Every athlete needs to assess how they are feeling today. Assess how your body has responded to Monday-Wednesdays sessions and either do the following:
1 – Take a full rest day. If this is the option you choose, then you are not allowed to feel guilty for not going into the gym. Resting is crucial to advancement in your training so if you choose to rest then have no regrets!
2 – Mobilize.
Use your regular training time to mobilize. Find your problem areas and spend some time focusing on those areas.
3 – Active Recovery. This could be swimming (you can find our free swim workouts on our Competition blog every Thursday), doing a trail run, a low intensity row session or a 30 minute tempo run. Whatever activity you choose to do should be a restorative activity and not deplete you for the remaining week of training.
Optional Run Session
For times:
Run 2 Miles
Rest 2 minutes
Run 1.5 Miles
Did Tuesday’s
Mid thigh c@j felt awkward because I power it so did high hang 105/105/110/115
C&J 125/130/135/140
Clean pull 145
Isabel 3:43 , :12 sec PR
Bench press wave 105/115/125/110/120/135
Ring pull ups
Felt good to work out even after a long 10 hr day
Did yesterday’s programming
A. Skills done. 5 hspu
B. Skipped max DL
C. EMOM done. 5 hspus
Well done with the 5 HSPU!
Run Session
For times:
Run 2 Miles – 14:39
Rest 2 minutes
Run 1 Miles – 7:26
Fast Alexander!