July 17, 2019 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
Two sets of:
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
20 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Left)
30 seconds of Single-Leg Prone GHD Plank (Right)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Left)
20 seconds of Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps (Right)
Rest 60 seconds

You should be able to complete this entire Glute Activation Circuit in less than 12 minutes. Move from one movement immediately to the next.

Five sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest as needed

Build over the course of the five sets to today’s heavy double.

Against a 40-minute running clock, complete as many calories as possible of Concept 2 Rowing or Bike Erg…with a twist. 🙂

At 3,2,1,GO! perform the following…

Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Thrusters (95/65 lbs)

When the running clock reaches 10:00, perform…

30 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform…

Rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps of:
Deadlifts (225/155lb.)
Strict Handstand Push-Ups

When the running clock reaches 30:00, perform…

30 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lb DBs)
90 Heavy Rope Double-Unders


Record and post total calories in 40 minutes and times for i, ii, iii and iv.

One set of:
100 Empty Barbell Front Rack Lunges

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option
Two sets of:
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats (24/16kg.)
30 second Wall Sit (Add load to front rack if needed)
30 Double Kettlebell Deadlifts
Rest 90 seconds

Four sets of:
Suitcase Deadlift x 10 reps @ 2011 each side
Rest as needed
Supine GHD Plank x 30 seconds
Rest as needed

Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option

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Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
1-4 Strict Handstand Push Ups + 6 Shoulder Taps total + 1-4 Strict Handstand Push Ups

You do not need to do the same amount of reps on the front end as you do on the back each set. Put more of your reps on your second set to start and ramp it up over time by increasing reps on the first set.

Aerobic Capacity Accessory Option
For time:
300/200 Calories of Assault Bike

This is as much mental as it is physical. Give this test the respect it deserves and stay focused throughout the full effort.

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Nicholas Vandenbeld
Nicholas Vandenbeld
July 17, 2019 6:45 pm

Front squat ended at 325

Fran – 2:31
Devils – 6:10
Diane – 7:50
Thrusters dubs – 6:15
217 cals
Came out way too hot ?

July 17, 2019 7:25 pm

I like that you pushed “Fran” now you just need to learn told hold that pace ?

Nicholas Vandenbeld
Nicholas Vandenbeld
July 17, 2019 7:34 pm
Reply to  tino

I know. Im a one pump chump ?
Just can’t seem to build up my capacity!! ?

Michael Olson
Michael Olson
July 17, 2019 6:27 pm

Let me preface this by saying I’m feeling real beat up and tired today! But after finishing I feel far better than if I hadn’t trained.

A. Done
B. 265,270,275,280,285
Fran 4:25 (minute under pr time, felt terrible here)
Max cal: 91
Devils press: 4:30
Max cal: 90
Strict Diane: 9:00
Max cal: 12
Thruster and dubs: 5:37
Max cal: 73
Total cal: 276
D. Done

2 sets
30 second Wall sit
30 Goblet squat
30 second Wall sit
30 kettlebell Deadlifts
rest 90 seconds

First wallsit double front rack 53lb kBs, second body weight for both rounds

July 17, 2019 7:24 pm
Reply to  Michael Olson

Wednesdays are always tough after two hard days of work. Great job getting into the gym and putting in a good session. You always feel better after you start moving ?

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
July 17, 2019 4:34 pm

Five sets of: Full + Quarter Front Squat x 2 reps Rest 2 minutes Worked up to 265 – the quarter squat was questionable. Not sure how far out of the hole I really got… WOD was supposed to be: Against a 5-minute running clock… 400 Meter Run 25 Toes-to-Bar 10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs) Max Rep Burpee Muscle-Ups Rest 4 minutes and repeat for a total of FOUR sets. Modified this a bit for time and weight: Against a 5-minute running clock… 400 Meter Run 25 Toes-to-Bar 10 Thrusters (135 lbs) Max Rep Burpee Muscle-Ups Rest 2 minutes and repeat… Read more »

July 17, 2019 6:07 pm
Reply to  Lucas Dozzi

That was a good adjustment on the weight. Nice work Lucas!

