Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
Hang Clean + Clean + Jerk
Build across the 10 sets.
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets) of:
200 Meter Assault Runner (or Run outside if you don’t have an Assault Runner)
6 Ground to Overhead
Begin at 50% and build in weight across the 10 sets. A suggestion would be to add roughly 2-3% every set.
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Seesaw Press x 12 reps each arm
Rest 90 seconds
Dumbbell Hammer Curl x 10 reps
Dumbbbell Skull Crushers x 10 reps
Rest as needed
B. Up to 175, 185 with failed jerk
C. 95-140 with 9 cal AB instead of run. Got off the emom at minute 16, did last sets in around 90 seconds each. Got off bc of bike but wanted to get some intervals in
D. 30/25/15
A: Done
B: Up to 305#, missed the jerk forward on 315#
C: Oof. weights 165-170-180-180-185×6. Runs ~54s
D: Done
A. Done
B. Modified to 2 hang cleans and one jerk couldn’t drop the weight. Up to 298 no jerk.
C. Up to 205 for last 2 sets.
D. Done.
B. Up to 285
C. 145/150/155/160/165/175/180…5×185/4×190/4×195
In va-k
A) Done
B) EMOM for 20 minutes- one sandbag hang clean+clean & press @100lbs
C) 24min AMRAP while wearing a weighted vest.
10 DB dead’s @55,
15 V Ups,
20 walking lunges @55lb DBs,
25 push ups
30 ALT- DB snatches @55lbs
35 DUs
Two RDs and 76 reps
D) Done- 55lbs for seesaw and 35 KB for curls/skull crushers
Great to see you still getting some good work in!
Back at it!!
A) done
B) up to 165
C) done Rx, built to 130 and did all sets UB.
D) done
Thanks Tino!! Love watching the invictus team at the games! Have fun!!
A. Done
B. Up to 145.
C. Done. Up to 115, but did front squats for the last three rounds because I ripped. Used the assault runner (runs were 54-60 sec).
D. Done
Forgot my gym bag at home so all I had was running shoes, which made the lifting interesting and squishy.
A. Done
B. Got up to 275 really owned this position. Feeling more confident under the bar.
C. Cycled the bar every round. My goal was to go unbroken and pace the run. Run was recovery. Got up to 200
D. Done
Great to see you lifting well dude! Lots of great progress recently!
Just following the program Tino??
A. Done
B. Complex with jerk up to 105Kg; cont with PC+C up to 120Kg
C. 60/65/67.5/70/72.5/75/77.5/80/85/90Kg; outside run. I didn’t have any rest after plate changes, right into run. Started the runs on rnds 8,9,10 a few secs late. Overall felt really good and had fun on this.
D. Done.
Awesome to see your lifting is coming back!
A) done
B)95/105/115/120/125/135/145/150/155/165 ?
C) didn’t go well for me, had to scale the reps to 4, need to work on running. Ended at 115
Time to get outside and start running!
A: done
B: up to 265
C: 140/145/150/skip/155/160/165/skip/170/175
Skipped 4 and 8 to load weights and recover
D: done
Left hamstring wouldn’t activate today so my right was blowing up during the metcon but I felt nothing on the left. Need to work on that
Good mornings? Banded Hamstring Curls? Glute Ham Raise?
Shspu program to start.
B. Done, worked to 275# for the complex, stayed power today. Happy with that.
C. Done, finished at 225, did 3 sets at 6 reps, then moved to 4s and 3s to give myself time to change weights.
D. Done
Keep up the great work Invictus athletes and coaches, so fun to watch!
Thanks John! It’s been a fun week so far!
A: done.
B: stopped at 60kg
C: started at 35 and ended at 57.5kg. Happy to be able to increase the weight in every round.
D: done.
Good to see you getting your strength back Trine!
A. Done
B. Heaviest at 275 – Really happy to be hitting this jerk consistently
C. Ended at 200
D. Done
A) done
B) worked up to 145. Felt really good. I thought I would’ve been limited more by my hang clean but was still sticking a power there at the end.
C) this was a pretty hard mental grind for me so I kept it light and only worked up to 95 but got all the work done.
D) used 25, 20 and 25# dumbbells.
Cleans are looking strong!
A. completed
B. Up to 145 felt pretty good. I think that was pretty close to a hang clean pr for me 🙂
C. Started at 85 and climbed to 125. Struggled on the back half bb cycling not the best for me
Done with 10 cal sub for the 200m
D. Completed with 25s/20s
Done this morning. Good workout.
Going to try to get some running in this evening.
Happy Friday!
Looking strong Dina! Good job hitting 145!
A. Done
B. Skipped
C. Pulling from ground wasn’t happening so just did:
200 meter run
10 Alt Hang db clean and jerk 50#
D. Crossfit games event 2:
7:17 but had to do four 33 foot increments all were unbroken
Row: 2:47
Kb s2oh: 4:55
Hsw: 7:17
Actual D. Done
Back is still a bit questionable so modifying and having some fun
Hopefully come Monday you’ll be back to full health!
A) done
B) up to 250 PC no squat
D) 25s
C) at 135 across
Decided to enjoy the day, sweat a little bit and watch the Invictus teams crush workouts!
Stress levels are high so just want to enjoy training for the time being.
Go Invictus Teams! Keep up the amazing work Coach!
Thanks Tom!!
Yes!!! ???? I’m cheering as well! ?? you guys really make the runners ??♀️ ?? ?
A) Done
B) Build up to 50kg (PR is 52kg ?)
C) Scaled to 4 reps. Up to 80lb increasing 2-3%. Run outside and someone helping to change the weights.
D) Done with 15lb Dbs
Looks like a solid day
Cheering on you at the Games!!! 🙂 S2