July 15, 2019 – Masters Program

Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 2 minutes rolling out the pecs

and then …

Twisted Cross Pec Stretch x 30 seconds per side
T-Spine Pulse on Foam Roller

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x 60 seconds

and then …

Holding a band overhead, pull the band apart until there is tension in your shoulders and perform the following:
5 Overhead Squats with a 3 second hold at the bottom
10 Presses in the Receiving Position from behind the neck

and then…

Using a resistance band, please perform the following drills:

One-Two sets:
Shoulder Abduction x 10 reps per arm
(place a light band under the left foot. Grab the other end of the band by the left hand and perform 10 lateral raises to 90 degrees. Repeat with the right side)
Banded Face Pulls x 10 reps
Single Arm Lat Pull-Down x 10 reps per arm
(place a light band on a pull-up bar. Stand slightly behind the pull-up bar and reach up to grab the band. Pull the band down to your side, focusing on keeping the shoulder pinned down and lat engaged. Repeat with the opposite side)
Rest as needed

Snatch Skills & Drills
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps

Build over the course of the three sets.

Followed by….

Every 75 seconds, for 5 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps

Building in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.

Snatch Progressions
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch x 1 rep

*Sets 1-2 @ 70% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 5-6 @ 80% of 1-RM Power Snatch

(Perform a power snatch then lower the bar to just above the knee & perform a hang squat snatch)

Back Squat Progressions
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 65% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 85% (50+: 1 rep @ 82.5%)

Followed by…

One set of:
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 85% (50+: 1 rep @ 82.5%)
(no tempo prescription)

Against a 3 minute clock, complete for max reps:
Assault Bike x 20/15 calories
Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps
Double-Unders x Max Reps*
Rest 3 minutes; repeat for three sets

Against a 3 minute clock, complete for max reps:
Assault Bike x 15/10 calories
Chin-Over-The-Bar Pull-Ups x 20 reps
Double-Unders x Max Reps*
Rest 3 minutes; repeat for three sets

*If you don’t have double-unders then please substitute single-unders.

Please reduce the volume of pull-ups if you are unable to get to the double-under portion of the workout. If you have more than 75 seconds of time for your double-unders then increase by 5 calories on the Assault Bike.

If you don’t have pull-ups yet then here are some progressions for Pull-Ups:
Barbell Assisted Strict Pull-Ups
Band Assisted Strict Pull-Ups
Ring-Rows (must be strict)

Additional Assault Bike Session (Please add this session in if you have the time and/or your body can handle a little more volume)
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets) for max calories:
40 seconds of Assault Bike

Note results for all ten sets and look for inconsistencies and critical drop off. As you can see, we’ve extended the effort 10 seconds from last week. Your goal is to hang on to same pacing/RPMs per set with the slight extension of work and reduction in rest period.

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Caroline Omre
Caroline Omre
July 18, 2019 7:49 am

Back from vacation in Spain and have Done some other training so wanted to get some snatch in even if many days behind in schedule

Snatch press 15-20-25kg
Snatch balance 25-35-45-50-55kg
PS+hang Snatch 49-49-53-53-56-56kg

BS: 78-84-90-96-102kg plus one set at 102kg

Conditioning: did 53-46-46 DU did ctb in two sets 12-8 each round

Lynnette Guess
Lynnette Guess
July 16, 2019 7:25 pm

Sots 3×5 @ 35#
Snatch balance 40#/50#/60#/70#
Snatch progressions 70#/75#/80#/85#
Tempo back squat 120#/130#/140#/150#/155#
Back squat 1@155#
Conditioning 8DU/27DU/28DU
+ Invictus Gymnastics

Stacy Wagman
Stacy Wagman
July 16, 2019 6:18 pm

A. 15,20,22.5kg
Balance 25,30,35,40kg
Snatch complex 42.5,45,47.5kg
B. Back squat 55,65,70,75,80kg
C. 37, 28,18 DU, 10cal bike and butterfly pull-ups

Brian Diez
Brian Diez
July 16, 2019 4:04 pm

Sots 20# – working on mobility
Done using 295# as 1rm
23 du
2 du
0 – just finished pull-ups in time