Holly Dockstader
Holly Dockstader
July 17, 2019 4:18 pm

B. FS – 145, 155,165, 175, 180 (95%) – 2RM PR for sure !

C. Wowza!!!
Fran: 4:31 (tried to pace it so I could get right on the rower)
Devil’s press: 7:01
Diane: 10:02
Thrusters/dubs: ~ 5:00 (looked at the clock then blacked out haha)
Total calories: 172

Done for the day, massage tonight ??

July 17, 2019 6:05 pm

Awesome work! Congrats on the PR and hitting a damn good 3rd day of training!

Bryan Chu
Bryan Chu
July 17, 2019 4:16 pm

AM. Aerobic Capacity Accessory Option 18:36 Max RPM 80, Min RPM 63. 100 @ 5:57, 200 @ 12:23, 300 @ 18:36 Strict Gymnastics Accessory Option 4 SHSPU + 6 Shoulder Taps + 4 SHSPU. This was hard, almost failed my 6th set. SAO. B. 53lb PM. Primary Training A. Done B. 195-225-255-275-305 (PR +5lbs! …but I failed the 2nd rep :P. Need to make different jumps next time) C. 76+30(? I know I got at least 30 but I forgot to write this one down)+35+57= 198 cals i. 3:18, for a PR (- :30) My first UB Fran 😀 ii.… Read more »

July 17, 2019 6:03 pm
Reply to  Bryan Chu

Crushing it buddy! Pumped to see so much progress and even a PR during a 40 minute workout! Keep up the awesome work!

You’ve earned that spa for sure. Enjoy!

Bryan Alvin Chu
Bryan Alvin Chu
July 17, 2019 6:22 pm
Reply to  tino

Thank you Tino! I’ve come a long way in just under a year with you guys, it’s paying off!

Alexandra Kolla
Alexandra Kolla
July 17, 2019 4:09 pm

A. 145-155-165-175-183 (83 kilos), which is a 3 lb PR for a double 🙂 B. Deviated a little bit today from the plan Hunter had scheduled for me, so waiting to get scolded shortly ;p -Fran: 2:50. All unbroken, but didn’t push it too much like I do when I am trying to PR. Also the weight was a bit heavier cause I did 30 kg, which is 66 lbs (vs the normal 63 lbs) -Strict Diane: 4:33. The only reason that took so long is that my hands were so sweaty that they kept sliding out on my HSPU… Read more »

Bryan Chu
Bryan Chu
July 17, 2019 4:20 pm

my hands were sweaty and slipping off the mat during the SHSPU too 😛

Cheryl Nasso
Cheryl Nasso
July 17, 2019 5:22 pm

Omg I had the same issue on my hspu ! I need to remember to put a towel down!

July 17, 2019 6:01 pm

Great day of work Alexandra! I won’t tell Hunter you deviated. I promise 🙂

Kisha Carr
Kisha Carr
July 17, 2019 3:47 pm

PC: 3:30, Fran (excited to test this for real, this is 10 sec over my old PR and I was taking it easy here- I’m always so afraid of this wod- I’ve only done it like 3 times ever, but I LIKE thrusters!!) 70 cals 5:12 devils press, 56 cal row 8:24 strict Diane, * really happy with my strict hspu progress I didnt see the change till now, soooo 126 calories fun fun! haha 30/90 (dubs so hard with my boxing rope, literally doing 3 at a time) 6:26 so total time 46:26 I thought i was going back… Read more »

July 17, 2019 5:59 pm
Reply to  Kisha Carr

Damn! Excited to see you go sub 3 for for “Fran” now 🙂
Looks like you’ve got some productive training in the last two days. Always remember quality over quantity!

Please try to catch up on sleep tonight and tomorrow to get ready to hit Friday and Saturdays work hard!

Kisha Carr
Kisha Carr
July 17, 2019 6:48 pm
Reply to  tino

for sure!! Thanks Tino!

Vicky Caruso
Vicky Caruso
July 17, 2019 3:44 pm

Wednesday I do team stuff. I did the front squat first today though. 215/235/255/265/270×1

We did the mile run/c2b/hspu workout from the other day. Just made it synchro gymnastics and added 3 rope climbs after every round.

Going to do today’s workout tomorrow…looking forward to it ?

July 17, 2019 4:01 pm
Reply to  Vicky Caruso

I hope hitting this tomorrow doesn’t make you to tired for Friday 🙂

Have fun!

