August 12-October 6: Weekly Template
Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Hatch Squat – Front Squat
Snatch Progression
Gymnastics/Skills-Based Conditioning Sessions
(Classic CF Couplets and Triplets) NO PULLING
Lower Body Accessory Work
Hip & Shoulder Prep Protocol
Clean & Jerk – Mechanics and positional work progression
Mixed Modal Barbell Work –
Power Clean & Jerk Interval and Ladder
Upper-Body Pressing – Accessory Strength Endurance
(Dumbbells, Stationary Dips, Ring Dips, HSPU Negatives, etc…)
Incorporate Strongman Elements – Overhead Carries, DB Burnouts, etc….)
Strongman Finisher
Bodyweight Conditioning Hatch Squat – Back Squat
2-3 Intervals of 8-12 Minutes of Work
(20-40 minutes of total work)
Posterior Chain Work (light)
Openers and Activation
Hatch Squat – Front Squat
Snatch or Clean & Jerk Progression
Short and Heavy – Barbell Intensive – Benchmark workouts on steroids
Anterior Core Stability & Strengthening
Gymnastics Skill Work
Hatch Squat – Back Squat
30-Minute EMOM, or Longer CrossFit-style Tester Comprised of Mostly Concentric Movements
Grip Work & Midline Stability
Strongman Finisher
Today’s Work!
Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Front Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 60% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 4 – 5 reps @ 70%
*Set 5 – 5 reps @ 75%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-75% or your 1-RM Snatch
Pause for 2 seconds in the receiving position and ensure good weight distribution before standing with the weight. The goal is perfect reps. Focus on driving through the full foot, finishing extension, aggressive turnover and good weight distribution on receiving.
For time:
40/30 Calorie Row or Bike Erg
40 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
40 Toes to Bar
100-Foot Handstand Walk
40/30 Calorie Row or Bike Erg
20 Strict Handstand Push Ups to 4″/2″ Deficit
20 Toes to Bar
100-Foot Handstand Walk
40/30 Calorie Row or Bike Erg
10 Strict Handstand Push Ups to 6″/4″ Deficit
10 Toes to Bar
100-Foot Handstand Walk
Three sets of:
12 Tempo Double Kettlebell Front Squat @ 30X2
Rest 15 seconds
20 Unbroken Goblet Squats (32-48/24-32 kg)
Rest 2 minutes
A. Done. Calculated with a 90kg 1RM.
B. 32,5-35kg
C. 31:40. 2 wall walks instead of HS walk. HSPU took some time ?
D. GS with 24kg
A. 170/225/255/200/215
B. 110-125 lbs
C. 25:42
Scaled to 30cal Row
And 50 ft HW
D. Skip (head hurt from pressure on HW)
Empty Barbell Movement Primer: Done
A. 235/295/345/275/295 lb
B. 135 all sets
C. 42:48 RX
D. Done
A. 95/125/140/110/117.5Kg
B. 60-70Kg. Pretty happy with this.
C. 23:15. Scaled HSPU using 36” box, and scaled HSW to 50’. Today was heavy on shoulders and I need to watch that volume.
D. Done.
Smart! Good adjustments to make sure you stay fit and healthy for the rest of the week.
I like the weekly template you listed above. It helps to know that going in so I know where to adjust or anticipate. Looking forward to the cycle. Thanks for loading it with lots of squatting.
A: 225-295-335-275-285
B: 185×3/195×2/205×2/215
C: Capped at 28 minutes at 10 t2b. No deficit on hspu
You have 8 weeks to improve those HSPU 🙂
A: 205/265/300/235/250
B: all at 155
C: 14:46 for round 1, all I had today, didn’t get in til late. Pushed it on t2b which was good.
A. 225/295/330/255/275
B. 195. Felt good.
C. Done with deficits. 33:28 Those walks sucked.
D. Did hip stuff.
Sucked but they’re good for you!
A. 185 240 275 210 225
C. With row, reg pushups small deficit 4″, ttb and bear crawl
D. Done-ish with 45# kbs and 62#, didn’t hold the tempo
Fun workout thanks Tino!!
Fun adjustments to the conditioning!
A. Up to 150lb for 90%, which felt easy. I was surprised since I haven’t done front squats in a while
B. Worked on split jerk form with light weight
C. Hit the time cap at 28 min in the 3rd round with 9 SHSPU (no deficit). Need to work on getting faster with large blocks of handstand walks under fatigue. I felt like I was moving well on the SHSPU. Toes to bar are not a strength at the moment
Working those weakness!