Subbed butterfly pull-ups for C2B

Laura MacDonald
Laura MacDonald
July 16, 2019 3:58 pm

A. Snatching on own for competition coming up
C. Conditioning: 12 chest to bar instead of 20 to save elbow a bit. 66/72/56 DU

Corey Perry
Corey Perry
July 16, 2019 9:05 am

A1) 85; 95; 105
A2) 155; 175; 195; 195
B) 145; 155; 166- Heat must of got to me because I saw after the fact it was based of Power Snatch and not squat snatch, oh well. No misses at least!
C) 235; 252.5; 270; 288; 306
C2) 306×3
Got a little to hot for this right now.

July 16, 2019 4:50 am

Only had 60 minutes and access to weights today
SN PRESS = 75,95,115
Sn Bal = 115,135,165
BS tempo = 275×3, 295×2, 315×2, 335×1, 355×1 thendropped to 315×3
Will make up conditioning and AB

July 18, 2019 5:33 am

Thanks coach! Conditioning RX, 0 du, 0 du, 13 c2b…..oooof that was brutal. Kipping c2b just take me so long.

Alexander Maximuk 35-39 182 cm. 104 kg
Alexander Maximuk 35-39 182 cm. 104 kg
July 16, 2019 3:19 am

A. Build to 60 kg
A.1 t0 90 kg
B. Snatch 90 kg
C. Back squat build to 160 kg and 150kg x3
D. 1. 48 du 2. 50 du 3. 8 du

Kelly Skurla
Kelly Skurla
July 15, 2019 9:33 pm

Snatch press up to 20 kilos. I’ve always struggled with Sotts press but it feels like it’s getting ever so slightly easier. Snatch balance up to 34. Snatch progression up to 38. Tempo back squats to 72. Struggled with the conditioning. 36/12/0. I’m slow on the bike and the C2B were wearing me out to the point that I had barely 5 seconds to walk to my rope (look at the clock and not pick it up.) I didn’t think about scaling back but maybe I should have. The additional AB session was just as tiring as last week. Averaged… Read more »

Kelly Skurla
Kelly Skurla
July 16, 2019 8:46 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thanks, Nichole! DU are my jam so I suppose it’s good to work on the stuff that isn’t instead.

Silke Spang
Silke Spang
July 15, 2019 9:31 pm

During lunch break: AB session E3MOM for 40 secs: total cals 157.7 (which included 1.5-2 roll-over cals per set). Individual pure “work” sets: 12.4 / 14.3 / 14.5 / 14.3 / 14.4 / 14.0 / 14.5 / 15.5 / 14.2 / 14.4. Avg RPMs 72 / Max RPMs 81 This evening: DMA & warm-up done Snatch Press from receiving – just used 15# bar for all sets Snatch Balances – 65 / 70 / 70 / 75# – haven’t done these in a loooong time! Snatch Progressions – these were a mess today. Plan was to go 70-75-80#, but stayed… Read more »

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
July 16, 2019 6:36 am
Reply to  Silke Spang

Nice work on that AB! 🙂

Silke Spang
Silke Spang
July 16, 2019 6:43 am
Reply to  Miki Shelton

Thank you, Miki! ?

Litsa Olsson
Litsa Olsson
July 15, 2019 9:13 pm

A. 75-90
C. 43/34/26
AB session all 10 sets 10 cals. This was the best Ive done in a while!

Jason Carter
Jason Carter
July 15, 2019 8:01 pm

Snatches – 135/145/ surprisingly smooth 185 lb squat snatch. ?

Back squat – 275/300/320/340/360

Conditioning – butterfly c2b at sets of approx 8, and the focus was REAL!! Which didn’t leave any for dubs: 8/8/9. ??‍♂️

No time for AB, unfortunately

Erin Dugan
Erin Dugan
July 15, 2019 6:17 pm

Did snatch press to receive with pvc and band around bar to help with squat. Instead of snatch balance I did snatch grip push press 2 rep 85/95/100/105 Kept snatch at 65 lbs for power and hang Box squats subbed for back squats 4×10 125/155/165/175 Wod- reduced c2b to 10 and did burpee instead of dubs . C2b were terrible today. Burpee 5/13/13 Additional assault bike – finally able to put my seat on my correct setting. Yay! 10/11/12/12/12/12/12/13/11/11 was almost a pyramid lol . Wasn’t sure how hard I could push it first round, underestimated so picked up the… Read more »

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
July 15, 2019 7:07 pm
Reply to  Erin Dugan

Nice work!!

