Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Clean & Jerk
*Sets 1-2 = 3 reps @ 60%
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 70%
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 80%
Every minute, on the minute, for 18 minutes:
Minute 1: 13-15 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
Minute 2: 13-15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Minute 3: 15-18/10-12 Calorie Assault Bike
Five sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 reps each leg
Rest 45 seconds after each leg
Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 45 seconds
Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps (slow & controlled)
Rest 45 seconds
Empty barbell: done
B. 145/175/195 lb
C. Done
min 1: 15 DL
Min 2: 15 C2B
Min 3: 10 cal AAB
I’m terrible in the AAB
c. Done
FS – 85/115/115/110
A) 80/90/105#
B)10 DL/10 kipping pull ups/8 cals echo bike
C)will do Tmw ran out of time
A. Up to 165
Felt good so hit 175/185 with no gear but the couldn’t even pull the 195 ??♀️
B. 15/15/12
C2b ub, dL 9/6
C. 85/30/2
A. 125/145/165 for MAX: 205#
B. 13 DL @ 185
10 SPU
15 cal Row
C. 45#
2.5lb for 15 reps then no weight for 5
A) really enjoyed this. C & J’s felt so good that I made the last 3 minutes an emom. Worked up to 135#
B) 12 DL, 8 C2B, 8 cals. Clearly have some weaknesses here. The bike wrecked me.
C) 25# Bulgarian splits, 35 for bench and 2.5 for the RSAs. The snow angels were way harder than expected.
Done this morning
Bb warmup completed
A. Clean and jerk completed
1-2 at 100
3-4 at 115
5-6 at 136
B. 18 min emom
1 13 dead’s at 155
2. 10 strict pull-ups
3. 10 cal
C. Only time for 3 sets this morning
Bulgarian split squats at 30 dbs
Db press at 30 dbs
Sno angels 20 reps
Felt pretty good this morning even with training yesterday evening ?
A. 83/97/110Kg
B. Done, Subd row for bike. 15/15/18 reps for all sets.
C. Done. 32/25/7Kg
Another good day of training! This week has been solid so far! Keep up the good work!
A. 195/195/225/225/275/275
B. 15 deadlifts/15 c2b/18 cal ab. Who said I needed work on bignastics?
C. 3 rounds
Ha!! Nice work dude! Way to hit all those top end reps and calories!
A: 165/195/225
Don’t even know what my 100% would be so used 275
B: only 4 sets: 12dl/5mu/14 cal ass
Just working on getting in the gym
You achieved that today ??
A: Bryan and Jacob were feeling ambitious, so:
225×3/225×3/255×2/255×2/305×1/330×1 (5# pr)
B: done 18 cal row, 13 dl, 13 c2b.
Ub first 4 rounds, then my back remembered Saturday.
Damn dude! Another PR!! Great work!
Thanks Tino, riding it while I can
A. 155 175 200
B. Done with 13 dl / 10 pu / 15 cal row
Back was torched!
C. Tomorrow
Great workout thanks Tino!
A) 225, 225, 255, 255, 305, 325 (missed the jerk, was off balance)
B) done
13 DL
13 c2b
18 cal row
Mobility/OHS work plus drop snatch
Tempo FS@ 135/195
1 1/4 FS@ 225/255
A) felt heavy..
C) w/ 100 lbs dumbbells
B) these EMOMs though…
15 across…yep I cheesed the bike.
DL and C2B 9/6 every round
Thought about how I would handle is if I had to do 6 RFT of DL and C2B
HTFU on that bike 🙂
Maybe next week I’ll throw in 6RFT to see ?
I was pretty smoked by the end
Solid push Tom
Lacking intensity right now. Will not deny that and with only one Metcon today that’s pretty crappy of me.
A. Accelerated this since I was short on time. 2 sets of OHS, 2 sets of 3 tempo squats right into 3 of the 1 1/4 squats B. Up to 125. Felt super easy C. So sad that I didn’t see the change from MU to C2B… C2B have been feeling great lately so would have loved to test it in an EMOM. Also curious if you intentionally seemed to cut us a break on this EMOM? Or am I just getting fitter? Not that I’m complaining 🙂 EMOM went: 15 DL across UB (except 2nd to last round, 8/7)… Read more »
Nice work Talia you’re for sure getting fitter 🙂
I did do yesterday’s programming but did not log. Tuesdays have been hard for me both mentally and in regards to my schedule!! Snatch ended at 80% of my 1RM. 🙁 So, ended the session with snatch pulls.
A. Clean & Jerk 105 / 120 /135lbs. Additional technique work beforehand focusing on using the legs and keeping the knees bent.
B. Done- everything RX except c2b was 10-13 reps. This was huge for me. I did not have to scale the assault bike!
C. Done using 25-30lb dumbbells. No weight for the snow angels.
On Tuesdays I would recommend doing something light hearted and fun even if that means going off of the program. You don’t want to add more stress by hammering your CNS and getting frustrated.
A. 180/210/240
B. 13/13/15 attacked the barbell and pull ups.
C. 3 Sets 44/45/12
1-1 so far this week right?
1-1 is Correct. 2 more workouts left
A. 185/215/245
B. Went 13/13/15 for 4 rounds then fell apart on the C2B and bike. Went to 10 C2B and 12 cal bike.
C. Done 30/50/5
A. 180/210/240
B. Done 13/13/16 – I should’ve been more confident and gone for the higher reps here. Next time!
C. 3 Sets done 44/45/10 extremely slow and controlled
Run class tonight!
Did Jorge beat you today?
Yes Tino don’t rub it in ?
Haha a little friendly competition doesn’t do you harm 🙂
A) 2x3x90, 2x2x105,2x1x120
B)completed at 13-13-15
First one I’ve completed in this cycle
Great work Wes! Enjoy your rest day!
Warm up done
A. 200/235/270
Cleans felt better but jerks were a little off
Deadlifts: 15/15/15/15/15/13
C2B: 15/15/15/15/15/13
Assault bike: 16.7/17.3/16.6/15.7/15.4/16.3
C. Done
Dude! You could have pulled those extra 2 reps on your last set of deadlifts. 🙂
Oh yea I know for sure and done the extra two pull ups I just decided not to ?