Alexander Ferguson
Alexander Ferguson
July 17, 2019 3:10 pm

A. Done B. 225/275/295/315, was going to go the 335 but my knees were a bit iffy so stopped at 315 to keep a bit in the tank for the main piece. C. Kicked my butt I. Fran 6:30/58 cals, started well here 21s were done around 1:10 which is right on pace for me(PR is 3 flat) then the STO and gymnastics work from yesterday caught me, kept everything UB but I was lagging between movements. II. DP 6:45/ 39 Cals III. DNF, got 15 or 16 SHSPU, shoulders officially dead and buried. Back tonight to finish up the… Read more »

July 17, 2019 4:01 pm

I would prioritise some extra thoracic and upper body mobility in place of a second session. You’ll get more out of that long term. Get on it! ??

Ismael Calderon Otero
Ismael Calderon Otero
July 17, 2019 2:07 pm

Warm up done A. 60/70/80/90/100/110 B. Fran 4:25 – 68 cals DP 6:15 – 52 cal Diane 8:35 – 38 cal Thruster+rope 6:17 51 cals Total cals: 205 cal In the strict HSPU was difficult to go fast, the devil press kill me always. And I feel the legs really heavy and tired today I was really slow in the Fran I tried to push more but the legs didn’t let me go fast… C. Done Second session Strict gymnastics And Strength Accessory A. 16kg wall sit, 24kg golbet/deadlift B. 32kg Suitcase Deadlift Then did 2 emon 6 min of… Read more »

July 17, 2019 2:28 pm

Good job coming back after that gruesome first session and hitting some accessory and gymnastics work!

Grant Belrose
Grant Belrose
July 17, 2019 1:38 pm

Front squats

Fran – 2:52, 105 cals
30 DP – 5:59, 52 cals
Strict Diane – 7:41, 32 cals
Thrust. W-dubs – 6:50, 56 cals
Pure evil..

July 17, 2019 1:53 pm
Reply to  Grant Belrose

Hmmmm, I would expect these to be faster from you…

Grant Belrose
Grant Belrose
July 17, 2019 2:29 pm
Reply to  tino

Been a rough week man. I am beat up. Body was exhausted today. Most sleep I’ve gotten this week is like 5 hours..

July 17, 2019 2:38 pm
Reply to  Grant Belrose

That makes sense. Please look after yourself buddy. You don’t want to burn yourself out and get injured. I hope you can get your sleep back on track tonight and and going forward. ??

Petr Krejci
Petr Krejci
July 17, 2019 12:36 pm

A. done
B. 100-110-120-130-140kg
C.Fran 4:04 – row 110cal
devil press 5:23 – row 80 cal
Diane 9:13 – row 10 cal
Thrusters + 150 du 7:13 – row 46 cal
At the end i looked like I’ve been for a swim. Shoulders were on fire. Wish i had someone to workout with doing this.
D. done

July 17, 2019 1:52 pm
Reply to  Petr Krejci

Hahaha that was a similar scene today at the gym.

Nice work Petr!

Thomas Bowidowicz
Thomas Bowidowicz
July 17, 2019 12:17 pm

A. Done B. 215/235/235/235/235# C. 106 Cal’s on the rower. 4:37/5:45/DNF (got to 5 HSPUs in the round of 15)/8:15 Man, that was a grind. I scaled the Devil’s presses to 35# DBs, and I forgot my Zeus rope at home so I upped the DUs to 120. I really need to work on my SHPUs. I can crank out 12-15 on the first set when I’m fresh, but they always drop off so fast. Today I did a set of 5 and then 2s through the 21s and 4 and 1 for the 15s, but my shoulders were wrecked… Read more »

July 17, 2019 1:51 pm

I like to incorporate small sets of HSPU 1-2 times per day. Usually one in the morning and one in the evening. That way you’ll accumulate a tonne of volume throughout the week without doing max sets to fatigue. I also believe that a lot of male athlete struggle with strict HSPU because of poor thoracic and shoulder mobility. They’re so tight that they can’t get into a strong position. I would also prioritize some upper body mobility. mainly thoracic, lat, bicep and tricep.

Hope this helps!