Erin Dugan
Erin Dugan
July 15, 2019 7:59 pm
Reply to  Miki Shelton

Thank you !

Kristin Johnson
Kristin Johnson
July 15, 2019 6:14 pm

Snatch press from receiving 15/25/25
Snatch balance 25/35/40/40
Pwr snatch plus hang snatch 45/45/50/50/50/50 These were not good today so stayed at 50 lbs. will post video later

Back squat 85/90/97.5/105/110

Conditioning 10 cal bike, 15 ctb DU 6/15/20 that first round the DU really got in my head. Wow.

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
July 15, 2019 4:49 pm

Great day. 🙂 Even though it was really, really hot! DMA done! A. snatch press in receiving: 35/45/55. 🙂 Snatch balance: 65/75/85/95. Had to try 95 2x bc I lost my nerve the first try and stopped at the power position before lowering myself down. ? B. Power snatch + hss: 75/80/85. Really focused on slowing down that first pull. C. Back squat: 155/165/175/185/195/195×3.These felt good and strong today, though getting out of the hole @ 195 tempo squat required sound effects, not unlike a roar. ? D. conditioning: I was not sure I could complete the 20 c2b in… Read more »

Silke Spang
Silke Spang
July 15, 2019 9:35 pm
Reply to  Miki Shelton

Great job on the conditioning!

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
July 16, 2019 6:37 am
Reply to  Silke Spang

Thanks, Silke! 🙂

Miki Shelton
Miki Shelton
July 16, 2019 8:40 am
Reply to  Nichole DeHart

Thank you!

Stephanie Nickitas
Stephanie Nickitas
July 15, 2019 4:34 pm

A. Snatch balance up to 115
B. Snatches 100,100,105,110,115,115
C. Squats ending at 175
D. No DUs today. Subbed 65lb front squats
C2B all 12/8. Think i was around 10-15 squats each round.
Optional Bike
139 Calories. Av 70RPM. Max 77.

Jason Preston
Jason Preston
July 15, 2019 4:30 pm

Warm up-Done
A.)Snatch Press-empty bar and moved up to 65lbs.
B.)Snatch Balance at 95lbs/115lbs/125lbs/125lbs


Broke up the C2B on all sets-10/10

Additional work:Total calories 144. I kept a good pace up until about 27 seconds each round and my quads just cramped up.

Brad Hajner
Brad Hajner
July 15, 2019 4:28 pm

Snatch – 135-145-155, 2 Sets at each
Squat – 250-275-295-315-335-335
Conditioning – None
Assault Bike – 189 Calories, Average 598 Watts and 77 RPM, Previous was 170 Calories, Average Watts 665 and RPM 80. Was not able to maintain that Wattage or RPM for the Additional 10 Seconds each Round

Marcus Walter
Marcus Walter
July 15, 2019 2:18 pm

Warm Up done
A.) Snatch Press @empty bar
B.) Snatch Balance @55 kg across
> extra OLY Snatch session yesterday , so shoulders were a Little sore today
C.) snatch complex @ 55kg , tried to focus ok technique
D.) Up to 75 kg
Rd 1: 20 Cals / 20 C2B / 30 DU
Rd 2: 15 cals / 20 C2B / 20 DU
Rd 3: 15 cals / 20 C2B / 30 Du

I somehow struggled to find the right pace .

Additional Session done : 134 cals overall

Dean Plummer
Dean Plummer
July 15, 2019 2:03 pm

Mobility completed
A1)25#/35/45 Not heavy but these felt the best they have ever felt. Perhaps. Just perhaps my mobility is improving
B1)182.5#/195/210/225/232.5 The last set I’m not sure I stayed in the bottom for 2 seconds.
B2)232.5# I missed read this and 3 reps instead of 1 rep
C)58 Paced this round too much/86/77

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