Dynamic Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch x 60 seconds per side
Wrist Stretch x 30 seconds per side
Deep Squat Progressions x 5 reps
and then …
x 20 seconds on the rack/20 seconds for 2 sets per side
Straight into …
Banded Monster Walks x 20 steps forward/20 steps backward
Banded Lateral Walks x 20 steps each direction
Clean & Jerk Progressions
Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy Power Clean & Jerk.
For time:
30 Ground to Overhead
35-54: 135/95 lbs
55+: 95/65 lbs
Try to get sub 3:00 on Grace!
Accessory Work
Three sets, not for time, of:
Banded Good Mornings x 8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
Supine Ring Row x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
Weighted GHD Hip Extensions x 8 reps @ 2012
Rest 45 seconds
Optional Upper Body Session
Five sets of:
Bench Press x 4 reps @ 82.5%
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
Ring Pull Ups x 6-12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Pc+j – 85kg, 87½kg missed jerk three times.
Grace: 1:53 @ 99lb
PC+J = 165,185, 205, 215 STOPPED THERE
GRACE = 2:53 (9S PR)
BENCH = 245X4X2, 245X3X2
Warm up done
Power clean and split jerk went awful
220 make
225 squat clean and jerk
230 failed twice on clean
But I did PR Grace by 10s! Did all singles got 2:47
Accessory work done
Bike work done every 2:00 for 20
30s Max effort
10-13 cals a round
C&J up to 125. Failed 135.
Grace: This was my first time–3:46. Will try this again and try faster singles with less rest 🙂
Bench press up to 45 kg.
Ring pull ups – 2 sets of 6.
Warm up Done
Pwr C&J up to 72,5kg
Grace without magnesium time: 2:50 was at a globo gym
Accessory Done
Additional bench 55-60-60-60-60kg
Strict Ring pullup 6-6
245 lb c and j. Turns out I’m a lil skurred Of getting under the bar last 245. Are tall cleans a thing?
2:59 grace. Definitely see how i can improve on this one.
C&J up to 215..heviest test of shoulders yet!
Grace 3:03. This wod distroys me for some reason. Cruising along and at 20 I am paralyzed. 20 second or though!
Assessoryy work done.
How did you break it up Denny?
Mobility done
PC&J 205
Ended there I wasn’t focused today
Hope you got a good nights sleep!
First day back after a much needed week off.
Warm-up done
Clean and jerk, built up to 85#
Grace 3:58 at 65#, last time I did 4:04 at 60 pounds.
Accessory work done
Optional part B done 6 ring pull-ups x2 sets.
So glad you took some time off and congrats on your massive PR on Grace!
Warm up: Done
PC and jerk: 205
Grace: 3:56 #135
* 2:33 first 20 reps, 1:23 final 10 reps ??♂️
Accessories: Done
Nice work Glenn – how did you break up your reps?
Did all singles. I’m sure I could have tried to cycle sets of 5 but I think it would have gassed me.
DMA – done
C & J Progressions – worked up to 160 on the Power Clean which was a 5 lb. PR
“Grace” – 2:55 (fast singles) PR
Accessory work – done
Bench Press – all sets at 130 lb.
Ohhh yeah Barry!! Congrats on all the PR’s today!! And especially on going sub 3 on Grace!
Clean & Jerk: built to 185#
Grace 55+ (sub @ 115#) 2:28
Bench Press: 205#
Ring Pull ups: 8
Great work Bret!
195 C&J
Grace 4:30
Not even close to all of you guys, but making an effort to get there!
Solid work today Juan!! It is about the effort put in!
Today is my IM Coaches’ training mixed up day. 🙂 DMA done! Clean & Jerk: I assumed power for both lifts including jerk. Built to 135, no issues. Had to stop early due to class needing the space, but everything felt good. then… snatch: 5 x 4 touch and go full snatch, building. I’ve never done tng full snatch before, so stayed conservative and built to 85. conditioning: First Cut from day one at the Games. We don’t have ropes (well, we do, but we can only get about 11 ft high due to a low ceiling), nor do most… Read more »
Incredible work Miki!! You are so, so, so sweet! It is the effort you put in every day and how dedicated you are – absolutely love having you part of this group!!
Awww…thanks, Coach! I am really so happy to be here. 🙂
Grace 2:58… PR. Good stuff.
Wahoo Neil – congrats on the PR and for doing Grace sub 3!
DMA done
Power clean and jerk, 55kg, cleaner 60kg but couldn’t jerk
Grace 5.26, singles, last 10 were slow, need to practice more barbell cycling!…
Accessory work done
Well done Karen and barbell cycling is in the program for the upcoming weeks!
Brill, looking forward to it ?
DMA: Done
C&J: Done on light weight
Grace: 5:37 – this is my first Grace on RX weight.
Access: Done
Thanks. I’m sure I could’ve gone below 5 min. I rest way to much. I need to work on pushing through a workout if there’s no one to chase :-).
Woo hoo!
225 still not 100%
2:06 grace 15 5,5,5
Access done
Extra will do tomorrow
You CRUSHED it!!! Great job!! How is your body feeling?
I’m not 100% I feel like I lost a step from not working out for a week and being sick. I usually can pull back and blackout and stay there, I can’t even get to the blackout phase. That retest workout yesterday really got to me, same with a AB today. I hope I get it back soon I’m in panic mode right now
DMA / Warm Up done
Just warmes up C&J as I had C&J session on sunday.
Grace 5:09 Rx‘d
Did. the first 20 Reps in 2:44 min . The remaining 10 took me nearly the same time ?. I‘m not pretty sure what happened as I didn‘t feel really gassed…
I‘m going to retest this one next week .
Ring Muscle Up Progression & RMU
Grace is a workout that is super sneaky. You may just need to go a little slower with reps 15-20 to be able to keep your pace. How did you break up your first 20?
Hey , my 10 first reps were UB , then 5 and 5 singles. I think this was my fault. Didn‘t really keep a steady pace.
Weak day, legs felt fatigued from the beginning
DMAWU) done
C&J) up to 95kg
Grace) slow
Acc) done
Bench) done @ 165#
Ring pull-ups) 8,6
Doing something wrong… very under-recovered today.
Hey Jeremy – were you able to get a good nights sleep last night? Anything change drastically with your nutrition the past few days?
Hey Nicole – no drastic sleep or nutrition changes last few days. I’ve been travelling a lot this summer plus got sick ~2 weeks back. Finally back home for a week and almost over the illness, so maybe just have low volume tolerance right now. Also got rear-ended riding Uber a couple of weeks back, not sure if I have any lingering issues from that. This sounds very “woe is me”! I think it’s all good and I’ll build back up, just not sure the best approach when I’m not feeling “like myself”. E.g. do what I did and finish… Read more »
Oh gosh Jeremy! I am sure being rear ended has an effect on your body. Most definitely reduce the intensity of your training. Being in a car accident can actually really affect your adrenals so they may need time to recover and doing high intensity training won’t help that. Back off from the intensity for this week and just ‘move’ when you get to the gym – then lets asses how you feel next week.