A) 225, 275, 325, 255, 275
B) 165-185
C) meh
Meh to me means you need to get a little better 🙂
Meh means we found a weakness and you need to program things like that more.
I flew through the first round then hit a wall hard on the 20 4” deficit and hs walk
A. 115/150/175/135/145
B. Up to 99
C. 28:00. No deficit and skipped the HSW so I could get all the HSPU volume in. Worked HSW a little afterwards.
S. Done
Missed Saturday so combined it with today’s session (strength/accessory from today and Saturday, WOD from Sat) Started off with the bicep and tricep opener from Saturday, then snatch from receiving position and crossover symmetry work. I thought that this + deadbugs were a sufficient sub for the primer. A. High hang snatches from today at 88#, then the snatch rep scheme from Saturday up to 113. Started to do “Confidence” but ended up skipping it–kept missing reps I would normally make. Think I was burned out on the snatches today + off nutrition. Will test this another day. B. Front… Read more »
Once you start the clock for “Confidence”…let it run throughout the entire session. You only have 2 minutes to rest after Confidence, and then when the running clock hits 5:00 you’re straight into “Groundhog Day”. You have 4 minutes to do the first portion.
Be smart with your training if you’re tired and sleep and nutrition is off then you’re not doing yourself any good trying to do a massive session. Train smarter not harder!
Thanks, Tino! You’re so right, I know. My body just felt so stiff after being on the road for 1.5 days straight, felt like I needed a good session for the soul. But, should have backed off after realizing I wasn’t feeling my best. Next time I’ll have you in the back of my mind 🙂
So re: Groundhog Day, was the 1000m row section supposed to start at 15min?
Confidence 0-3
Rest 2 min
Ground hog day
OH! I’m an idiot. Sorry, read your initial comment too quickly. Well then, it really was just that hard for me to complete haha
Warmup completed
A. 75/100/112/87/94kg
B. 50/54/57/57/60/60/60/60kg
C. 29:30 Rx
D. Double 24kg and goblet 32kg
Warmup completed
A. 125, 165, 180, 145, 155
B. 80, 85, 85, 90, 90, 90, 95 and 95
C. About 30 min, I think accidentally reset my watch in the middle of the wod ??♀️
D afternoon with 40 dbs and 55 for the goblet squats
E. Just a little bit of interval running
A. 210,280,315,245,265
B. 175×1, 185×2, 190×2, 195×2, 200×1
C. 26:05 – Rx except for the deficits, didn’t seem this morning so I’m not sure if that’s my bad or if it got updated.
D. 1 set
Warmup done.
A. 225/300/335/265/280 – this was no joke!
B. 155-175
C. 38:57 and only got 25 ft on final hsw before I cut/ripped my palm on the wood platforms. Stopped here. This was interesting and good learning. Hsw under fatigue needs work. I was able to get the first 2 sets of 100 ft done, but need to get my confidence up after 25 ft increments. Fun workout overall, I wouldn’t say any of those movements are strengths outside of the row.
D. Will make up
??♂️On that last handstand walk! Still a good start to the week and solid day of learning.
Like how the new cycle looks ????
A. 175/ 235/ 265/ 205/ 220
B. 115/ 115/ 125/ 135/ 135/ 145/ 150/ 155
C. 28:16
WU: done
225/305/340 (305 was super heavy)
275/290 (x5)
Start at 135 end at 180
C) 24:27
Training went well, I hope studies did too!
Not feeling so good, need to go to pt. Still waiting on the final grades
What’s up?
Stress and my whole right side is just junked up. Been doing mobility but it’s not helping. Maybe some Graston and dry needling.
Got an A in calc, stress is down.
A. 135-175-190-155-165
B. 95-95-95-100-100-100-100-105
C. 34:54 rx. Proud of myself for doing the rx HSW distance and doing them all in 25ft increments with no premature drops. I guess all the HSW practice is paying off. Fast on the set of 40 SHSPU; the deficits slowed down significantly; row version
D. 16kg KB FS; opted for air squats as quick burnout because I ran out of time ?
Great work on those Handstand walks!
A. Done
B. Done (175)
C. 17:45
D. Done