to help with your HS Walk!
Done top to bottom
11/10/12 Strict HSPU. DL @ 185
EMOM @ 305lb /50lb
feeling crushed!
Great work on your sHSPU!! Now get some good rest tonight and tomorrow!
Gymnastics work was fun- took it easy and more as a learning opportunity for some of the activation/mobility work. Had to hold off on handstand walks as didn’t have could place at home for these. Haven’t done them for a while, so will work on them this weekend. Deadlift progression Became pretty obvious haven’t done deadlifts or handstand strict pushups in a long time. Used 90 kgs (198) and did 11, 12, and 12 HSPUs. This was hard… … but the emom broke me : ) I clearly should have scaled, but it was too late when I realized after… Read more »
Well done today Cem – I loved your approach! This EMOM was a sneaky one so I am glad you reduced the load!
DMAWU) done
Gymnastics) done (2 rds HS walk + 10 bfly c2b, fell on 2nd 25′ walk so I started it over)
DLs+HSPU) 15@185# + 8 (3/3/2), 10@225 + 8 (3/3/2), 5@255 + 6 (3/2/1)
EMOM) done, all UB (DLs: 275#/280/285/290/295/300)
DLs felt better than last week, maybe I’m (getting) better from whatever is/was going on with me. Felt I could have gone heavier on tempo DLs.
That is awesome to hear and I am so glad you are feeling better!
A. Clean drills from yesterday
1. Mid thigh clean and jerk to 125-130
2. Clean and jerk 130-140
3. Clean pull 160
B. 15-12-9 PC/BOB in 5:14. PCs got heavy fast
C. Gymnx drills from today done
HSW unbroken. C2b 6+4 then 6+ singles
D. EMOM did five rounds DL @210
Great job on that workout – 5:14 is a fast time!
Wall walks 3 reps used green band to get my chest to bar
Deadlifts progression 85 for 15 toes on box 8 pu 105, 5 , 135 7 knees on box
104, dl
20lb dumb bells
Have a great day. I hope it turns a little cooler today
Fantastic job on your chest to bar work!!
A. Happy over 15′ felt very stable
5 on CTB but not butterfly
B. 225×15
10 that was straight 10
10 hspu
7 hspu
C. Deadlifts at 275 got tiring
Used KB’s class had all db
T2b all UB felt great
Easy with 35’s
Very restful
Now rest for Wodapalooza!
Yes, rest up for WZA!!
1. Done
2. Gymnastic- Done
3. Deadlift Progressions
DL 80-100-120 kg SHSPU 5 -5- 6 reps
4. Conditioning
1. 140 kg 30 sec.
2. Instead of lunges I did 12 swing KB 32 kg. 30 sec.(Hurt left leg)
3. T2B about 20 sec.
4. PP DB 50 lbs 20 sec
5. Done
What happened to your knee?
I played football last Saturday and anouther player bit me to the hip.