Thomas Bowidowicz
Thomas Bowidowicz
July 17, 2019 9:43 pm
Reply to  tino

Thanks for the suggestions Tino! I’m definitely tight through my upper body and my overhead position needs to improve. I love the idea of small sets of HSPUs throughout the week. Thanks again for the awesome programming and help!

Koen Knarren
Koen Knarren
July 17, 2019 11:52 am

Warm up done.
B. Build to 110kg for a good technical double but challenging.
C. 6:00 – 46 cal
4:10 – 64 cal
8:50 -10 cal (lost time building dl bar from thrusters)
3:40 – 72 cal
This was a tough workout. Felt slow on the metcons and felt like i had to make up on the rower. Proud i was able to keep going. Time for rest, recovery and lots of food.

July 17, 2019 12:16 pm
Reply to  Koen Knarren

Great work dude! Two solid session on the 3rd day of hard training!

Noble Tucker
Noble Tucker
July 17, 2019 10:24 am

Playing roller hockey nationals this weekend so I’m keeping training lighter this week.
Did mondays conditioning
Single arm db bench-50#
Db hammer curls-35#
Skull crushers-35#
100 front rack lunges-done

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
July 17, 2019 11:45 am
Reply to  Noble Tucker

Thats awesome! Have fun and good luck!

July 17, 2019 12:15 pm
Reply to  Noble Tucker

Good luck!

Brendan Caslin
Brendan Caslin
July 17, 2019 7:21 am

A) Warmup done
B) 285/295/305/315/320
C) Did it as originally written on the bike erg – metcons were 3:18/4:50/6:35/5:10, cals were 118/86/238 for a total of 442. Final time was 45:10
D) Done
A) Done

July 17, 2019 7:54 am
Reply to  Brendan Caslin

Hope you enjoyed that extra 10 minutes of bike ??‍♂️

Brendan Caslin
Brendan Caslin
July 17, 2019 8:14 am
Reply to  tino

After the last 3 days I’m ready to never see a bike again

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
July 17, 2019 7:03 am

Sorry crew today’s workout was input to WordPress wrong it should finish at 40 and read as above. It’s correct now.

Jessica Welch
Jessica Welch
July 17, 2019 6:34 am

173 cals ?

Santino Marini
Santino Marini
July 17, 2019 7:02 am
Reply to  Jessica Welch

What about all your times???

Jessica A Welch
Jessica A Welch
July 17, 2019 6:48 pm
Reply to  Santino Marini

I was just happy I survived 😉 And I also did the workout early before it got updated but I was approx 6:30 for Fran, 6:45 on Devils Press, not sure on Diane exactly, finished the DB Thrusters and Double Unders at 45:00 after getting off the rower at 40:00.

Corey Kinsela
Corey Kinsela
July 17, 2019 5:04 am

Last Wednesday
Primer done
B/ EMOM 6 1 1/4 f.squat 120 up to 125kg
C/ Attempted to hold 1.45 pace. 1.45/1.45/1.45/1.46/1.47/1.48
(Rowing is by far weakest mono movement. I blow up real quick for some reason)
Wall balls at 15kg. Lat 2 sets not UB.
7 UB RMU each time.
D/ Goblets and deads done
E/ Hammy curls done

Stict gym acc – HSPU 4.20 total including rest

Aerobic Cap – 1st 15mins – 230cals, 400m run, 2nd 15 – 215cals
(No 30min test to compare)

July 17, 2019 6:08 am
Reply to  Corey Kinsela

All the conditioning today Corey! Nice work!!

Lucas Dozzi
Lucas Dozzi
July 17, 2019 4:33 am

AM Session: For max calories: 20 Minutes of Assault Bike Goal is told hold 3-5 RPM more than you did for 30 Minutes of Assault Bike. 258.5 calories (60 RPM average) 30 Min pace is 56 RPM 20 Min PR was 235 so this is a 23.5 calorie improvement. The long bike pieces this cycle are really helping. Three sets of: 40 Goblet Squats (24/16 kg) Rest 60 seconds 40 Kettlebell Deadlifts (24/16 kg) Rest 60 seconds Scaled this to 16 kg and did it more as a cash out. Squats were taking about 1:00 each time and the Deadlifts… Read more »

July 17, 2019 6:08 am
Reply to  Lucas Dozzi

Awesome start to the day Lucas!! Great job on the Assault Bike!

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